Chapter Seven: Who Gets the Blame?

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I saw Ginny at lunch but she still looked bad, I asked her if she wanted to come library with me. She declined politely she told me that she wanted to go to bed earlier tonight. "Okay, I understand." I told her then continued to eat. Later, I went to the library. I looked all over until I saw Luna. I asked her if she knew where could I find a book that had the words that I had heard Draco say. She then pulled out a dictionary and handed it to me saying, "I keep this handy just in case." I then asked her if I could borrow it. She nodded and left as I thanked her. I then looked through it, and it had a lot of words like the ones that he said but some were even more horrible. I guessed I fell asleep because it was late, I then left the library. I stopped when I heard someone crying,it was Myrtle. I then asked her, "Hey, what's wrong, Myrtle? She answered by telling me about how Peeves and Hermione made fun of her at Nearly Headless Nic's Deathday Party. I then proceed to ask what was that, She told me it was like a Birthday but for when you die. She then told me that she went to bathroom to tried to kill herself but- She left off because she started to cry. I tried to pat her back but it didn't work so I just sat there in silence. She started to calm down a bit then I heard a boys voice say, Get them. Kill the mudbloods. I then asked "Myrtle, Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "You didn't hear it?" "What! Are you trying to trick me?" "No,I just thought I heard something." I told her uncertain. She then said to me,"Then you better find it before it finds you." Before I had a chance to ask her what she meant she floated away. I then started to walk away thinking about what Myrtle had told me,suddenly there was water on the floor I look up to be face to face with a cat I then heard three gasped I turned around to see Ron, Harry and Hermione. Looking at me as if I was caught killing a man in cold blood. I then realized what they were thinking, "No! No! This isn't what it looks like!" Just then then a whole crowd of student and teachers came in. The caretaker,Mr. Filch then stepped forward then he snapped out of his state of shock. He pinned me against the wall while accusing Harry and I of killing his cat. I began to struggle telling him that we had nothing to do with this,that we were innocent. He didn't believe me. Professor Snape held him back while Professor McGonagall kept me behind her. Professor Lockhart then offered to use his classroom to exam Mrs.Norris. She was announced to be petrified. Professor Snape then integrated Harry and the others while Professor McGonagall did the same to me. I told her I was on my way to bed because I thought that I had missed dinner. She then asked where I was,I told her that I was at the library. She then picked up the book that Luna had lent me. She then asked for Dumbledore to come over here,I was confused. I didn't understand what I had did wrong. It was until she told me that this book filled with insults for the wizard kind. I then I understood why they were upset with me. She then asked me where I gotten it I told that a friend let me borrowed it because I didn't understand a couple of words that turned out to be insults. Professor Dumbledore then asked me, "What were the words you didn't understand? I told him that it was blood traitor and mudblood. As soon I said the last one Professor Snape looked down for some reason. They then asked me who had said theses words. I told them it was Draco. They then told me I could leave but Professor Snape was staring at me for a bit while I was leaving. I wonder why he does that?

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