Chapter seventeen

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Willow's POV

Me and Phoenix were sitting on the swings at the park talking about her baby, we where discussing names. We came up with a few but nothing we really liked yet. A few days ago she found out about a test she can take to find out who the dad is and whats the babys gender. She dosent know if the dad is Kyle or Max, but with this test all she had to do was send in a peice of Max's or Johnnie's hair and find out whos the dad, she sent a peice of Max's hair in.

What do you think of the name Kaitlyn if its a girl? Phoenix said. I like it I told her. We can call her Kat! she I added, and we both smiled at eachother and started to laugh. So where are you and Ronald going tonight? she asked me. I don't know he won't tell me I said pouting a little. Awe, well I'm sure it will be fun, she said raising her eyebrows. I lightly punched her in the arm shut up! I said giggling, she laughed too. Then we both went silent. I don't know how much longer I can keep this a secret she said softly. well as soon as you get the results back you wont have to I said reassuring her. We should probably get back, Ronnie wants to be gone by like eight, I added. It is pretty dark she said.

We got up and I walked her to to her camper before going to mine. I got there and Ronnie wasn't here yet, he told me he was going to the camp store so thats probably where he still is. I stared to get ready I put on my tight blue shorts with a black shirt that I cut the sides off of, and I put on some more eye liner and red under my eyes. I did all that and Ronnie still wasn't back and I was bored.

I started wondering around in the camper. I saw a note book tucked away on a shelf above the table in the living room. I pulled it out and started to skim through it. It was song lyrics that Ronnie wrote, I read some of them they where atually really good and I know Ronnie can sing and play guitar. I came across some that seemed all to familiar, they where songs about us!? There was some about me, some about Max, and even some about Phoenix! These are so cute! I squealed out loud. Wow this is what he does when I'm not around! I wonder why he hasn't told me about this? I put it back and started to walk into the bedroom, but before I could walk away from the table Ronnie walked in.

Oh hey, your home he said sounding suprised. Yea, I thought we where going out I said. Well we are but you and Phoenix normally stay out for a while he said. Oh well I wanted to go out I said sweetly, and we are lets go he said motioning for me to follow him out the door, so I did. Where are we going to go? I asked getting in the car. You'll see he said smileing.

We drove out of the campground to the beach, he parked near a cliff. Why are we here? I asked him. So we can have a special night alone he said seeming proud of himself. We got out and walked up the hill. Argh,why are we walking up a freaking hill? I groned. We got to the top and he already had a little picnic set up, it was so cute! Awe Ronnie, this is amazing! I said in awe. I thought you would like it he replied softly. I smiled and sat down next to him.

We talked and ate the food Ronnie brought, once we had both finished a silence fell. Ronnie then got up and started to pick the plates up and the blanket I frowned a little. I was hoping the date would be a little bit longer. I followed him down the hill in silence, I was kinda mad I was hoping for more.

When we got to the car Ronnie turned the radio on and turned it up, he threw the plates and stuff into the back seat but he placed the blanket over the hood of the car and layed down on it. He motioned for me to join him. I felt a huge smile cross my face, I hopped next to him and he rapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him, he smelled really nice.

We looked up at the stars, I poined out a few constellations that I knew of. The only reason I know some of them is because Phoenix. She loves Greek mythology and the stars have something to do with that,I think, I don't remember. I just remember Phoenix pointing them out and telling me about them when we where younger, but she trys to hide her nerd side now that shes older. I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up and I saw that Ronnie was carrying me into the camper. Wow I must have been really tired I thought to myself. Ronnie looked down at me, hey you're awake he chuckled. Yea I said I don't know why I slept that much I added. He sat me down in the living room, we should get ready for bed he said.

We both went and put our pjs on and layed in the bed. We where rolled over faceing eachother when Ronnie leaned in and gave me a kiss, I love you so much Willow he said full of lust.

I felt myself get weak. This man can make me so weak sometimes, the simplest things he does just makes me melt. I love him so much. I love you too Ronnie, I don't know how I would live if I had never met you I said almost in tears over the thought of never meeting him. He smiled at me. Good night I told him giving him a long goodnight kiss before I rolled over. He threw his arm over me and moved his body right behind me, I melted into his arms before drifting off into sleep.

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