Chapter.6 Football game/You do?

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I'm sorry if there is any spelling mistakes on this chapter.Blame pencils!I accidently cut myself on the Palm of my hand.And,it's kind of hard to type on my phone.But onto the story!

Jace's p.o.v. Friday
Today was a usuall day for me.No nothing interesting really.I woke up and left for school.
When I actually made it to school I was walking to the front entrance when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!"I yelled.I looked down to see a girl that looked odly familiar.
(the girl in the pic on top)She looked up to me.

"Jace?!"my eyes grew wide."Holy shit! Casey! What are you doing here?"You see Casey is my Cousin from my mom's side of the family.We were real close when we were smaller.

"My dad got a job offer here,so we moved I never thought I'd be seing you here!Oh!crap! We have to catch up on things!"she yelled.Giving me a hug.

"I missed you,"I muffled into her side.
We ended the hug and started walking to the front.

Only to once again colide into a hard chest.Seriously what's with me bumping into people?

I looked up to see one and only to see the world famous...yup you guessed it Jack Johnson!He helped me up.Giving me that smile that just made me want to melt.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to,"he said."It's alright,"I told him."U-Uhm so today,is uhm Friday,and well I was wondering if you wanted to come to our game?"

He asked shyly.I looked down then up. "Uh,sure I'd love to,"Jeez this sounds so like a sappy love story.

"And,if you would,Uhm like um wear my Jersey for the game?"he asked rubbing the back of his blushing?

I looked over to Casey to see her smiling wide and nodding."Uh,shure?"I said well more like a questioned.

He smiled wider.With a bit of relief.And then pulled out his jersey.And smiled even wider when I took it.

"Good then,I guess I'll see you later,"he said and waved a bit,and left.Casey squeeled.

"OMG!! That was so cute I totally ship it!"she almost yelled.

"Shhhh!"I shushed her."He's totally into you,"she said."Just the way he looks at you he looks like he's in love with you,"she said.

Just then the bell rang.Fuck."Let me see your schedule,"I demanded with my hand extended out.She did as told,and I looked down at it.

Hmm,only four classes together.At least we have classes together."C'mon were going to be late for homeroom,"I said pulling on her arm.
Sweet jeez it's finally lunch time.My stomach slightly growled.I went to the enterance.To find Casey already waiting for me there.

"Alright, so how's we'll life been?"she asked linking her arm with mine.And we walked into line."Honestly,it's been fine,nothing big really,"I told her.

"Then,who is your boyfriend seems pretty big to me,don't you think?"she asked.I started to blush madly.

"He's not my boyfriend,I just tutor him,"I squeeled out."Yeah,ya he probably has a crush on you or something,"she taunted getting her tray and ordering what she wanted.

"No he doesent,"I shot back."Tell me something,why do the football players here give people their jerseys to wear for the game?"she asked.

"Well it's kind of like a tradition,where they give their significant other- ohh!"I said realizing.

"Now you get me?"she asked.I nodded blushing at the thought of Jack The Jack Johnson actually being interested in me.
"Shut up,"I told her giving her a death glare."So do you like him?"she asked.I "uhm,well maybe I have a small crush on him,"I said blushing.

"Fine I'll stop,if not I'll have to bring your mom a tomato and say, 'here's your son' and I'll feel so bad because, I tecnacly killed you,"she said reasonably.

"Youre such a dork,"I said."look who's talking,"she shot back.I put my hands up in surrender.
After school
I went home with Casey.And when we got there Oliver attacked her with a hug.

And,wispered."Do you have any skittles on you? I'm running low on them,"and looked around pretending to be talking to a drug dealer or something.

Casey just burst out laughing."Here,and please stop asking people if they have skittles like that,"I kind of whined.

Mom then came downstairs.She was wearing a wine color dress,she looked good.

"Where you going?" I asked."Mama's going on a date,"she said taking her purse from a side table that's by the couch.

"Please take care of Oliver for me "she said."Uh,sure actually we were going to go to the football game tonight,"I told her."Who were you going to go with?"she asked.

"Suprise!"Casey yelled coming out from the back of the stairs."Oh my god!Casey I haven't seen you in forever!"mom exclaimed giving her a tight hug.

"Alright you can go,"Casey rushed my mom out the door as we heard a honk outside.She blew a kiss to Oliver and left.

"What are we going to do?"Oliver asked."Do you want to go see Jack?"I asked.He gasped.

"My Jackie?!" I chuckled."Yeah," he than started jumping around."Let's go get ready,"I said realizing that he had a peanut butter stain on his shirt.
"C'mon let's go,"I said pulling the North Face water proof jacket."I'm coming,I'm coming,"Oliver whined pulling on a hat with a small pom pom at the top.

"Casey!"I yelled."I'm coming, I'm coming," she mimicked oliver.Who just crossed his little arms across his chest.
We eventually left.And there was enough people there to cover up the bleachers.
We eventually say down,and I unzipped my Jacket a bit,because it felt kind of hot.

A girl that was sitting next to us tapped my shoulder."Is that Jack Johnson's Jersey?"she asked.

"Uh yeah,"I nervously answered."You lucky sun of a bitch "she said slightly snaking me on my shoulder lightly.

"I actually probably prefer for him to end up with you,that those slutty hoes that don't even wear clothes,"she said.

"Hi,I'm Katherine,but every one calls me kitty,"she said extending her hand towards me. "Jace, I guess but everyone calls me Jace,"I said shaking her hand.

"NO! I call him my Jacey sweet cheaks," Oliver spoke up from next to me.We both burst out laughing.
Eventually the game was starting to come to an end. 32-24 we were winning so far.They took a break and I could see Jack coming to the middle of the field with a microphone.

"Hello,everyone!"he greeted to everyone. Which everyone replied to.

"I hope everyone is enjoying the game, but the reason im up here right now,is because I want to ask someone special,right here on the bleachers something important,"he said.

Kitty and Casey turned to look at me with probably Cheshire cat grins."And,I want them to come down here with me,"

A bunch of girls restarted to stand up. And kitty and Casey bust out laughing.

"So,Jace will you please come down here with me?"he asked.I felt knots in my stomach,and is was blushing lightly.

"GO!"kitty and Casey yelled.I cuickly stood up and made my way down there.

I finally stood in front of him and blushed madly."Now,we haven't known eachother for very long,but-but I really like you,and well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"he asked.

I looked into his eyes to see consern.I looked up to the stands to see,girls giving me death glares,but the rest of the people looked kind of happy.

"JUST SAY YES ALREADY,"I heard people yell.I stood on my tippy toes and put my lips on his ear.And wisperes "Yes,"he smiled wider.And then turned to the crown.

And yelled."HE SAID YES!"I smiled and lightly peked his lips.I know it wasent a kiss but It truly made me feel good.
Awww! I'm sorry I have to leave it there, but i feel so proud its my longest chapter so far i guess.

Another thing expect updates probably on friday,Saturday or Sunday.If I'm in a good mood,you'll probably get two updates.That's about it,and thank yyou for reading.

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