Chapter Six: Of Mudbloods and Slugs

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I had woken up early the next day to find all my classes. I looked at the timetable in my hand it read, Potions with Ravenclaw,Transfiguration with Gryffindor, DADA with Slytherin, Flying with Ravenclaw, Charms with Gryffindor, History of Magic with Ravenclaw and Herbology with Slytherin. I saw some people in the air on brooms, I ran towards them fearing that I had missed the class. Suddenly I picked up by my arms dangling in the air. I screamed then I heard two familiar laughs, "It's okay." He started then stopped,"We got you." The other finished as I yelled."No! Put down!" "Calm down,we're not going to drop you." One of them said. "Yeah,besides even if we did you probably break a bone or two." "How is that good!?!" I yelled. Then we heard someone yell, "George! Fred! Get down here! Slytherin wants the field!" They then swoop down as soon as the person finished that sentence. "Are you kidding me?" Asked Fred, I think. I then saw Hermione and Ron coming down from the stands. I then asked Harry what happened. He told me that the Slytherin team came onto the field,wanting to train their new seeker. In front of us stood a gang of people wearing green cloaks, in the middle stood a boy about our age with blonde hair and grey eyes. One of the students then bragged about how Draco's father bought the whole team nimbus 2001's. I guessed that the grey eyed boy was Draco because on how his chest puffed when that boy said that. Then Hermione made started making fun of their team,I think but I wasn't sure because Ron pulled a out a broken wand that shot back a spell, the other team started to laugh as they started to take him to Hagrid's but a kid was getting in the way. Harry told him to go away I then asked him, why was he bothering Harry. He told me all about Harry, which was really creepy but I didn't say it. I remember I had to go to class so I ran to the dungeons accidentally bumping into Ginny on the way. I apologized but told her I had to go or i'll be late. When I got there I was a minute before the bell rang. I sighed in relief but then I realized that Ginny looked kinda off today,I decided to waited until lunch to talk to her. It was soon passing, then I saw a familiar looking blonde. I walked up to him and asked, "Excuse me but can you tell me what a mudblood is?" Everyone around us looked in shock. He then laughed at me and told me to ask the blood traitors. I stopped him again to asked, "Who is that?" He gave me a look then said, "The Weasleys." I then asked, "What's a blood traitor?" He then groaned and told me, "Go look at a book if your so bloody curious!" Then left without me asking another question.

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