Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home

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Toby's POV:

Today's the day. I have to go get everything out of the house by noon. It's all packed and in the garage all I have to do is haul it to Cierra's house in my car. Its only 8 a.m. so I should be done by 10 at the latest. I guess the new owners will be moving in today. I wonder who they are...

As Im pulling up to park I see a light turn on in the master bedroom upstairs and check the clock again. It's only 8:30 there shouldn't be anyone in there yet. I sigh and park the car before making my way to the garage. I open the door as quietly as possible. All 8 boxes are stacked neatly right against the wall just as I left them.

I grab the first two and make my way to the car. The next two go just as smoothly. After I take the 5th and 6th boxes I go back in for the last ones thinking I'm home free but as soon as I pick the boxes up the bottom busts and everything comes falling out the bottom clanging against the floor and I freeze.

The first person out of the house is a man in his 60 already dressed for the day shortly following him I hear footsteps from 2 people, but when they come around the corner I didn't expect who it would be.

Sam steps into the garage first followed closely by Rylee dressed in nothing but one of Sam's t-shirts. I take in the scene and I can see Sam doing the same before finally he breaks the silence.

"What are you doing here Toby?" He asks anger seeping through every word.

"I could ask you the same thing but I think I already know." I say sneering at Rylee who looks down at what she is wearing before stepping behind Sam.

"This is our property now and you are trespassing." Sam says seething.

"King Edward told me I had until noon today to get everything out of the house so that's what I am doing, and what do you mean by this is your property? There is no way you could afford this house." I snap at them.

"It was an apology gift from Eddie." Rylee says shrugging.

"Eddie?! You call him Eddie?! He doesn't let anyone but family call him that! There is no way he would let you say that unless you were adopted or something!" I shout at her.

She turns red and hides behind Sam who looks more than furious. "Do not yell at her. Just get your shit together and get out of my garage!" Sam screams at me.

I flinch at the words before gathering all my things and waking out of the garage and hopefully out of their lives for good, but one thing is for sure the press are gonna have a field day when they learned about the adopted princess...

Rylee's POV:

How would he guess that Eddie adopted me? Why did I call him Eddie in front of him in the first place? Maybe he won't tell anyone. He isn't that bad of a guy is he? I don't even know anymore.

I think Sam can tell I'm having an internal battle with myself because he hasn't said anything the whole time and he has been watching my face like he is trying to decide if I'm okay. I finally give up trying to figure Toby out and sigh.

"I'm alright Sam. I just don't know what Toby will do. He could tell someone and then again he might not. I don't know and it's driving me crazy, and then I have this whole dinner thing tonight. Sam I'm gonna lose it." I say burying my face in my hands.

Sam's arms wrap around me and he kisses the back of my head. "Ry it's all gonna be okay. The King can control the press if word gets out, plus he loves you so this dinner is gonna be a piece of cake. Don't worry so much or I'll have to take your mind off of it." He says nibbling on my ear at the last part making me shiver and pull away.

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