Chapter Three: It was one Interesting Day

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We were waiting for the person that was going to take me to get my school supplies. I was outside waiting wondering if they were a no show, then I saw a giant familiar man coming this way. He then ask me if I was ready to go I just nodded my head. He then introduced himself,"Ello, I'm Hagrid. Keeper of the Keys and Grounds Keeper at Hogwarts." I said, "Then Ms.McGonagall sent you?" He laughed and told me that if called her that at school people might think that I was a suck up. I laughed too imaging it. After that we went on to get my school supplies. Soon enough we had all the items I needed I then asked Hagrid, "Why I was labeled a second year?" He told me that Ms- I mean Professor McGonagall had assigned a student to help me catch up. He then asked me if I could wait at Flourish and Blotts until he came back. As I was waiting I saw a family of worried looking red heads. I started to wonder if they were alright, but I promise Hagrid I would stay here. I made up my mind I would ask them beside I wouldn't be gone long. A then approach then and asked them, "Excuse me but are you okay?" A tall man who I assume is their father turned to me surprised saying, "Oh-um it's okay dear, nothing we can't handle,right Weasleys?" A tall boy with glasses turned toward me and told me to shoo. While two identical boys were arguing with him. A boy my age with red hair then pointed to the distance the walking was Hagrid and another boy with black hair that immediately had a feeling of deja-vu. I saw a girl walking towards the family. Hagrid then told me that we have to go. I was about to leave but the two twins grabbed me from behind. They then told me they're names,George and Fred Weasley. They introduced me to their family,their older brother Percy,their younger brother Ronnie-kins,to which he blushed and told me his name is Ron. I laughed but shook his hand,and their sister Ginny. She was cute,I saw her staring at the black haired boy. This,they told me,Is the boy who lived. Harry Potter. He mumbled a hello and shook my hand. But before I could question him,he was pulled on to a stage by the author,Gilderoy Lockhart. He then announce that he was going to be our new defense of the dark arts teacher. I figured that the old one must have retired. But what is defense of the dark arts? I then saw a pale,blonde boy making fun of Harry. Ginny told him to leave Harry alone then he called her his girlfriend. I was about to tell him to quit it but his father stopped him but he started to make fun of Mr.Weasley. Soon they started to get into a huge fight at the bookstore Mrs.Weasley was crying for him to stop,the twin and Ron were rooting for him and they were knocking books everywhere. When the fight was then broken up Hagrid found me. He told me that I had to go home now. I waved goodbye to them but I didn't they see me. When I came home my parents asked me how'd it went. I just told them it was one interesting day.

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