Everything went dark... Luke SickFic

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The boys have been touring for a few months now and they were not getting much sleep between shows, traveling, and interviews. The stress of tour was really starting to hit them. Luke especially was feeling it. He has had a cold for two weeks now and was starting to feel better, so he thought...

There was a show tonight in Ohio at 8 and an interview at 12. The boys started waking up around 9 ish and didn't go to sleep till 2 AM and were exhausted. Everyone knew Luke had a cold.

A: Hey luke, how's the cold today? Any better?

L: Yea I actually think it is better!

A: That's great! It's gonna be a great show

L: Hell Yea it is!

Luke has been drinking lots of water and using the rest room a lot more than usual but nobody thought anything of it. He also lost some weight but the boys all thought it was due to his cold but Luke was eating more than usual... but again nobody really noticed.

The other boys wake up and they all get ready. It is now 11 and the boys head out to the interview. Arriving at the interview, Luke was still feeling pretty good but not 100%.

After the interview Luke felt himself getting a little hot.

L: Is it hot in here or it just me?

A: Its is a little warm.

M: Im sweating balls!

C: Thank you for the detail Michael.

M: Oh no problem. glad to help!

The boys head back to the bus a chill till their rehearsal for the show tonight @5:30

Luke was taking a shower when he felt this overwhelming sense of nausea. It was so strong he had to sit in the shower for a while. After a while Ashton knocked on the door to see she he was up to because he still had to shower.

A: Hey Luke whatcha doing in there. We need to go soon and I haven't showered yet mate! Hurry up!

L: Oh sorry Ash! I'm getting out now!

After his shower Luke feels better and not nauseous anymore. They go to rehearsals and everything is fine. After rehearsals they grab some dinner before the show. Luke nada burger from McDonalds and it wasn't sitting well.

It was now 6:30 and the boys head to the stadium and get ready. They boys were doing a sound check when Luke all of the sudden got really pale. The fans noticed and asked if he was alright. He relied:

L: Of course ladies don't worry!

The other boys got worried because he was so pale and was sweating.

M: Luke are you okay bc you look like literal death.

L: I'm okay. Don't worry.

C: Yea maybe we should take a break.

L: No i'm fine.

They finish sound check and Luke was so glad to just get off that stage. He ran and grabbed a water and finished it in literally 2 seconds. The boys watched and worried for him.

A: Hey man you don't look good do you want to cancel?

L: No we are already here and I feel better. I don;t know what that was but it is gone now I promise. (He lied)

A: Okay as long and you will be okay to finish today.

L: I will!

Luke goes to the bathroom and stands over the toilet. He tells himself to stop and that he won't be sick. He has a show to do and fans to perform for. Suck it up man lets go.

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