Alcohol is a drug

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Ashton has been drinking for longer than the other boys because he is older. The boys always went out after concerts and got drunk.

Recently Ashton has been feeling down because of some drama in his life. He felt like alcohol always fixed his problems.

So he drank...

He drank a lot and was completely wasted. He threw up 5 times that night and eventually passed out at the bar. The other boys had to carry him back.

L: Lads do you think Ash is okay?

C: Yea he seemed pretty distant today.

M: Well let's just get him home safely first.

The next morning Ashton awoke in his bed. His head pounding. H had some sick on the bed because he couldn't get up to be sick so he did it in bed. He smelt rank so he decided to shower and clean himself up. He tries to go throughout the day but his headache won't go away.

Ashton and Luke were in the kitchen when sharp pain went through Ashton's head and he grabbed his head. Luke noticed something was wrong.

A: Goddamnnit this headache is killing me!

L: Want some aspirin?

A: No i'm alright.

L: You sure?

A: Yea lol i've been through worse hangovers in my days.

L: True

But this wasn't true. This one was really bad.

Ashton already took 3 aspirin without telling the other boys about 2 hours ago and nothing helped. He tried taking a nap, eating food, drinking water. Nothing.

Ashton saw a can of beer in the fridge and made the stupid thought of "Maybe this could help."

So he drank the beer...

He felt better. So he drank some more. Michael came home from a writing session and noticed all the beer cans.

M: Ash did you drink all these?

A: Yea

M: Why it's like 3 in the afternoon.

A: It made my headache go away.

M: I don't think you should drink when you have a hangover.

A; I can do what ever I want.

Ashton snapped at Michael and Michael kinda flinched backwards. Michael went upstairs and found the other boys playing video games.

M: Hey have you guys noticed Ashton's behavior recently?

C: No what are you talking about?

L: I did! He had a pounding headache. He was in a bad mood.

C: He is probably just hungover.

M: Well then why is he drinking a whole 6 pack by himself?

L: WHAT?!?!

M: Yea he's already had like 5.

C: Guys is Ash an alcoholic? Like do we need to give him an intervention?

L: If he does't stop then something will be done.

The boys just leave him alone for now and Ashton goes to sleep. The boys wake up for their early workouts before the show. Ashton was really hungover today and when he was working out he threw up. The other boys told him to sit it out while they kept a close eye on him.

Later on the boys were warming up and Ashton was messing up the beats and getting his notes all wrong.

M: Dude what the hell?

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