Chapter twenty-one

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Ronnie's POV

Wow this is so unexpected Nick and Jared randomly showed up at my camper, well Jared's camper. Man this means we will have to leave soon now that they are back, I'm not redy to go back home yet. We will see what will happen...

We all have been talking and catching up, me and Max introduced Phoenix and Willow to them. Okay so you guys will stay here and we will all stay at Nick's camper Max said to Nick and Jared. I'm not all for this because I don't want them to poke around and find something they shouldn't, I agreed to it anyway. Me and Willow got some things and walked with Max and Phoenix to go to their camper.

When we got there we all just kinda sat down in silence. I can't believe this is going to be our last night here, Phoenix said. I know Willow said, what are we going to do she added. Lets just get some sleep and figure it out in the morning I spoke up. Me and Max took the bed Willow took the couch, and Phoenix made a bed on the floor. Me and Max insisted that the girls take the bed but Willow said that Phoenix likes to lay on the floor. She also said that she needed to anyways because her back was hurting her. Max and I were laying in the back, I could hear the girls accasionly giggling about something before I fell asleep.

I woke up to the dogs barking and someone banging on the door. I sat up and so did Max. The banging got louder and we both jumped out of bed, Phoenix answerd the door Nick and Jared came busting in. How could you do this? we trusted you to stay in our homes and you betrayed us!? Jared yelled in my face. What are you talking about? I asked pushing him back. The fucking drugs! Nick yelled stepping closer. Phoenix and Willow quickly looked over at us, I didn't know what to say or how to react. Max looked at Phoenix and then to Jared. We haven't done any! he said. Jared laughed and looked him in the eye, we found your little stash he said. We want you to leave immediately and take your skanks with you he said gesturing to Willow and Phoenix. Hey bud, why don't you leave them out of this I said getting in his face. Ronnie stop Willow demanded getting in between us. Just then someone else knocked on the door and Kyle and Tony opend the door and stopped in the doorway. Why the hell are you guys here!? I snapped. Ronnie calm the fuck down Phoenix said sternly. They just came to hang out she said clamer. I took a deep breath okay you all need to get your shit and leave Nick said. Yeah you guys need to be out of here today or we are calling security Jared added before they both passed Kyle and Tony.

I know they hate drugs they are cousins and have lost lots of family to them, including their parents so they know what they can do to people and they have always been goodie pricks anyway.

Willow moved back to Phoenix, where are we going to go? she said quietly. I don't know Phoenix said. She looked like she was going to start crying. Damn that bitch is so emotional. We will figure something out I reassured them, Its going to be okay. I just can't believe you guys are still doing drugs Phoenix said getting pissed. She was glareing at Max, I know she could care less about what I do.

Babe I'm sorry I love you Max said going to her, but she pushed him away. Well sence we are telling the truth now, Phoenix said my baby's dad is Kyle she finshed looking down. We all looked at her in shock, even Kyle looked extremely surprised. Max clenced his fist, how could you do this to me you said it was mine! I didn't exactly say whos it was she said. Kyle stepped in, you can come stay with me, mom will be so happy to see you! he said to Phoenix. That only made Max more mad. You're fucking poison! I fell so hard for your little innocent act and then you just turn around and stab me in the heart!

Tears were rolling down her eyes, relax Kyle said pushing him away. Tony stepped twords them now, Willow you can come back with us too everyone will be happy to see you both. Willow looked at me.

Tony I still love you, we have so many memories together and always had so much fun. I felt my heart shatter, but I still love Ronnie too and I know we can make things work. Phoenix looked up oh please Willow you and Ronnie are just going to keep fighting! I couldn't help it I needed to put this bitch in her place! listen Phoenix, you just broke my bestfriends heart, and your a over dramatic annoying weird ass rude bitch so shut the hell up. She looked at me and gave me her typical bitch face, but it doesn't affect me I know her better than she thinks because Willow tells me everything. Max stormed out I know I should follow. listen you guys need to figure out what the hell you are going to do I said following after Max.

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