Everything went dark... part 2

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*I hope you guys enjoy this much requested part! I am going to try and fix all of the problems from the first part! Please comment any other illnesses you want me to cover! LOVE YOU ALL! *

It has been 3 months since Luke has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. So far, no problems yet. Ashton is finally getting used to Luke's diabetes. It has been hardest for him. The boys just started their Sounds Live Feels Live Tour in Europe.

One day the boys had free time to go exploring the beautiful Vienna, Italy. They were shopping, meeting fans, and of course drinking (what else is new lol). So they were drinking and things were getting a little too amped up.

C: Hey guys lets hit the club.


M: I need to dance!

L: Yea... *Luke says nervously*

C: Luke you good?

L: Yea no i'm good it's just that I can't drink that much anymore.

M: Oh yea there is a lot of sugar in alcohol.

A: Don't worry we won't let you drink!

L: Are you sure?

A: Totally! We got your back!

L: Thanks guys!

The boys head to the club and they start taking shots and pounding drinks. Luke takes 2 shots and drink a beer slowly. He starts to feel a  little queazy so he goes to the bathroom and locks himself in the stall and checks his insulin levels. All is good.

Luke sighs a sigh of relief. Calum saw Luke go into the bathroom. He follows.

C: Luke, mate, you good? Don't tell me you are puking already haha. *Calum says teasing Luke*

L: No way mate. I need another drink.

C: There ya go mate! *Calum gives Luke a slap on the back and they go back to the bar*

Luke downs some more shots. The other boys are completely wasted at this point. Luke is drunk to the point of slurring his speech and wobbling around. he is dancing the night away and taking more shots. He is dancing with this girl who doesn't know who he is and he enjoyed that. They are dancing and kissing (sorry luke girls) and taking more drinks.

He eventually doesn't feel good and decides to take a seat at the bar. He puts his head down. She comes and sits next to him and rubs his back. He doesn't say anything. She sakes him. He doesn't move..

Girl: Hey man wake up???? *Shaking him*

Girl: *Goes over to Ashton* He dude your friend isn't waking up!


Girl: What's wrong with him?

A: He's diabetic! How much has he had to drink?

G: He was pretty drunk when I met im but he had about 4 or 5 shots with me.


M: *Stumbling over* What mate?

A: Call an ambulance! Luke isn't waking up.

A: Calum where is Luke's insulin pen?

C: I think in his coat! I'll get it! *He runs to get his coat*

C: here ya go mate!

A: Thank you! *Ashton gets the pen ready and takes a deep breath* Oh God I hope i do this right!

Ashton stabs Luke's leg with the pen. Luke wakes up but is really woozy! The ambulance shows up and the doctor takes luke by the arm but Luke collapses and the doctor takes Luke on the stretcher. Ashton goes in the car with Luke and Calum and Michael get a taxi. The doctor asks what happened.

D: What happened?

A: We went out drinking and we all got a little carried away.

D: His sugar is still really high. Driver go faster.

A: Why what's wrong?

D: His breathing lowered.

A: What does that mean.

D: The driver just looks at Ashton.

Ashton sits silently and leans back. He starts to tear up.

The arrive at the hospital. Luke is pulled into the emergency room and Ashton is forced to stay back. Calum and Michael finally arrive.

C: Hey man how is he?

A: Not good.

M: Why what's wrong.

A: We might have been too late.

M: Oh my God...

The boys all stand there in silence and hug each other.  They all start crying and an employee moves them to a private room so fans can't see them.

Calum gets a message on his phone from MTV. 

C: Guys check this out!

The boys look at Calum's phone.

"Breaking news! The 5SOS singer, Luke Hemmings, was just brought to the hospital for the second time  this year! What is going on with Luke?"

M: They are starting to wonder.

C: What will we do.

A: I don't care about them i care about Luke!

The doctor comes out with an expressionless face.

A: Doc how is he?

D: I'm sorry Luke is in what we call a diabetic coma...

C: What does that mean?

D: His body put himself into a coma to deal with the amount of sugar in his body. Don't worry we are giving him insulin and we think he should be awake in the next 3 days at least.

M: Can we see him?

D: Yes! Some say people can hear you when they are in comas.

The boys go in and talk to Luke as if he is still awake. All of them come to tears. Ashton steps out of the rooms and calls their manager.

A: Hey terri, we are going to have to cancel the show...

Terri: Why what happened?

A: Luke is in a coma.....

*Hey guys i hoped you liked it! I can do a part 3 maybe or I should just leave you all here! Let me know if you want a part 3 and let me know what you want to see! I need ideas! I was thinking about the alcoholic idea! IDK*

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