Chapter 4: Hide and Seek

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Mystogan's Pov:

"Okay, come out, come out where ever you are. I will find you Erza and after I find you, your going to be in so much trouble and I'm going to punish you so hard!"

I started looking around my office. I never realized how big it was till you had to find something in it or someone. I tried to listen to her giggles that echoed in the room. I looked behind the certains, under the table, behind the book shelves.

'Where is she? Come out my little captain, so I can have my fun with you.' Thought to myself in my head.

"Alright, I admit your good, but can you give me a hint please." All I heard was more giggles. "Really that doesn't help me at all!"

"You will never find me, but since your never going to find me I'll tell you where I'm hiding."

All I heard was more giggles that's how I know Knightwalker is drunk. She acts so cute and sweet, which is not normal for Erza that is.

"I'm in the closet, Jellal."

"Wow! That's the first time you call me by my real name, thanks you should call me that more."

I headed towards the closet and opened the door then I stepped inside and looked around. All I see was lots of boxes that have lots of paper work inside. Maybe, she's hiding in one of the boxes and she will try to surprise me when I open one of the boxes.

"Can you tell me which box your in Erza?" I don't hear anymore more giggling. "Erza?" I suddenly heard a whistle sound. I turned around very quickly only to see Erza. She smirked evilly.

"Bye, bye, Jellal! Love you!" Giving me a blow kiss then slammed the door. I heard a the door being locked.

"No, Erza wait don't close the door!" I ran over to the door only to find that she did lock the door.

'Oh shit! I'm in trouble now.' I keep turning to door knob but it won't open. I slammed my hands on the door.

"Erza please let me out please." I begged her.

"Hehe, hehe, you fell for my trick it's so funny, don't you think, Jelly?"

"Yes, it's hilarious, now please let me out." I said being sarcastic.

"No, hehe, I like you being at my mercy, your trap Jellal and you can't got out, no matter how hard you try. Hehe."

"Erza please let me out please, I'll do anything you want. Anything money, power, and new weapon. Anything."

"Why? Are you scared of being in there?" She asked innocently.

"Well, to be honest with you, yes! It brings back horrible nightmares of paper work, that gave me paper cuts, so please, I BEG OF YOU! PLEASE LET ME OUT!" I whined.

"Very well do really want to know what I want Jellal?" Erza asked while saying it calmly and quietly. Not giving me time to answer the question or even guess of the matter. "I want love." My eyes widen as she kept talking I heard her armor on the door sliding to the floor. "I want someone to love me Jellal. Nobody likes me there are afraid of me and I always wanted to love someone back. So what can you do to make it better?"

"I love you Erza." I heard her gasp.

"Your just saying that so I'll let you out! It's not going to work if your thinking it will." She yelled from the other side of the door.

"I mean it, Erza. I have loved you ever since we were kids. I never forgot about you or your beautiful smile. Never not once." All I heard was a sigh.

"Here," I looked under the door seeing to key outside of the door, however I can't reach it.

"Om, Erza. I can't reach the key can you please push them a lot farther like under the door please?"

"No, that's the point it's a brain teaser." She said as starts giggling again.

"Excuse me? What's a brain teaser?" I asked.

"You need to get to the key and you can't use your hands to get it. Anyway have fun in there I'm going to leave. Since your not good at finding me, maybe you will be better at tracking me. Hehe! Bye my lovely king! Have fun!" I heard her foot step walking away from the door.

"Wait! Erza don't leave come back please!" I heard the door being unlocked and then hearing it close.

'Noo, why did I have to give her wine? Why? Now I'm stuck in here and the old paper work is bring back horrible memories. This is not good! I'm going to be in here all night if I can't get out and now I have to track her down. That's even worst then trying to find her in a office! Now, I have to look through the entire kingdom before things get out of hand.'

'Now how to get out?' I looked under the door again seeing the key are only a inches away from the door, but I still can't reach them. Wait, I can't my hands, but maybe I can use something in here to reach out and pull the key under the door and I can grab it and get out of here and looked for Erza. I got up off the floor and look around the closet seeing papers everywhere. Maybe paper meant become good use for once. I grabbed a few papers and put them together and slide it under the door. It touches it but it won't slide under the door. I pulled the paper into the closet. It's not useful after all. I put in back into the box where it came from and started to look around more. I looked at the handle and saw a hanger there. That would be perfect! I quickly grabbed the hanger and run back towards to door. I push it under the door and it worked! Yes victory! I pulled the hanger, the key was in the middle. I finally pulled it under the door. I quickly grabbed it and unlock the door. I ran out of the paper hell closet.

After that I took deep breaths. I looked around the room seeing if Erza was still here, but sadly she wasn't I noticed that my desk chair was pushed out of the way. She must have been hiding under the desk.

'Wow I'm so stupid why didn't I look under there first? Wow! I'm really stupid.' I walked towards the desk and pushed my chair back in. She must be in her chambers.

I decided to leave my office and head over to her chambers.

To Be Continued

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