Chapter Nine: Dueling,Hissing and Red Hands?

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(Peeves the poltergeist)

It was another school day so I got up early, I almost forgotten about seeing Myrtle but I headed to her bathroom. I then saw Harry going into it. Strange,I thought but maybe he and Myrtle were friends too,I hoped. As I went in I saw Myrtle she put her finger to her lips then pointed to a cubicle. I nodded my head and kept silent then I opened the door to which my surprise revealed,Ron,Hermione and Harry surrounded by one toilet that had a cauldron on it, with something in it. Hermione then grabbed her wand asked me what I was doing here. I was to shock or scared to do anything. Suddenly I had my voice back, "I-I was j-just visiting Myrtle." I stuttered while shaking. I then heard Ron say, "I don't believe her! I mean who would want to visit Moaning Myrtle anyway?" "I would!" I told them with sudden confidence. Hermione the put down her wand then said to me. "Tiger, If I told you what we were doing, Can you promise me that you wouldn't tell anyone?" Ron then said, "Are you kidding me? How do we know she isn't Malfoy's spy or something?" Hermione said to him, "I trust her." I said to them, "I promise." "We think the Malfoy is the heir to Slytherin. So we're going to make a Polyjuice potion to see if he'll confess." "What is a Polyjuice Potion?" I asked. "It can change your appearance to look like someone else's." "Oh, I see now but are they anymore people you guys should worry about?" "Like who?" Hermione asked, "Like anymore suspects?" I asked. "No,we're pretty sure it's Malfoy,I mean he did say you'll be next mudbloods." Ron told me. "Yeah,plus he's in Slytherin,I mean it's so obvious." Harry added then hermione said, "Anyways we have to go,Tiger. See you around." They left in a hurry I then looked at my pocket watch. I still had some time so I decided to talk to Myrtle. "Hey, Myrtle-" "Was it true?" She asked me. "What?" I asked confused. "What you said earlier, Was. It. True?" She asked again but this time she repeated the question slower. I then realized what she was asking I responded with, "Of course it's true, Myrtle. You're the first friend I made since I came here and I promise that i'll always protect my friends." She then floated towards me then hugged me soon she started to cry again but I could tell these tears were from joy not pain. We then broke from the hug I smiled, then said, "I'll meet you here after my classes." I turned to leave but before I could, Myrtle said to me, "Wait before you leave I wanted you to know that people have been that saying that you could be the heir of Slytherin. Then she asked me, Are you?" I was shocked but answered truthfully, "No, I'm not the heir of Slytherin." She seemed to breath a sigh of relief then said, "I thought you want to know." I smile and thanked her leaving the bathroom to go Potions. A few days later I was going to visit Myrtle again,since that day in the bathroom we been really great friends. I was going to turn a corner until I was grabbed by to familiar arms. "Come on, Hufflepuff." One said to me. "Yeah,we got big plans for you." Said the other. "Really big plans." They said at the same time. "Please,let me go." I told them while struggling. "Sure, we're here. They said in unison then they me let me go. You can thank us later." They said while disappearing in the crowd. "Wait what do you-" I then bumped into someone. "Oh,Hello Tiger. What are doing here?" I looked up it was Leanne, "Oh,Hi Leanne, Where am I?" "We're learning how to duel. Strange,I thought first years couldn't learn how to duel." "Um,Leanne I was kinda brought here against my will." "What do you mean by that?" "Well the Weasley twins-" "Oh they must of thought it would be funny to bring a first year student here. Sorry about that,Tiger. They're known as the schools "Pranksters". " Just then we heard someone say, "Can all of you hear me? Can all of you see me? Excellent." We looked up to see Professor Lockhart on a stage with Professor Snape. "What is he doing here?" I asked Leanne. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe he's here to help." I then turned my head to the stage as both Professors were showing an example of dueling, they face each other, did some sort of a bow then attacked using spells. We then were separated for practice,but it turned bad quickly,Neville was paired with Justin they were both on the floor lying on backs,Ron was paired with someone named Seamus Finnigan,the broken wand blackened Seamus's face while Ron apologized for that,Hermione was being manhandled by another girl. I then faced my partner,"Hello my name's Terry Boot. What's your name?" He asked with curiosity. "I-I'm Tiger." I muttered nervously to him. He gave me a nod then we began. We bowed like both of the professors then said, then he was going to say a spell but I interrupted by asking, "Wait what spell are we supposed to use?" He laughed then said anything goes I guess then we started over. I suddenly remembered a spell Hermione told me about it makes people stumble,perfect. I then said it,"Everte Statum! I yelled. Instead of stumbling, he flew about five feet backward while screaming bloody murder. I ran after him on the verge of crying because of the guilt. Terry!" I yelled,by now this has a few students attention. I was at his side,he seemed fine but his arm was bleeding horribly. By the time one of Professors came a crowd had formed around us,lucky for us it Professor Snape because Harry told us that the Skello-grow was painful and tasted horrible plus I don't want to know what he will do for a cut. But unfortunately he did came he told Terry to pinch it to stop the bleeding. I then turned to Professor Snape and ask if I could take Terry to the Madam Pomfrey. He rolled his eyes and said to make it quick. I thanked him then left trying to help Terry with his arm. When we finally got there, Madam Pomfrey demand to know what happen I told her about the dueling club,about us dueling,about how the twins took me there,everything. I then asked her,If he was going to be okay. She looked at me and said that she hadn't had a chance to look at him yet and said it would be best if I go. I nodded then left not knowing or even caring where I was going I then found an empty classroom I sat at a desk and began to cry. Suddenly I heard a loud laugh coming behind me. It was a small man,wearing colorful clothes,black hair,orange eyes and oddly he wasn't transparent but was floating so I couldn't tell if he was a ghost or not. "W-What do you need?" I asked hoping he would get what he wanted and leave. But instead he started to sing, "Little Tiger feeling blue. Wrong color choice for you. You should stay away from the big boys. Or else the next one will break like your toys." He then started to laugh. Then I snapped, "Shut up! I yelled to him standing from my seat. He looked surprised. You think it's soooo funny to insult others but if you ever put yourself in shoes then you would think twice before making fun of someone!" I finished I then realized what I said then walked out. I didn't see him follow me. I then walked into a scene,it was of Harry,Sir Nicholas,Justin and Ernie. But Justin and Sir Nicholas were petrified,Harry was in front of them and Ernie told him that he was caught red handed. Plus that guy from earlier was telling everyone to run for their lives. But how could this happen so fast?

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