Chapter 11

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As soon as Haruko & Mamimi made it home they fell  out on the couch and went straight to sleep. What they didn't realize  was that Naota & Dei was already in the house upstairs. About 30  minutes later, Haruko woke up because she was thirsty. She got off the couch  and swerved her way to the kitchen while rubbing her right eye. She  opened the fridge and grabbed a bottled water and closed it. As she  began drinking it, she heard a loud moan. She thought she was trippin'  so she continued drinking. Then she heard a loud long moan this time.  She looked in the living room to see if Mamimi was still on the couch  and she was. Haruko put the  bottled water down and listened some more. That's when she recognized  the moans.

".....Dei." she whispered to herself. She quickly yet quietly tip-toed out  the kitchen and made sure Mamimi didn't wake up. She ran up the steps  and went to Naota's room. She opened the door and saw no one in there.  She looked down the hallway at his dad's room where the loud moaning was coming from and saw a red light  creeping out from under the door. She started to sweat; wondering if she  was ready to see was what goin on in that room. Haruko tiptoed down the  hallway and got to the bedroom door. She put her ear to the door and  heard Naota's deep voice mumbling something.  Her palms were sweaty, her  heart was pounding, and she had butterflies in her stomach. She grabbed  the doorknob and turned it; wishing it was locked. She opened the door  but it was cracked and her eyes widened once she saw Naota lying on his  right side behind Dei, holding her left leg up with his left hand while  his dick stroked her wet ass pussy. He slowly licked her neck and bit it  while sucking on it and Dei moaned his name.
    ".....Fuck Haru.....fuck  Mamimi....." Naota said lowly but Haruko heard him and her heart dropped  while her eyes watered.    "I only want you ....this shit mine now..." Haruko backed away  from the room and tripped over her feet and fell. Tears poured down her  face.
" could you....?" She whispered to herself. She  wiped her face and stood up. She walked downstairs and sat back on the  couch with Mamimi. Her sadness turned to anger in a matter of minutes.    "Grimey  muthafuckas....I can't believe this shit...."  Mamimi then woke up and sat up  with a yawn.
    "What's wrong Haru...?"
"Shut up. Just leave me alone." Haruko was covering her face with her hands. Mamimi rubbed her back.
    "It's gonna be okay...." Mamimi had no idea what was wrong but felt that needed to be said anyway.
"No it's not."
    "Why are you so sad?"
"Go upstairs and find out for yourself."
    "What's upstairs?"
"Just  go damnit!" Mamimi lifted an eyebrow and then stood up. She walked  upstairs and went in Naota's room. She shrugged when she saw no one in  his room. So she walked out and looked down the hallway and saw a red  light creeping out from under the door. She walked towards Naota's dad's  bedroom door and turned the knob. She cracked the door open and gasped when she saw Naota between Dei's legs stroking  her pussy at a slow pace while her arms is wrapped around his neck.  Mamimi immediately closed the door and paused for a moment while she  made silent tears with her hand over her mouth.
    Haruko was on the couch eating strawberry ice  cream and then saw Mamimi walking down the stairs. Her head was hung low  and she sat down on the couch next to Haruko.
"I thought he loved me." she said in a very sad tone.
    "What did you see...?" Haruko asked, already knowing the answer.
"I saw him makin' love to Dei."
    "Oh they're makin' love now?? The last time I saw them they were fuckin......"
"He said I was the only girl he'll make love too...."
    "He told me that I was the only one he loved fuckin' all night long." She looked over at Mamimi and saw her crying.
"Stop  cryin. He doesn't even like her like that. It's a one-night-stand. Afta  they're done, he's probably not even gonna talk to her." Mamimi just  listened, knowing Haruko was trying to convice herself as well. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door.    "Ha! It's his  dad." Haruko shouted in excitement for Naota to get busted. She hopped off the couch and ran to the front door and opened  it. She gasped when she saw who it was standing in front of her.     "............Atomsk......"
"So you hidin' from me...?" he asked with a mischievous grin.
    "Haru?? Whose that??" Mamimi shouted.
"No one!" Haruko walked out and closed the door.    "Why are you here?? What do you want??" she asked nervously.
    "Answer my question."
"" she looked away.
    "Why you hidin' from me....?"
"Cuz  I'm tired of your bullshit. I'm tired of you-" Haruko was silenced by  his kiss. He backed her up against the door and kissed her harder as she  kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he squeezed  her ass. Then she realized what she was doing and tried to push him  away from her. He finally let go as he broke the kiss and stared at her with one  eyebrow lifted.
"I can't do this....." she hesitantly mumbled.
    "Do what?"
"This! thing. We can't be."
    "So you're back at this house....with that lil' boy you used to fuck with."
"He's not little anymore."
    "You're 24 Haru. He's always gonna be little to you regardless."
"But I wanna....."
     "You wanna what?" Haruko was thinking if she should stay. But she  doesn't know if she should because of what she heard Naota say to Dei upstairs.
"I wanna....I still wanna be here with him..."
    "Where's Dei?"
    "With who?"
"With no one. She's sleeping." she instantly lied. Suddenly she felt someone trying to open the door from inside. "Who is it??!" she shouted.
    "It's Dei! What'chyou doin outside?"
"I'm  gettin' some fresh air. Leave me alone." Atomsk roughly grabbed Haruko's arm  and yanked her aside. He opened the door and Dei gasped as soon as she saw  him.
    "Damn look worn the fuck out. Who you was fuckin? Does  Haru know 'bout this?" Atomsk asked with a smirk and Dei broke eye  contact with him.
"Shut up. Where's Haru?" she asked as she walked passed him. She looked to her left and saw Haruko glaring at her.     "Har-"
    "Shut the fuck up! Don't talk to me..." Haruko rudely interrupted her and Atomsk made a faint laugh while he closed the door.
"The fuck's wrong wit'chyou??" Why you look so angry?" Dei asked while she ran her fingers through her hair.
    "She's pissed at you for fuckin' what's his name....." Atomsk answered for Haruko nonchalantly.
     "Naota." Dei corrected her. She glared even harder at Dei and she  crossed her arms. Atomsk shook his head and thought for a moment. He  walked up behind Dei and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her neck.
"Don't touch her!!" Haruko shouted and Dei was quiet with a disturbed expression. Atomsk slowly let go of Dei.

