Chapter 9

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Haruko & Mamimi were playing one of Naota's video games downstairs in the living room.

"Ha!! I kicked your ass!!" Haruko shouted and Mamimi shrugged.
    "Finally...." Haruko sucked her teeth.
"Fuck  you. Okay? You obviously don't have a life. You sit here n' play games  all fuckin' day till you're a fuckin' expert. The fuck is that??"
     "Takkun always had this game since you left. I would come over and play  it after he fucks me." Haruko raised an eyebrow while she glared at her.     "And I let you win." she added and Haruko threw the controller.
"Whatever. What time is it??" Mamimi shrugged  and Haruko looked at the time on the VCR.     "It's 12:45. In about 20  minutes it'll be the next day. They've been gone long enough!!"
    "Is it time to go get Takkun...?" Mamimi asked in a monotone as she kept her eyes on the TV.
"Yea. Iono where he is though."
    "There's a carnival tonight. He's probably there."
"And you didn't mention this to me earlier because.....??" Haruko asked in frustration.
    "I still wanted to play." Mamimi grinned and Haruko sucked her teeth and stood up.
"Let's go bubble brain. You lucky I'm even bringin' yo' ass."
     "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even have the slightest idea of  where he coulda went with Dei. So I was goin' either way." Mamimi snapped  back as she stood up. Haruko rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. Let's go." they both walked out the door and was headed their way to the carnival.

Naota & Dei were sitting down eating a whole pizza pie that was super expensive.

"This carnival is lit." Dei said before she took a bite of her pizza.
    "Yea. It's crowded as fuck."
"Yea it's a good thing we found a place to sit." Naota laughed.
    "I know, right...?" Naota looked around for a while and then back at Dei. He watched her eat and she noticed him and chuckled.
    "Nothin'..." he looked away and she put her pizza down after staring at it.
"Nah cmon what is it? Why was you starin' at me...? Is there something on my face?" Naota looked at her again and then smirked.
    " just sexy as fuck." Dei automatically blushed and laughed.
"Wow...thanks." she thanked him as she took a sip of her soda. He stared at her again for a moment before he noticed something.
"You know what I noticed....?" he gently asked.
"You're the only girl out of the 3 that calls me by my name."
     "Oh. Cuz I think Takkun is a stupid nickname. And Haru is stupid for  copyin' Mamimi. She's been callin' you Takkun before I met you. I was  like....that's a stupid name'....ya know? I even asked her if that was  really your name and she said 'no, his name is Naota. I just like  callin' him Takkun.' I was like...okay." Naota laughed and so did she.
"...I hate that fuckin' name."
    "Why do you answer to it?"
"Iono. Mamimi called me that for like...5 years and I grew on it. But I still hate that shit."
    "You eva told her to stop callin' you that?"
"Yea.  When I was tryna protect her from somethin' and she was closing her  eyes and was callin' my brother's name for him to help her.  'Tasku-sempai, Tasku-sempai.' I got mad and told her ass not to ever call  me Takkun again."
    "What was you protectin' her from?"
"Long story I really don't feel like explainin'."
    "Oh okay. So she still callin' you that dumb shit of a nickname, huh...?" Naota chuckled with a smirk.
"Yea. It's aight though."
    "I like your name."
"Me too. I'd like her so much more if she called me by it. Haru too." Dei smiled.
    " don't want neither of them to be your girlfriend? Cuz they call you Takkun?"
"Mamimi  calls me that cuz of Tasku. Haru calls me it to bother Mamimi and I  guess she got used to it. But...did I ever told you why she left me?"
    "Who Haru? No."
"She went to go look for some guy named Atomsk." Dei rolled her eyes after hearing that name.
    "Oh Atomsk. I know him. I don't like him."
"Why?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
     "When she found him and confessed her feelings to him he took advantage  of her. He had so, so much power and she was hoping he would share some  of it with her if she'd give him her all mentally, physically, and  sexually. Instead, he fucked her over."
"So...her dumbass left me to go get played."
    "Pretty much. She did everything for him."
"For the power. Haru is a dumb bitch." he said under his breath. Dei laughed and he shook his head.    "So she's reboundin'." He mumbled.
    "I guess. After all that, she wanted to come see you." Naota was in deep thought for a while and then sucked his teeth.
"Fuck her. Iono why we talkin' bout her ass. C'mon, I wanna get you somethin'."
    "But we ain't finish the pizza."
"Fuck the pizza, Dei. C'mon, let's go." Naota stood up and shortly after, so did she.

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