Chapter 1 - Rage

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This was it; my short time on Alternia was over. Gamzee was rampaging throughout the lab and Eridan had stormed off somewhere else. They were probably out to find and kill the others. I was stuck in the main computer room with Karkat, mouth agape. We'd both just witnessed the terrifying carnage of Feferi and Kanaya. Sollux was out cold, blood still dripping from his open mouth. Eridan had caused this.

   He'd been so upset as to begin another duel with Sol, and knocked his lights out. Feferi attempted to avenge him but had taken a fearsome blast to the chest. Kanaya was on the far side of the room with the matriorb to restore the trolls' race, but the small object had been blasted to pieces and Kanaya was shot through the waist.

     After the seadweller had teleported away from us, we promptly rushed to Feferi and Kanaya in hopes of reviving them. Karkles stood over Kanaya, candy red tears seeping out of his eyes. I turned to Fef's corpse, ready to gag at the fuscia blood leaking from her mouth. Cursing, I lifted her head and puckered my lips, the stench of blood forcing its way to my lungs; I'd tried not to throw up. My lips pressed against hers as I kissed her, praying to jegus that she'd wake up. Sadly, her dream self has been slain. Apparently Kanaya's had also been killed because she wouldn't wake up either. Kar looked at me, still crying.
    I shook my head. "It's over, Karkat. There's nothing we can do."
      We rushed over to Sollux; luckily, he was only unconscious. At least we had hope. Then a bit of anger swelled in my heart. These trolls had done no physical damage to anyone, and now Eridan has slaughtered them and is ALSO responsible for wiping out the race by destroying the matriorb! Well, that's the Prince of Hope for you - to destroy all hope... I stormed off to the transportalizer and was about to teleport when Kar grabbed my arm. "WAIT, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?"
    "To find Eridan," I replied gravely, clenching my teeth in anger.
     "Sorry, Karkles, but this needs to be done. And I'll have you know that humans are fighters, unlike someone who is ashamed of their blood color," I snapped.
     He pulled away at a loss of words as I teleported out of the lab.
Eridan's POV:

      Stupid Sol.... Fef wwas MY moirail! My feet tapped against the cool metal a the lab, my wwand flickerin' wwith a wwhite light. I knoww Fef didn't wwanna auspiticize betwween me an Sol but I had to do somethin'! Sighin', I continued to wwalk, sittin' dowwn on an empty chest. I'd recapped on wwhat just happened, rememberin' wwhat Kar told me about making' neww friends. Wwell, noww I'vve done it. Leah probably hates me, an she's the only one wwho wwasn't annoyed by my complaints (basically because she wwas nevver around wwhen I did). My heart burned at the thought a her. I nevver kneww a human could be this beautiful. I think I'm... flushed for her...

    I suddenly heard the transportalizer an my heart sank. Either it wwas Gam or Lee, but I couldn't tell; it wwas in another nearby corridor. I heard the mean tap a boots comin' in my direction. I quietly backed awway into a dark corner, prayin' she wwouldn't see me. She turned to the same corridor I wwas in an caught the glimpse a my cape out in the light. Fuck! She immediately ran towwards me an I screamed in terror. I'd pissed her off an this cold corner wwill be my deathbed. I wwas instantly pinned to the wwall, an angry flash a red light in her eyes. This wwas it for me - the death of the infamous Eridan Ampora.


   I punched the seadweller in the nose, eager to see his violet blood spill. He whimpered in fear. "Please! Forgivve me, landdwweller! Hear me out at least!"
   I dropped him on the floor. "This better be good."
    "I didn't mean to upset you. I just wwanted someone on this coddamn planet to like me; even you hate me for this. I didn't wwant to do it, but the other half a me wwas blood lust."
    My eyes softened. The Aquarius troll was just a lonely fuck... like me.
   Tears leaked from his eyes and dripped onto the metal floor. "I'm sorry I caused such great pain for you. I just hate that Sol took the only friend I had. Noww I regret blastin' her in the chest wwith my wwand..."
    Tears burned at my eyes as he spoke. All he wanted was to have Feferi as his moirail once again, the way it used to be.

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