Chapter 18: The Reaction

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Toby's POV:

How the hell did she end up in the hospital? This girl might be beautiful but is she really worth all this trouble? I'm just glad Sam is dealing with it. After all I did arrange for his father to come to his sister’s wedding. The weird thing was that my dad just so happened to be around when Rylee passed out but he refused to tell me what happened.

I just shake my head and come back to reality. I go back inside Cierra's room and she smiles at me and pats the bed beside her. I crawl in with her and kiss her deeply but my heart just isn't in it. She pulls away and sits back against her pillows and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks frowning at me.

"It's not you babe its Rylee." I start and her name brings a disgusted look on Cierra's face. "She is in the hospital." I continue and the look is replaced with guilt.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. Why is she there?" She asks sounding glum.

"Well apparently something happened at Sam's sister’s wedding reception that caused her to pass out. I'll find out tomorrow what happened because I hired a man to follow her around and take pictures so I could be sure she was safe. He is supposed to report back to me tomorrow and I'm sure I will find out what happened." I tell her leaning against the pillows myself.

"So is she awake yet?" She asks me.

"No, and that's the problem normally the person wakes up in minutes after passing out and it's been a day now. The doctor says everything is normal, but she is just not waking up."

"Well what can I do for you to make you forget about all the craziness in your life right now?" She purrs into my ear.

"I can think of a few things." I say teasing her before kissing her deeply and rolling over on top of her.


The next day I wake up around 11 and find that I have 2 texts and 3 calls from Sam. Apparently Rylee is awake now and the doctor is letting her go later tonight. I tell him thanks for letting me know and I get up and go fix breakfast for me and Cierra.

I think I know my way around her kitchen better than I do my own. I shake my head when I think about it. Cierra, what can I do with her. I love spending time with her. She is beautiful and funny and she knows just how to get to me. She is the kind of girl my parents would hate. My brother's party is tonight and obviously I won’t be taking Rylee with me. Maybe I should take Cierra just to make my dad mad.

I decide to do that just as Cierra walks into the room and wraps her arms around me. "That smells fantastic. "She says kissing the back of my neck giving me goose bumps.

"Go sit at the table I'm almost done then I have something to ask you." She lets go and walks over to the table. I put the breakfast on 2 plates and go join her. "Breakfast made by a prince how lucky can a girl be?" She teases taking a bite.

I smile and do the same. "So what do you need to ask me?" Cierra says raising her eyebrows.

"Well my brother's party is tonight and since Rylee is sick I wanted to know if you would come." I tell her wondering why there are butterflies in my stomach. That never happens to me. I try to ignore it and wait for her answer.

"Toby you know your parent's wouldn't approve of me. You don't want me there with you I'll just embarrass you. You know I'd do anything for you, but I don't want to ruin your relationship with your parents." She says.

"Cierra I don't care what my parents think. I like being with you and for the longest time I wouldn't accept that fact but I have now. I know I'm still with Rylee, and I don't know if that will change any time soon but she could never replace you in my life. Please come with me to the party. I'll buy you a dress." I tell her.

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