Chapter 12: Sound Proof

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Hello readers of wattpad. I got bored and there is nothing to do so another chapter. I'm also glad that some people found out that I made Knightwalker scream a little to loud. I have a reason for that don't worry. Also now that they have sex something else is going to happen to Knightwalker. Thanks for the votes and comment. Please enjoy this chapter.

Mystogan's Pov:

It was morning and the sun was shining bright through the curtains. I slowly opened my seeing the room. I felt something warm against my chest. I looked and saw Erza sleeping peaceful on my chest. Oh, yeah we had sex last night. I made her scream her heart out. I just hope that no one heard us. But knowing the way she was scream, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole kingdom heard us. I soon felt Erza start moving in my arms. Seeing her open her eyes is such a beautiful sight.

"Well, good morning my love." I greeted her with a warm kiss.

"Good morning, Your Majesty." She greeted back.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her.

"I slept amazing. Better then I slept in months." I lowered my face. "What's wrong, my king?"

"Well..its...just that..." Its hard for me to say, but I have to tell her. "Don't you think you were a little bit to loud, Erza?"

"There are two reasons why I was screaming a little bit to loud. One: You made me feel so good, it felt amazing. Second: There is a sound proof wall around my room."

"Say what?" I asked confused.

"This is a sound proof room. We found that we can sound proof rooms. So that no one can hear what's happening in my room. When we first made it my room was the tester room and we tested and it worked. There is no way anyone could have hear us. Look beside the door you will see and little white box. I can use that to block out sound and we don't even have any magic, so there is nothing to worry about. You were right we can live without magic, my king."

'Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the sound proof room. Wow! I feel like an idiot for worrying. I just don't want anyone to find out about our love. If they find out they will throw Knightwalker into the dungeons. I will lose her. I never want to lose her ever again.'

I slowly raised her chin and connected our lips together in a warm kiss. 'I will keep you by my side forever. I'll never let you go.' We then parted our kiss.

"Well," I beagn speaking. "We have a long today. You ready?" She gave me a nod. "We have a royal ball in a few days. To celebrate Edolas's birthday. How many years haves it been?"

"Hmm, it's been so long. Edolas have been here for hundreds of years. I think its over 500 hundred years."

"Wow that's a long time! Okay, lets get dressed and get ready."

I slowly got out of bed and went to my cloths that were laying on the floor from our little fun we had last night. Once I'm fully dress and I turned my head and I see Erza brushing her teeth. Couldn't she have put on some cloths and then brush her teeth? After she is done doing that she walks over.

Her beautiful naked body. I couldn't help, but stare at her. Seeing her like this I just want to walk over to her and go for another around. Make her scream and cry. Make her beg. I suddenly started walking over to her. 'What? My legs are moving by themself. I can't control myself!'

Once I got to where Erza was standing. I grabbed her from behind and push her hard against the wall. I see that she was shocked when I did that. I quickly brought my lips together with lips. I couldn't part from her. I kept making-out with her and I couldn't let her go. Soon I realized that she needs to breath. I quickly let her go of her and she dropped to the floor. She was panting so heavy. I leaned down and pull her into a warm hug.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself and your lips tasted so good."

"Well, it seems that I found out your weakness. You can't stop looking at my body. If you see it. You must run to me and start to touch me."

"Your pretty smart, Erza. I guess you did found that out."

I helped her off the floor and then get her dressed. I decide to leave her so I don't do anything harsh.

I walk towards to door and leave.

To Be Continued

I'm sorry I had to cut it short. It very hard to type up a story when there is loud music blasting in the back around. Its driving me nuts and I can't focus! Please leave a vote or comment if you like it. Hope that you keep reading my story thank you. (Now I'm going to take a pill so my head can stop pounding). Bye!

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