Chapter3. Jace's house

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Jack's p.o.v. Oliver in pic
I left for football practice.Bushing fucking blushing.Jace is really cute,yes I just said that.With his messy blonde hair.And his blue eyes.

Oh,God what am I saying?I went into the locker room."Hey,you okay?"I looked over to Drew.

"Yeah,why,"I asked."You,look a little zoned out,"he said lacing up his shoulder pads."Do you like your tutor!"he yelled."Psht,Jace?no way," that was obiosley not convincing.

He looked at me."Sure,"and pulled his jersey over his head.I rolled my eyes and kept on putting on my padding.

We were taking a water break and I looked up to the bleachers.Only to see a few girlfriends cheering on their boyfriends.And,to the far right there was Jace reading a thick book.He suddenly looked up.I looked away,but I'm pretty sure he saw me looking.

Oh,shit.I thought while drinking from the Gatorade bottle.Yet I smiled lightly.Oh God,I felt a tingly feeling when he smiled back.

"Johnson! get back out there!"coach yelled.I cuickly put my helmet back on and ran into the field.

Though out practice,I tried my best to impress Jace.Don't ask why,it's just that I fell like,well I don't really know how to explain it.Ugh!!

I finally got out of the locker room.All showered and clothed.

I went into the parking lot.Trying to look for Jace.Just then he came out of the front door.Reading the same thick book from earlier.He slammed into my back,making him stumble and fall.

"Oh,shit I'm sorry,"I said helping him up.He just brushed it off shook his head."I'm fine,"and gave me a kind of lopsided smile.

He all of a sudden giggled.I smiled he's so cute.Just shut up already!

"Aleright,so you follow me to my house?"he asked."Yeah sure,just give me your address,in case something happens,and you know,"I said rambeling.

"Yeah,sure,"he said with a slight blush on his face.He took out a post it note and scribbled something down on it.

And handed it to me.I took it, our hands slightly brushing past each other.I suddenly got really exited.

He then waved and walked over to his jeep.I looked down at the paper.It had his address and his phone number.I mentally made a happy dance.Oh shit I have to go.

I thought when I saw him drive away.I ran over to my car,punched in the address on the GPS.And drove to where it told me to go.

In a little bit I was pulling up next to Jace.I got out with my bookbag.And walked over to him."Oh good you didn't get lost,"he said giving me a cheeky smile.

"Okay,little warnings before you go in,"he said taking a moment to sighn.

"Well there is Oliver,he loves skittles so don't be surprised when he asks if you have any on you,uh he loves to cuddle,and he usually starts cuddling,even though he doesn't know the person,"he said.

"Alright that's all of it then,"he said pulling me with him to the front door.

There was no one by the door.Huh. Suddenly something,well more like someone.Ran into Jace.

"Mom!Jacey's home!"the little boy yelled."Skittles!!"he yelled again."I don't have any right now,"Jace answered.

He suddenly let go of Jace and looked over at me."Do you have any?I'm running low on them,"he whispered.I let out a loud laugh."Well let me check,"I teased him,while putting my bookbag in front of me.And opening my bookbag.

His eyes had so much hope in them.I suddenly pulled out a big package of sour skittles."Huh,I guess I do,"I said pretending to be suprised.

"Could I please have them?"he asked giving me puppy eyes."I don't know just answer this question,"I said thinking of a question.

"What is the first color of the rainbow,"I asked.He thought,and thought."I know it's on one of Jace's t-shirts it's red!,"he yelled.

I thought why would he have a rainbow in his shirt?oh wait is he gay?yess!!I smiled wider and leaned down.

"Here you go,"I said handing him the skittles."Yesss!OMG!!thank you!!thank you!!"he yelled running off.I suddenly started giggling.

"I wish I had a brother like that,"I suddenly said surprising myself."You do?"he asked."Yeah,I mean I live with my brothers,but they're not like him,at all,"I said.

"Eh,he's sometimes really annoying," he said."So,in the living room?"he asked."Yeah sure,"I said.

We went to sit down on the couch. "Alright,could I see your math homework,"He asked.I nodded and took out my math folder.

"Here ya go,"I told him handing him my math folder."Let's see "he said skiming the papers.

Oliver came up to me."Could I cuddle with you,please?"he asked giving me puppy eyes."Sure why not,"I told him as he sat next to me,instantly molding into my side.

He kept on eating the sour skittles I had given him earlier."Alright,you see you have to multiply this by this,"Jace said pointing thing out.I nodded trying to go along as he said.

Once I was actually done with my homework,his mom came into the living room.

"Oh!Jace you didn't say you would be having friends over!"she exclaimed. "Yeah,he's really nice he gave me skittles and let me cuddle with him, " Oliver said smiling really big.

I chucked lightly."Hi I'm,Anne Green,it's nice to meet you,"she said putting her hand out for me to shake.

I smiled."Jack Johnson,"I said shaking her hand."Oh aren't you the quarterback for the school's football team?"she asked."Yes,ma'am,"I said proudly.

I looked over to Jace,he was blushing very brightly."Would you like to stay for dinner,"she asked probably trying to be polite."No mom he's just here for me to tutor him,"Jace spoke up.

"Awww!!pleassee,"Oliver whined."I'm sorry,I need to get home before my brothers start to get worried,"I said standing up."Okay,then byee,"Oliver said again kissing my cheak.

I started walking towards the door. "Thank you,"I told to Jace."I'll see you at schol,"And walked out.

I was almost closings the door,when I heat.His mom yelling,"YOU WOULD MAKE A CUTE COUPLE!,"and giggled like a school girl.

And I heard him sadly respond,"I'm not even sure he's gay,he probably didn't even know I ecsisted before today,"

Alright there you have it the third chapter for 'The Tutor' I worked on it very hard.So I hope you liked it
Goodbye! - sparkle2174

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