Chapter 57: Positive

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Hello readers. I'm back! Nothing new. Sorry I was going to update early but I was setting things up for Christmas. It's going to be fun this year. I can't wait! Here is chapter 57. Please enjoy!

Knightwalker's Pov:

I awoke with my stomach in knots. I ran over to the bathroom and emptied it out. I guess I'm still sick. I was hoping it will be gone by the next day. I went over to the sink and wash out my mouth so I wouldn't have that taste in my mouth anymore.

I walked back into the room and saw that Jellal was looking at me worried.

"Looks like your still sick. Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A stomach bug has been going around and I caught it. I hope that your going to be okay." I finish talking and then placed my night gown back on.

"I want you to get take some medicine, so that you can stop throwing up, please." He gave me the sad puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, I'll take some medicine." I complained.

"Thank you. I just want you to get better. I don't care if I get sick. I just want you to be better." He walked up to me and gave me a hug and I hugged back.

"Alright what do you want to done now?" I asked. I looked at the clock and it was six o'clock in the morning. We missed dinner last night. I guess we were to tired so we slept all night.

"I guess we can talk and stuff. But I want you to take some medicine." Jellal said.

"Alright," I got dress and I finally realized what I was wearing. I had a little pink night gown on with my hair braided. "Why am I wearing this?" I asked with my face all red.

"Well I gave you a bath and then...."

"We had sex and you couldn't find anything else for me to wear?" I cut him off.

"No, but I think you look so cute in that with your hair. Please keep that on. Please!" He begged.

"FINE! I'LL KEEP IT ON!" I yelled with my face completely.

"Yay!" Jellal jumped up and down.

We both got dress and left the sex chamber. I looked around his office and saw what a horrible mess I made.

"I'm sorry about the mess." I said as I lowed my head.

"It's fine." Jellal placed his arms around me. "I'll fix the place up and you go get some medicine.

I nodded my head and left Jellal's office.


I feel so weird now that I have my memories are back. I remember some of the stupid stuff I was saying and doing. I was put over a potion as well and I was acting like a crybaby. I cried at anything. I can't believe I was acting like that. Well, the good this is that I'm not acting like that anymore. I need to go say sorry to Ultear and Meredy for how I was behaving with me.

But before that I need to go get medicine. I walked into Lyon's office and he was working at his desk.

"Captain Knightwalker, I glad to see you. How are things?" He greeted me and asked.

"I have all my memories back." I replied and he was kind of shocked.

"Well that is always good. However I wasn't expecting them to come back so early."

"I wasn't ether, however when I was playing with Hughes and Sugarboy at baseball. Hughes hit me with the bat and now I have my memories back." I said truly.

"That purple hair captain, what are we going to do with him?" He asked joking around.

"I will take care of him, there are a few things we need to talk about." I said with angry. Now that my memories have return. I also know what Hughes did to me. And I need to talk to him about it. I will try not to spill that much blood out of him.

"Well, what brings you here today?" He asked.

"I've been throwing up lately and Jellal wanted me to come and see you so that you can give me medicine." I said.

"The stomach bug has been going around and some people have been coming in with that. But first I need to take a look at you." Lyon got up off his desk and walk over to a room. Pointing to the room he wants me to get in.

I started to walk however I felt that same feeling that I felt in my stomach acting up like this morning.

"Where's the bathroom?!" I groaned out.

Lyon grabbed me by my waist and quickly lead me to the bathroom, where I threw up again. Lyon was gently petting me on my back. I soon was finished and I pulled back.

"You alright?" He asked as he helps me off the floor.

"Yeah," I moaned out.

"I'm going to have to gave you a check up. Just to make sure that everything is alright." Lyon said.

I nodded, as I tried to get off the floor but I just ended up falling again.

"Captain?" Lyon tried to help me off the floor again. But I was to weak to try and get up. So Lyon had to pick me up and carry me to the room. He sat me on the chair in the room. He then walked over to the sink and went under it and got a bucket and then handed it over to me.

"Just in case you need it."

"Thank you, I'm sorry." I lowed my head down.

"Don't be. This is what happens when your sick, it's fine. I'm just doing my job in helping you. So how long has this been going on?" He asked as he was typing on his computer.

"It all started yesterday. I was throwing only in the morning and then I throw up on myself and I need a bath, after that I was alright." I said as I look down at the bucket.

"Anything else?" He kept typing.

"I've been eating more a lot lately." I think that's why I've been throwing up. I also been very emotionally lately as well."

Lyon kept typing on his computer. He then came over to me and look me in the face.

"I really don't like asking this question, but when was the last time you got your period?" He asked.

"Last month, I'm two weeks late for some reason."

Lyon lowed his head and closed his eyes and sighed.

"Well, I think I know what's wrong with you." He said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think your pregnant, captain."

"WHAT!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" I started to panic.

"Don't panic. I might be wrong. I'll do a pregnancy test. Alright just don't panic."

Lyon walked over to another room and then came back with a pink pregnancy test and a plastic container.

"Here, just pee in this and I'll test to see you it's true."

I grabbed to small container and Lyon helped me get to the bathroom. And then he left.


I came out of the bathroom and handed him the pregnancy test. I went back into the room and my mind was going crazy.

Lyon came back into the room and the look on his face means somethings wrong.

"I'm sorry captain." Lyon handed me the pregnancy test. And I look at it and saw a positive sign.

I knew it was to good it be true.

I truly am pregnant with the king's child.

To Be Continued:

Well that was chapter 57. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I hope you will continued reading on. Till next time. Bye!!

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