Chapter 1. A tutor?

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Jack's p.o.v. ▪Jack in pic▪
Hello,my name is Jack Johnson.Uh,I guess I'm popular,I play football am actually the quarterback.I am 20 years old,I flunked twice. Once in third grade,and then again in fifth grade.So I'm older than most of the people at school.I am bi,so i swing both ways.So,that's all you need to know for now I guess.

I was in math class when the teacher called me up to her desk."Yeah,what is it?"I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Well,Jack I've been looking at you're grades and to what I can see you,are failing Math,and I just wanted to tell you because,today after school you'll be able to sighn up for a tutor,"she said handing me a sheet of paper.

"Thanks,uhm yeah I'll sighn up then,"I smiled warmly at the older woman. And,with that I went to sit back down in my seat.I sat waiting for the rest of the rest of the period.

It's finaly lunch time. Jeez I'm fuking starving,but I guess that's what you get when you skip breakfast.But it's not my fault I woke up late,and didn't have time to eat.I shoved everything into my locker and ran to the lunchroom.

"Hi,Linda please the usual,"I said as I pulled a tray.She smiled at me."Sure,anything for you,"she said putting the cheese burger in my tray.

I paid for my lunch and walked over to the usual table."Hey,"Drew greeted."Hey,man"I said bro hugging him."Anything new?"he asked."Eh,the only new thing is that I'm failing Math,"I told him.

"Eh,don't worry mis failing science too,"he told me."Did they tell you to go after school too?"he asked"Yeah,"I said taking a bite of my burger."I'll see you there then,"he said standing up."Yeah,bye,"

I know it's short but I needed to stop it there,so the next part is in Jace's p.o.v. Thanks for reading even though,I might be the only one reading this. -sparkle2174

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