Chapter 6 - Pointless

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A/N: #tw #emo #self-harm #hurt

Tomorrow was my birthday, if it were to even count. I was going to be 17 years old, or 8 1/2 sweeps in troll age. Eridan decided to do something special for me, and I was rather eager to receive it. Anything from my matesprit was bound to be awesome!

We strolled through several dream bubbles, occasionally meeting our old friends. I was very happy to see them, but... not in this state. Nepeta and Equius were unsurprisingly dead because of Gamzee, Vriska was killed by Terezi, Tav was killed by Vriska, and Feferi was killed by my beloved matesprit. A shot of pain pulsed through my heart at the memory. However I shrugged it off and proceeded to other dream bubbles. I wonder what the others did just after Eridan and I were killed....

Months ago....

Karkat's POV:

I stared at what the fuck just happened. Kanaya had just driven her god damn chainsaw through both Eridan and Leah... I didn't give a fuck about the homicidal douche, but I kinda cared about Leah. Although, she's just a shitstain excuse for a person, she meant more to me. I held up the upper half of her defected body, drops of my red tears falling onto her face. Everyone looked on, their faces filled with sorrow.
"What happened two LH?"
"Oh Dear, It's All My Fault!"
"R3ST 1N P34C3, L34H... >:'["
I shut them all out, bringing Leah's face to mine. My lips collided with hers in an attempt to revive her.
Nothing happened. It was too late.
Carefully setting her down, I turned to the rest of our team, not even caring that they saw (or smelled) my blood-colored tears.

The Present

Leah's POV:

I sat down with Eridan on the couch. He looked a bit... upset. Every night, he'd go to the bathroom and stay there for hours at a time. When I asked him to take his shirt off, he refused. Something was definitely up with him.
He turned to me. "Yes?"
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
He paused for a moment, as if debating something. "No?"
Before he could stop me, I quickly yanked his sleeves up. Violet scars littered both of his arms, and a long, fresh cut was made along his right arm. My eyes filled with tears. "Eridan... why?"
He began to cry. "Because a my past... No matter wwhat I do, I just can't let go a it. All my miserable life I'vve been nothin' but an outcast. Noww wwhenevver I think about it, I realize howw terrible I am..."
"You're not a bad person, just troubled." I put a hand on his shoulder.
He slapped it away. "You really don't knoww wwhat I'vve been through! Evverythin' in life is pointless, you idle landdwwellin' scum! Don't you get it!?"
I felt my heart rip in two. Eridan was never like this after we died together.
His face softened as he realized what he'd done. "Lee, I'm s-"
"Oh forget it! I should be the one who's sorry... Sorry I even bothered to spare your ass! At least you were honest..." Tears stung at my eyes as I ran outside into the cold. My matesprit... hated me.

I ran for a few more minutes until I was sure I was far enough away from him. This wasn't him; whatever it was, it hated me. Eridan went back to his old self, and I was unable to comfort him. This was what I had to deal with. All the other trolls hated me for some reason. I tried to help them but ended up getting my hand pushed away. Maybe I was nothing - the outcast human on that damn meteor... If I could die, I would've already killed myself. Unfortunately, I'm cursed with immortality....

Eridan's POV:

I marched out into the cold outdoors, searchin' for the wwhereabouts a my matesprit. I fucked up... again. It's my fault she wwas like this.

Then I noticed her, tossin' gumdrop candy into a pit a lavva. I ran to her. "Lee!"
She turned around, her eyes bloodshot from cryin' so much. "What do you want?" she snapped.
"I owwe you an apology. I didn't mean wwhat I said, an you knoww that. You wwere right - I shouldn't cling to my past. I should look on to my future. An wwhat I wwant for my future is a beautiful matesprit... an maybe a little wwiggler." I blushed, twwiddlin' my index fingers.
She blushed a deep red, then tackled me into a hug. "You mean that, Eri?"
"Evvery wword a it, swweetheart." I kissed her deeply, pullin' her close. She hesitated but kissed back, nippin' my bottom lip. I moaned softly, earnin' a smirk from her.

Leah's POV:

I tugged at his scarf, getting drunk from our sloppy makeout. He tasted like mint ice cream; my moans grew more animalistic as he grinded his slim hips against my thick waist. I pulled away for air and looked down at him. "Let's take this inside."

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