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I was in a nice house, I was playing with a boy my age. He was playing with a broom for some reason while I was looking at a weird picture book. A lady with red hair,green eyes and a smile was trying to get the boom from the boy when a man came running in exclaiming that he was coming! The lady scooped up the boy then reached for me I then heard the man say...hold him.. I started to cry then ran towards the man. The lady then ran off to the stairs. I bumped into a thing? I think it was a person but I couldn't tell. The man looked at me in horror ran to the weird thing. He picked me up and pointed a shiny thing towards me. The man the yell something at him and charged at him grabbing me then pushed me outside the door. The thing said something and all of the sudden that man wasn't moving anymore. As I tried to wake him up, I notice the strange person coming towards me, I ran to my room it was closed I banged on the door with my tiny fists until the lady open it it with a stick. She picked me up and hold me next to the little boy. It was fine until that strange thing appeared. He demanded the lady to give over the boy she refused until he used the same stick that made that man motionless. He turned to me and said, "You're next after this one." There was a flash and he was gone but everything was broken the boy was in the crib crying after a while I saw someone come in, it was a man with a long nose and cape. I was curious, why he was here? He kneeled over to pick up the lady but then he started to cry? I was confused, I then crawled over to him he looked at the boy with discussed while saying something. I then put my hand on his cape he turned around in surprised. He looked at me like I was some kind of angle. Then he muttered something I heard a loud rumbling. It came from the sky it was another man he was speaking with the caped man. He handed him the boy but didn't do the same to me instead asked "Wouldn't it be safer to keep them separate?" The tall man thought about it then said give her to dumb al door to decide then left. The caped man came into a corner then stopped he went into an alleyway and waited. Suddenly an old man with a white beard came in to view,the caped man begin to talked to him. I then closed my eyes.

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