chapter 8.The date pt.2

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Jace's p.o.v
We eventually ended up in the ice-cream shop.It was a really cute shop.With light pink walls

We went up to the counter to the cashier. "Hi!welcome to polka ice cream,how could I help you?"the overly bubbly teenager almost yelled.

Her eyes raked over him hungerly.I looked up to Jack cause he's like a foot taller than me.

He looked so scared."W- what do you want,love?"he shakingly asked.He cuickly pulled my waist to him.

I looked at the variety."I want two chocolate ice cream scoops with chocolate syrup,"I replied bitting my lip.

He nodded."Two pistachio scoops with almonds on top,"he ordered.

"Alright that should be 4.99 thank you," she said.

Just as I was going to pay,Jack lightly shoved my hand away And paid.

"We'll get you your order in just a little bit,"the girl responded giving us a glare.

He nodded and we walked over to a table."Why didn't you let me pay?"I whined.

He looked over to me and grinned."Cause I'm the one who's brought you on a date,"

I lightly leaned on him."Where are we going after this?"I asked looking up at hi. with puppy eyes.

"I'm not telling you,if I did it wouldn't be a surprise,"he chuckled kissing my nose.

I crinckled my nose at the sudden guesture."You're so cute hmm,you're also so beautiful,"he said leaning in.

"Thanks,your hot,"I chuckled leaning in.
We lightly kissed only to be interrupted by someone clearing their through.

We looked up to see the girl that took our order.She smiled sweetly,handing us our ice scream.I took mine while Jack took his.

We thanked her and left."Now will you tell me where we're going?"I asked licking my ice cream to keep it from melting.

"No,"he bluntly said.

"You know you're being a really big asshole?I don't even know why I said yes,"I muttered the last part.

Oh this was going to be funny.He slowly turned around.God you should of seen his face.

He threw out his ice cream in a trash can that was close by.And then turned to me."W-what? N-n-no baby,Jace I just want it to be a surprise,"you should of seen his face.

His eyebrows were knitted together in concern.And there was so much going on in his eyes.

I slowly went up to him and hugged his torso.And slowly muttered"I..was joking," right after.He let out a groan/growl.

"You asswipe why do you keep making me feel so bad?"and covered his face.
I hid my face in his neck."Stahp,now you're making me feel bad,for making you feel bad,"I mumbled into his neck.

He picked me up.Letting out a little yelp and hanged on for the dear of my life.

Jack let out a deep chuckle and continued walking to his car.
Halfway there he told me to put on a blindfold.My little dirty mind started to take over.Oh God what was he going to do to me?

The car came to a stop and Jack's door opened and closed.I heard mine being opened

Jack led me out the door and held my hand.The gravel under my feet crunched. I wonder where we are.

I felt Jack go behind me and undo the knot.I looked up once the blindfold was off.There was a field of flowers.

I slowly gasped at how pretty It was. "Jack its so pretty,"I said still amazed. "Yeah? Come there's more,"he said taking my hand in his.

We walked untill we came upon a field of just alot of different kinds of flowers.In the middle thre was a picnic set up.

"C'mon let's go eat,"Jack dragged me to the middle.
Honestly today was amazing I don't Care how many times we fought.

We arrived at my house at about 7:00pm yeah we stayed there some time.

We got out of his car and once we made it to the front he pulled me towards him.His eyes slowly darted between my eyes and my lips.

Slowly he started to dip.Our lips meeting in the middle.

Finally I broke the kiss."I had a lot of fun today "I said.He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well you know.I like you.Alot.And I was wondering if,well maybe....wanted to be my boyfriend?"he shyly wispered.

Looking into his eyes.There was so much hope in them."Sure..I'd love to,"I wispered back.
Aww! I'm sorry.It was shorter than the last part but because this was part 2.Be glad I'm doing this for you guys!jk I haven't even done my homework.But it's so worth it.
Thanks again for reading! Bye.

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