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"I don't know what to do, Dylan. I really messed up." I said, falling back onto my bed.

"Yeah, you did." My older brother said.

"Wow, thanks. That so made me feel better."

"Yeah, I know. Have you talked to her yet?"

"No. Should I text her?" I asked, sitting up to face him.

"Don't text her, call her instead."

"Okay," I replied, taking my phone. I pressed and held the home button, Siri popping up onto my screen.

"Call Mia."

Calling Mia

The phone rang and I put it on speaker as Dylan was still in the room. My phone continued ringing until her voice came through the speaker.


"Mia, thank god you picked up. I am so sorry. Please just talk to me." I said and waited a few minutes. She didn't respond until I heard this come out of the speaker.

"No one is responding because this just so happens to be a voicemail. Please leave your name and number after the beep, thanks."

I groaned and pressed the end button.

"Man, that's gotta hurt." Dylan said snickering.

"Shut up."

"Good luck little brother. I've got a date to get ready for with her sister." He said and walked out of my room.

I rolled my eyes and pressed my finger to the home button, allowing it to open up. I went to my Messages and found Mia's name. I clicked on it and sent her a quick text.

Hey, I just called you a few minutes ago and you didn't pick up. I wanted to say that I was sorry but I don't think I am anymore. I think I love you Mia. I think I have for a while now and I just didn't know until now. But yeah, I love you.

Taking a deep breath I pressed the send button and watched as it delivered. Right as it delivered the 'read at' sign appeared, letting me know that she had read it. I turned off my phone, waiting for it to buzz with her response. After about five minutes of waiting in agony my phone finally buzzed.

I honestly don't know what to say. Jay, we've been best friends since we were in diapers. We've only been best friends and I think that's all I want to be.

My face dropped as I read the last sentence. She only wants to be friends?

But I can't be friends with you Mia. I really want to be something more. Please just give me a chance.

I pressed send and waited for a response. My phone buzzed seconds later, indicating that she texted me back.

I'm sorry, but I just can't. I don't want to get my heart broken again by one of my friends.

I won't hurt you like he did. I promise. Mia please, just give me a chance.

I can't, Jay. I'm sorry.

I gave up after that.

. . .

"What did you do?" Dylan asked angrily, storming into my room.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything."

"Bella just texted me saying that she came home from our date and found Mia crying in her room. Now I'll ask you one more time. What did you do?"

"I- I told her that I love her."

"You what?" He gritted out.

"I told her I love her."

"You don't just spit something like that out Jason! Especially not to your best friend who you just so happened to kiss yesterday. You know just as well as I do that Mia does not like being put on the spot like that! How could you be so stupid?!" Dylan yelled at me.

Dylan being overprotective of Mia was the one thing I hated about knowing her since we were babies. He was always there to watch over her when she was younger and they had formed some type of brother, sister relationship.

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking." I mumbled.

"Well you obviously weren't! You need to find some way to apologize to her."

"I'm not apologizing for loving her!" I exclaimed, now upset.

"You're not apologizing for loving her. You're apologizing for putting her on the spot." Dylan said, pulling out his car keys from his front pocket. "Now I'm going over to help Bella calm her down. When I'm gone you're going to think real hard about what you just did and how you're going to fix it."

"Whatever," I said and rolled my eyes.

"I mean it Jason. You better have it figured out by the time I get back." He said. "And I'm taking Liv with me since mom and dad are gone for the weekend."

"Okay," I sad once again.

. . .

Mia's POV

"He told me he loves me," I cried out to Bella.

"I know, sweetie. I'm sorry that happened to you. But Jason isn't like him, you know that. He won't hurt you like Mark did."

"I know but I just can't take that chance," I cried.

"M, I really think you should. I think Jason would be really good for you."

"You know, just because you're dating Dylan doesn't mean I have to date Jason."

"Is that what you think I'm trying to do? I just want you to be happy, Mia."

"It doesn't sound like that though. It sounds like you're trying to make me date Jay. If I don't want to date Jay then I don't have to date him. Don't force it onto me." I replied angrily. "Now can you please just leave me alone for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. Just come talk to me when you're ready to stop acting like a child. Oh, and by the way, Dylan's coming over with Liv in a few."

"Okay. Can you please leave now?"

"Yeah, I'll go." Bella said and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

After she was gone I grabbed my phone and pulled up Jason's name in my Messages.

Hey, I'm really sorry about before. I'm just scared. I don't want to get hurt again.

I know, and I'm sorry about putting you on the spot like that. It's just hard sometimes because I've liked you for a while now, I just didn't know I did. But Mia, I promise to never hurt you.

I read over his text message a few times before a new one was delivered.

Just please give me a chance.

Okay, I'll give you a chance.

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