"Haru...." He called her.
"You're gonna have to choose."
    "No. Dei should be the one to choose! Not me!"
"You brought her down here with you to see Naota. You didn't have to bring her....but you did. So you choose." Atomsk explained in a calm tone.
    "That doesn't make any sense Atomsk!"
    "Why are you making me do this!!" Haruko started to cry and so did Dei except hers were silent tears.
"SHUT  THE FUCK UP AND CHOOSE BITCH!!!!!" Naota opened the door with an angry  look on his face cuz he heard Atomsk yelling. He saw Haruko and Dei's  faces wet with tears and then stared at Atomsk. The 3 of them looked at  him. Atomsk smirked.    "So you're Naota eh?"
    "Who are you....?"
"I'm Atomsk." Naota glared at Haruko and she didn't know why.
    "..If you came here to get Haruko....take her and leave."
"What??!" Haruko exclaimed and Atomsk laughed.
     "'Priciate it. Before I take her with me....I wanna see her choose."  Naota lifted an eyebrow and looked over at Haruko. She was quiet for a moment  and cried a little harder.
"I.....I want...Dei."
    "What.......?" Naota said under his breath, looking confused as hell. Haruko walked up to Dei and hugged Dei by the neck.
"I  don't want you to leave me. You're all I got.......I'm sorry for what I  said. Don't leave me for Takkun...." Atomsk smirked once he saw Naota's  expression looking at Haruko kissing Dei.
    "So Dei.....are you gonna leave Haruko and stay here with Naota?" Atomsk asked pretending to be concerned. Dei broke the kiss and stepped back a little.
"I...I  think I'ma stay with Naota..." Haruko gasped and took a step back as well. Naota  never been so confused since 5 years ago. Atomsk walked up to Haruko and  gently kissed her on her forehead.
    "She doesn't want you anymore......come  back with me......I'm all you have......" he said only loud enough for her to  hear and his words echoed in her head.  Dei walked passed Naota and inside  the house. Naota just glared at Haruko looking down at the ground and Atomsk looked back at Naota.    "I'm takin' her wit me now. Is there  anything you wanna say to her before we leave?" Haruko looked up at  Naota and he kept his eyes on her.
".........Yea." Naota responded lowly.
    "Aight. I'll leave you two alone." Atomsk walked passed Naota and into the house.

    Mamimi looked at Atomsk walk into the kitchen and raised an eyebrow. She got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.
"Um....Who are you?" she asked as politely as she could and Atomsk looked over at her.
     "Atomsk." Mamimi stared at him for a moment. She watched him drink a  glass of water with so much lust it looked like she was watching the  best porno flick of the century. He finished the glass of water and put it  down on the counter.    "Whats your name?" She snapped  out of it.
    "Mamimi huh...?" she nodded.    "It's cute. It fits you." She blushed and smiled.

    Haruko was holding on to Naota tightly; clinching onto his shirt.
"Please  let me stay.....please Takkun...I don't wanna leave with him...." She cried  and Naota just had a blank expression, looking into space.
    "No. I can't."
    "Cuz I don't want you here." his voice sounded cold blunt.
"Don't say that!"
     "You reboundin' Haru...." He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her off of  him. He stared into her watery eyes.    "I thought you came back for me."
"I did!!"
    "You only came back cuz Atomsk left you and you needed somethin' for replacement. I'm the replacement Haru...?"
"No Naota! No!!"
     "So I'm "Naota" now??? What happened to "Takkun"??? You think that's  gonna make a fuckin' difference??!" he asked her in an angry tone.  Haruko just cried some more. Naota let go of her and walked back to the door;  getting ready to turn the knob.
"Nao-Takkun....." she called him. He stopped and turned halfway to look at her.
    ".......What is it......?"
"Let......let  me....kiss you goodbye....." Naota stood there and stared at her. She  slowly walked up to him with her head hung low. Once she got close to  him, she looked up in his eyes. She moved in close and pressed her lips  against his. It crushed her that he didn't budge to kiss her back.  Haruko backed up away from him and looked at the ground and made silent  tears. Naota stopped staring at her and turned the door knob and walked  inside.
"Fuck you Takkun!!!" she shouted and then fell to her knees.

     Atomsk heard Haruko shout and saw Naota walk pass the kitchen. Mamimi  followed after him leaving Atomsk alone in the kitchen. But he soon left  the house and outside with Haruko crying her eyes out. He stared at her  with slight disgust in his eyes. He doesn't understand why she's crying  over an 18 year old.
"Get up Haru. Time to go."
    "But my things are in Takkun's room."
"I'll  get you new shit when we get back to the house. Get up." Haruko  stood up and Atomsk started walking ahead of her. She slowly followed  behind him.

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