Calum Sick :-(

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It's been a long week for the boys. They have had interviews, recording sessions, concerts, photo shoots, and much-much more. All the boys were tired and feeling a bit under the weather from exhaustion but something was up with Calum.

The boys all woke up at normal time when they have days off. Its usually Michael, Ashton, Calum, Luke but Calum didn't get up. The boys are eating breakfast and wonder where Calum is.

A: Where is Calum?

L: I don't know. Probably still in his bunk. we were up late last night. Let him sleep it off.

So the boys let Calum sleep. Not long after the boys finish dinner, Calum gets up and heads over to the kitchen to grab breakfast. It was not 11:30 so more like lunch. Michael was making a sandwich. Luke and Ashton were in the back of the bus watching tv.

M: Hey buddy! Where have you been?

C: Sleeping. I think I am dying. Haha! 

Calum says in a scratchy voice. Calum has a headache.

M: Hey do you think your getting sick?

C: I think so. I have a headache.

M: Oh man! That's okay just sleep it off.

C: I will. As soon as I eat.

M: Well it's good you still have your appetite.

Michael thought it was a little suspicious that Calum was sick but still hungry. He went to the back of the bus where Luke and Ashton were and told them.

L: Maybe he has a cold. I know I am still hungry when I have colds.

M: Yea but he's like extra hungry. he's on his second bowl of cereal already.

A: That does seem pretty odd. Let's ask him.

The boys all go into the kitchen where Calum mis eating a slice of vegemite toast.

C: Hey guys.

A: Hey Cal. Whatcha up to?

Ashton asks in a concerned sarcastic tone.

C: Eatin' breakfast.

L: How much have you had Cal?

C: Two bowls of cereal, and then this piece of toast.

M: That's a lot of food for someone coming down with something.

C: I know but I just woke up starving. Probably because I missed breakfast.

L: That's true. Okay well don't eat too much!

C: I won't! Haha!

They boys leave and go back to the back of the bus.

A: That was pretty weird of him. I mean I know he's a hungry boy but it seemed weird.

M: That's what I said!

L: Oh be quiet Mikey!

A: We have to get ready for practice before the concert.

The boys get ready and Calum starts to feel dizzy and nauseous but doesn't tell anyone.

The boys are practicing before the concert later that night and Calum has been messing up his cords all practice. Michael looks over at Calum who looks sweaty and shaky. They boys are all getting frustrated. Michael decides they all need a break. Luke and Ashton go and get some water. Michael goes over to Calum.

M: Hey Cal are you okay?

C: I don't think so. Where are we?

M: Calum what do you mean? We are at the venue practicing.

C: When did we get here?

M: We got here this morning remember?

C: No! Why can't I remember?!

M: Okay just sit down we will figure this out.

Calum sits down with tears in his eyes. He holds his head and shakes and sweats. Michael goes to get the other boys.

A: Michael what happened?

M: Calum is confused. He can't remember anything. He's sweating and shaking and I don't know what to do!

L: Okay let's go talk to him.

The boys hurry over to Calum who isn't there anymore.

A: Shit where did he go?

L: Damn it! Go find him! Text if you find him!

The boys split up and go searching. Ashton goes to the bus. Luke stays in the same spot if he comes back. Michael goes to the venue's restrooms. He hears faint crying.

M: Calum? Is that you?

C: I don't feel good.

M: Aww Calum how can I help?

C: Rub my back please.

Mikey rubs his sweaty back and feels Calum shaking. Calum turns to the toilet and gets sick. Michael can see he has thrown up before he got here.

M: Aw Cal!

Michael texts the other boys: *Found him. Venue restroom* The other boys soon flow into the bathroom to find sad sick Calum on the floor crying and getting sick with Michael rubbing his back.

L: Oh my God what happened?

M: Cals been sick a few times.

A: Aw how can we help?

C: No I think i'm good now.

Calum goes to stand up. Michael grabs him and helps him up

M: You sure?

C: Yea no I feel better now.

A: Really we could cancel the concert tomorrow and you can get your rest!

C: No don't do that! I'm fine!

Calum walks away and goes back to his guitar. They practice and all goes well. That is until later that night. The boys are sleeping. All of the sudden Luke wakes up to loud rustling.He looks over and sees Calum moving around a lot. He gets up to go check on Calum. Calum is sweating profusely and shaking.


A: What is it Luke?

L: He's shaking! What do I do?

M: Wake him up!

Luke wakes Calum up and he's breathing really heavy. He jumps out of bed and doesn't know what to do. He is freaking out almost.

M: What is it whats wrong?

C: I-I-I don't know! I feel numb and I don't feel go...go...gooo......

Calum slurs his speech and passes out. The other boys freak out. Michael and Luke start trying to wake him up. Ashton runs to a phone and dials 911.

Operator: This is 911 what is your emergency?

A: My friend passed out please send help!

O: Someone is on their way.

Ashton stays on the phone with the operator while Michael and Luke keep trying to wake Calum up. Luke puts his head on his chest to check if he is breathing. Luke feels his heart pounding really fast,

L: OMG his heart is racing!

M: What is going on? OMG i'm so worried!

A: Hey someone is almost here! Don't worry they will help!

The boys worry for their friend....

PART 2 COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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