Chapter 12

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   Mamimi was still downstairs watching TV but then she heard yelling upstairs. She shook her head and turned up the volume.

Naota & Dei were goin at it...
"Why the fuck you ain't tell me you're bisexual?? And that you was with Haruko???!"
"I thought you knew!" Naota sucked his teeth.
"No the fuck you didn' never told me that shit." Dei shrugged.
"I was thinkin about tellin you but....I wasn't sure if you really wanted to know."
"I'd rather you tell me than to find out by seein you kiss Haruko!"
"Well I don't want her anymore.......I want you." Naota was quiet and just looked at her.
"So you're not bi anymore?"
"I'm still bi. I just don't have a girlfriend." Naota heavily sighed and sat down on his bed. He was in deep thought. "You ever fucked 2 girls at the same time?" Naota looked at her with one eyebrow raised.
"A 3-some?"
"2 years ago I did. Why?"
"In case you ever thought of fuckin' me and Mamimi at the same time....I wouldn't mind." Naota shook his head in disagreement.
"Couldn't do it. The way I fuck you and Mamimi is waaay different. Plus yall are both jealous females and that's not gonna work."
"I'm not a jealous person."
"You are. All of you are." Dei rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." She mumbled as she sat down on his rolling chair.
"If you saw me fuckin' the hell outta Mamimi you would be pissed....right?" Dei was quiet for a moment.
"I meeeaann If you was fuckin her betta than you fucked me then...yea I would be pissed."
"Ok. Just proved my point."
"What? How?"
"I told you I fuck yall differently. I'm not gonna fuck you the way I fuck Mamimi cuz its gonna make me think I'm fuckin her and not you." Dei lifted an eyebrow with an attitude.
"So you fuck her betta than you fuck me?" Naota sucked his teeth.
"I'm not bout to argue with you bout this shit. I had this same argument with Mamimi AND Haruko. Now you? Nope. Fuck that." Naota stood up and was about to walk out his room.
"Nao wait." Dei stood up and Naota stopped in his tracks and turned around with an angry look on his face.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't understand."
"....." Dei walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. About 5 seconds later he hugged her back by her waist. Suddenly, Mamimi opened the room door and paused once she saw them embracing one another. Naota looked back at her and let go of Dei. "What you want....?"
"I wanna talk to Dei."
"Alone?" Naota asked and Mamimi nodded. "What yall gonna do, bump pussies...?" Naota said under his breath and left the room. Mamimi closed the door, sat on the bed and Dei sat back down on the rolling chair.
"So....what you wanna talk about?" Dei asked.
"Haru-san...." Dei looked down and ran her fingers through her hair.
"....What about her...?"
"What happened outside?"
"Atomsk wanted Haru back and Naota didn't want her anymore. So they left. The end." Mamimi knew she wasn't tellin her the whole story.
"Is that all that happened...?" Dei nodded and turned around and got back working on the computer. Mamimi stared at her and thought about what she wanted to ask. "Are you and Haru-san mad at eachother?" it took a while for Dei to answer.
"She's mad cuz I didn't go back with her."
"Back where...?"
"Around where Atomsk lives. She got mad at me cuz I decided to stay here with Naota." Mamimi raised both eyebrows in shock.
"You're stayin' here??" Dei nodded and Mamimi gave her a slight glare. "Ya know....Takkun said I can stay too." Dei stopped typing and got a little angry.
"Why did he say you can stay...." Mamimi smiled.
"Cuz he loves me." Dei turned half way around to look at her.
"Loves you? What he tell you that for?"
"He means what he says. You should know that. I love him and he loves me and he will never kick me out." Dei rolled her eyes and turned back around. "And you know what else?" Dei sat there quiet, waiting for her answer. "He said I can sleep with him tonight." Dei couldn't hold it in any longer. She quickly turned around and stood up.
"NAOTA DOESN'T WAN-" Dei paused once Naota opened his door and was staring at them. He looked at Dei's face and she looked like she was gonna beat Mamimi's ass. Dei stepped back a little.
"The fuck you doin', Dei?" he asked with his head tilted to the side a little. Dei sat back down on the rolling chair.
"Nothin..." Naota looked at Mamimi and her head was hung low.
"Mamimi...." He called her and she looked over at him.
"Yes Takkun...?"
"....You okay...?" she smiled and nodded.
"Naota." Dei called him and he looked over at her.
"I need to talk to you."
"I cant talk right now." He said nonchalantly and Dei lifted an eyebrow.
"Why not?"
"I'll be back." Naota left the room and went back downstairs. It got quiet between the two girls.
"Who's downstairs...?" Mamimi asked.
"I dunno.." they both stood up and walked out the room. They power walked all the way downstairs and saw Naota talking to a female at the front door.
"Naota." Dei called him and he turned around.
"Who's that?"
"This.....this is Ninamori. She goes to my school."

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