Chapter Four: The Kitty and The Snape

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Time went by fast,soon we were standing at the Kings Cross Station. The Hogwarts Express was almost ready to go. We had gotten here early to say our goodbyes and maybe I could make some friends before the ride,unfortunately I didn't had time to meet anyone. Now I just hope that I can meet someone on the way there. I waved goodbye to my parents the train then left. I put my stuff into the back then went to find a seat. I looked everywhere they were either full,saved or said no. I now sitting on the floor I heard someone asked, "Hey,Are you alright?" I looked up to see that girl from Diagon Ally I think. She asked me if I was okay. I told her that I was fine but I told her that there was no more seats left so I just sat here. She then helped me up while telling me that there was plenty of room in her compartment. I thanked her then we went there. She introduced herself, "Hello my name is Hermione Granger. I'm a Gryffindor." "What's that?" I asked confused. She then explained to me on the whole way the there the full story about Hogwarts. By the time she was finish we were here she then stopped me at the door, "I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." I sighed then said, "My name is Tiger Hohnsen. She smiled then said, "I will see later,Tiger." I frowned after she left, I saw Hagrid and started to walk towards him. I always hated telling people my name because they always made fun of it. I finally made it, "Hi Hagrid,What have you been you to?" "Oh Ello,Lilly. Sorry but you need to go with Professor Snape not me." "Oh. Where is he?" I ask kind of disappointed. "He should be in the castle. Here I give you a ride." He told me as a bunch of boats came. I was seated with Ginny and girl named Luna Lovegood because the rest of the boats were full. Once we made it on land,Professor McGonagall told the first years some things then led me to a gargoyle,at least I think it was. She muttered something then the gargoyle was gone she then stepped inside I did too. In there was an familiar old man with a white beard,another familiar man with black hair and a long nose and the two boys from Diagon Alley. The long nosed man looked at me with a shocking look,the old man cleared his throat the long nose man looked away. He then said, "Yes headmaster?" The headmaster then said, "Well boys i'm going to sent a letter to both your families." The red headed boy,I think his name was Ron. He turned pale he then turned to Harry I notice that he had a look of frustration on his face but left left Rom to McGonagall's office. I was left there with the pointed nose man and old man he smiled reassuring but the pointed nose man started to scare me with all of his looking. "Hello Tiger,My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore, I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts. This is Professor Snape,he motions toward the long nosed man. I looked away from him, I then asked him why was I here. He told me,Since it wouldn't be fair to the other students to have you be a year ahead plus that it would already be difficult finding your way to your classes alone, that it would be best if you just stayed a first year." I nodded. He told me since the first years had already been sorted,I was to be sorted here instead then in the morning to sit with my house. I notice that the hat was old and patchy but it was still there. Suddenly the hat began to talk,"Another one? Where was she when I was out there?"  He asked Professor Dumbledore. "She is a late exception." He told it. "Very well. It said then it was placed on me. Hmm, interesting. Definitely not Slytherin nor Ravenclaw, but you could do well in either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor,but the question is which one would suit you. Hmm,well the choice is simple. Hufflepuff!" It screamed. Professor Dumbledore was cheerful while Professor Snape seemed disappointed for some reason. He then had Professor Snape take me to my new house. It was a quiet walk, when we got there he banged on a barrel and just told me to look for the door with my name on it and ask my housemates for anything then left without another word. I when in hoping for some sleep I finally found my room. I went straight for a bed then slept the whole night.

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