Chapter six

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Willow's POV

Me and Ronnie started walking around with the dog. I wanted to give Phoenix some time to see that Max is a nice guy, and I wanted to be alone with Ronnie again. I really like him.

I remember last night when we got back to his camper I was pretty much sober by then, so we stayed up and talked for hours. I told him all about my life, and how me and Phoenix where all eachother had growing up. We lived in the same house because our parents are togther, our house was in what you could call the ghettos. We used to sneak off to the park in the middle of the night, we would always run off at night because, thats when her mom and my dad would get drunk and fight. I lost my mother to a drug overdose when I was five. I don't really remeber her but everyone used to say I looked just like her. Phoenix's dad left her and, her mom before she was born. Her mom and my dad used to be friends in school, they reconnected and got together when me and Phoenix where around seven. Ronnie talked all about his life too. His mom left him when he was little so his dad had to raise him and his brother Anthony. He said he met Max at a talent show. Ronnie's band was playing and his mic fell off and max put it back for him. They became friends and, found out they have the same birthday and they have been togther sense.

I looked over at him god he's gorgeous, I noticed he was singing, it was cute. I laughed at him.

He looked at me. What are you laughing about!? he said with a sideways simile.

Oh nothing, I laughed again.

He stopped and grabbed me by my waist pulling me close to him. He looked me in my eyes. He had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

He leaned in a little, I love your laugh and your cute little whisle he said seductively.

I blushed. People normally think it's weird, but I couldn't help it just happens when I laugh, and sometimes when I'm just breatheing.

Well I hate it I finally said.

He started leaning in the rest of the way but before our lips met he whispered well you shouldn't as he pulled away letting me go with a smile.

Your such a tease Ronnie! I yelled at him.

Yea but you loove it he said in a childs voice.

I do love it I thought to myself.

I love the way that you tease I said grinning.

I love the way that you breathe, he responded quickly with a huge smirk.

I punched him lightly in his arm. I knew he was talking about my noes whisle.

Do you think max and Phoenix are getting along? I asked him changeing the subject.

I'm sure they are, Max is a nice guy and if Phoenix lightens up she will see that.

I nodded she can be a bit of a bitch sometimes but shes a great friend I told him.

Yea he responded he looked like he had something on his mind.

What's wrong? I asked.

I've been thinking he said looking off to the distance. I know this is weird but I feel like I have know you my whole life, and that we just have some kind of connection.

I looked him in the eyes it's not weird at all I assured him with a smile.

I had thought the same thing I feel like he's always been in my life, and when I'm with him I'm so happy I feel safe with him.

He smiled back at me he stared leaning in again this time his lips met mine. I kissed him back it was amazing I wanted to stay in this moment forever, but we where intruped by the dog pulling Ronnie. I giggled because he almost fell backwards.

We should go back he said tuning around pulling the dog with him.

We took a shortcut so we got back to Max's camper quickly.

Should I knock? I said when we got to the door.

Nah. Ronnie said pushing the door open and letting the dog go.

We walked in, Phoenix was sitting on Max sleeping. Max's eyes where closed too. Ronnie shut the door they both opend thier eyes. Phoenix saw us and tryed to quickly get off of Max, but she lost her balance and fell on the ground landing on her butt. I laughed at her because that's what bestfriends do.

So I guess you two are friends now? Ronnie said with a smirk. Max smiled at him. Phoenix got up off the floor and plopped back on the couch next to Max and started rubbing her face with her hands.

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