Chapter Ten: An Odd Valentine and an Odder Diary

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It was soon Valentine's Day,Harry was innocent because Hagrid talked to him before the attacks so there was no was of him doing it, Hermione was sent to the hospital wing since she had grabbed the wrong hair. So she turned into a cat hybrid because of it. I visit her in the hospital along with the boys, speaking of them,They discovered a new break in the case,Draco is not the heir to Slytherin. They then found a diary in Myrtle's bathroom. I asked them where it came from,they told me that it was almost flushed down the toilet in the girl bathroom. Back to now,Professor Lockhart had told the school that he had dwarves dress like cupids to deliver Valentines. Many of the girls were excited but the boys were distraught at the thought. I just shooked my head and went to class. After that I saw a dwarf casing Harry,he finally got to relay his message to him after but after he was done,Harry left with a broken backpack,ego and Percy nagging at him. But soon enough I got one too,it was at lunch when he appeared. He asked my for my name, I told him then he sang, "I first thought you were a whiner, but you are so much stronger. I know that you are a Hufflepuff, but darling you make me blush. I want you to know that I maybe mean but still, Can you learn to love a guy like me, my little Tiger?" After he finished I was speechless. I couldn't believe that someone wrote that for me. Then the dwarf said to me, "He told me to give this to you. He then muttered,The little berrybush." Then left. It was a note to meet him I wondered all day if I should or not, I soon decided that I should give this person a chance. I dressed in something casual. Thinking I was only going to meet him, I was dressed,in a pair of jeans, an blue-green sweater and lastly I was wearing my favorite scarf,it was green and yellow. My cousin gave it to me one christmas when we outside playing in the snow. I didn't brought a scarf with me so he let me used his. We continued to play until it was time for dinner. When he had to go home, I tried to give back,but he told me to keep it saying it was a cheap Christmas gift. But that has been the gift ever. I then heard a voice yell,"Watch out!" I looked up, it was Myrtle, "Oh,Hey Myrtle, How's it going?" I asked her as though as nothing happened. "Oh, Just the usual, being dead and all, She told me, And trying to help you from doing the same." "What. do. you... I said slowly realizing that I was in front of the dungeons. How did I get here?" I muttered mostly to myself taking out the address. "I don't know? Were you sleepwalking?" "No. I was following an address someone gave me to meet them here." "It was probably a trick. They were probably going to get you in trouble." "Maybe you're right. I told her disappointed. "So why did they do?" She asked, "They sent me the most beautiful poem that I have ever heard." I told her as she started to laugh,"Oh really? What did it say? Here I wrote it down." I showed her a piece of paper that I wrote the poem on. For about a minute she said nothing when she finally did she told me that he was good and it looked like she was blushing. She then quickly said,"But it doesn't change the fact that he wanted you to get in trouble." "Yeah,bu-" Suddenly there was a bound of familiar laughter. "P-Peeves." I heard Myrtle stutter. He spotted her then started singing again, "I see that ugly Myrtle Is not a loner. Maybe she can be nicer now. Ha,Maybe only if you can say ow ow ow." Myrtle started crying, I got mad at him for picking on my friend. So I yelled,"Leave her alone! He turned as if he didn't see me but his face looked nervous for some reason. "What?" I said to him uncomfortably. He then floated away in a heartbeat. That's weird, I thought to myself. I broken from my thoughts when Myrtle hugged me telling me,"Thank you." I smiled and told her that I promise to protect my friends no matter what. She smiled back and offered to walk me to my common room. I took her offer then fell asleep. The next morning I was going to see if Hermione and the other's wanted to come with me to see Myrtle. Just then, Ginny came out hold a black book. She then turned to me and said, "Here, He wants to talk to you!" "W-What?" I asked confused. "Here, Just take it and write in a random page." She shoved it in the book in my hands then left towards the hospital wing. I just looked at it then shrugged my shoulders while leaving. During the day I started writing in it. Tom was an interesting boy but it was odd how he wanted to know things about me. It was night when I question him about that. He told me that I reminded of him of when he went to Hogwarts. I then asked how long ago was that. He answered with a while ago. Okay,I wrote,Tell me something that nobody knows about you. It was blank for a bit then he wrote, Hogwarts will always be a second home to me. I smiled then wrote,Me too. I guess I lost track of time writing because Leanne was shaking me awake telling me to get up. I then shuffled to get dressed,do my hair and eat breakfast on time. I almost forgot to bring the journal with me. I was late for potion lucky for me Professor Snape's back was turned so I made in without being seen. It was soon time for a Quidditch match, but I went to the library to write in the journal or sleep I couldn't remember. All I remember was writing in the journal then I could heard Hermione mumbling about something,suddenly it went black. When I came to,I found Hermione and another girl petrified. It was horrible I was there and I didn't even have a clue of what happened. I then wrote in the journal again,What did you do? I demanded. What are you talking about? He asked innocently. You know what! I wrote angrily. What did you do to that my friend and that perfect? I wrote to him. All he showed me was a blank page for a few minutes then wrote back, My,My,You are a clever one but did it ever occur to you that it could have been "someone else" the whole time? I then wrote back,What are you playing at,Tom? Play. That is a key word here. You see it all was a game to me, Ginny Weasley was the first player. She told me her worries and woes and I was there to help her. But it took her awhile,No. I thought I couldn't been Ginny, but she figured it out and tried to get rid of it. I then meet Harry Potter. She then took the diary back but I felt an odd presents by you so I forced her to give the diary to you by burning her hands. That's why she went to the hospital wing afterwards,I thought to myself, but i'm surprise you were this fast at figuring out too bad it's not going to help you now... "W-What?" I said out loud all of sudden it was black but I kept flashing in,I could see myself I was writing something. I looked at it, I gasped I was writing out a confession. The worst part is it was in my own handwriting. Then it turned black again, I was now writing something on the wall. It was in red letters and it wrote,Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever. I looked to see Ginny I then picked her up. I then screamed,"No!" But the darkness returned. When I came to again this time I had all function to my mind. Ginny was on the floor motionless. "G-Ginny?" I said,scared of answer. "She is not going to be waking up anytime soon." I turned to see a tall boy, with pale skin, dark hair and even darker eyes. Looking at me, "What do you mean by that? I asked him,then asked. "Are you Tom?" "I am." He answered me while circling around me, watching my every move like a predator and I was the prey but I began to stand my ground while asking him, "What did you do her?" "I'm going to drain her of her life force." I then made quick decision, "What if I took her place?" "Your both first years, What makes you better that her?" "Because-,I thought about Ginny then said,Because I figured out your stupid plan faster than her." It was a few minutes before he said anything but once he finally did, "Alright if you're that eager to die then go ahead." Suddenly I felt a great blast of pain the last thing I remember thinking was,"Please for-give me for this." Then darkness again.

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