Chapter twelve

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Phoenix's POV

I woke up laying next to the toilet in the bathroom, I can't remember why I'm in here. I got up to look for Max, I walked into the bedroom and he wasn't there, so I went to the front of the camper but he wasn't there eaither. I couldn't find him he wasn't in the camper, and the dog was here so he wasn't takeing him for a walk. I walked back into the bedroom to get my phone. I haven't really used it in a while so it was still charged. I shuffled through my bag for it once I found it I flipped it open and called Max, he didn't answer me. I brushed it off. he'll be back in a little bit I thought to myself. Damn my head hurts, what the hell did I do last night!? I sighed out loud. I texted Willow and put my phone down on the counter. I walked into the bathroom to change my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was run down my face, was I crying? oh god. I noticed a bruise on my cheek that i don't remember. I changed my clothes and washed my face. I decided to straighten my hair because I have nothing better to do. When I finished I walked to go check my phone. It's been around a half hour and Max hasn't called me back but more importantly, Willow hasn't replied! She ALWAYS replys to me quickly. I dialed her number and called her, she didn't answer either. This made me worried. So I called Ronnie hopeing he would answer, so I know if every things okay, but he didn't. Now I'm really scared. I tryed to clam myself down.

I got up and walked out of the door to go to Ronnie's camper. I started walking when I saw those dicks from the party. Crap I thought to myself. I saw a bathhouse so I made a dash for it. I ran in and shut the door behind me, no one was in here so I locked it. I leaned on the door and let out a huge sigh. I don't think they saw me, just then I heard a knock on the door. A wave of total fear came over me. They found me and Max isn't here to protect me I thought in my head. I got up an looked out a peep hole they have in the door for some reason, I had to stand on my tip toes to see out of it. I felt relief come over me, it was just a old woman who had too pee I guess. I unlocked the door and mumbeld sorry to the woman, as I walked past her on my way out. She nodded and walked in.

I continued my quest for Ronnie's camper I got there and his car was gone. I knocked on the door just incase someone was there, but no one was home except for the dog who barked at me through the door.

I'm all alone and I have no clue where any one is, I practically ran back to my camper and slamed the door shut behind me. I called everyone again and still no one answered me. I feel like crying, I feel so alone.

I layed down on the couch and I felt tears fill my eyes.

Did I do something wrong? What did I do last night? I can't remember. I'm sure I'm over reacting, it's probably nothing.

I felt the dog jump on the couch, he licked my face and I let out a giggle, dogs can always tell when somethings wrong. After that he jumped down and ran to the door, so I let him outside on his lead, and walked back in the camper.

I still feel like shit. I walked into the bedroom and picked up one of my baggies. I then walked into the kitchen and got some water to take my pills with, it's gona be a long day I mumbled to myself.

I decided I needed to call Willow one last time. I picked up my phone and pushed her contact. It rang a few times then she answered. What do you want Phoenix? she grumbled at me. Hey I said sadly, she sounds mad at me. Are you okay? did I do something? I asked her. She laughed, hell yea you did something! My boyfriend! now leave me alone bitch, she yelled hanging up on me. What!? I whispered to myself. Me and Ronnie? What? no. He wouldn't, I wouldn't, oh god Max! That's why he left and won't answer me. No I couldn't have, not with Ronnie, I love Max too much! great I'm even more confused and upset now. I ran to the bed and jumped on it, I buried my face into my pillow. I feel like shit.

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