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Sorry I haven't been updating this so here it is. I'll try too update every once and a while.
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Lauren POV
"We're going on a trip, in our favorite rocketship. Zooming through the sky. Little Einstein!!!!" Was all Camila sang through out the car. She was still a child by heart.
"Lauren are we almost there" Camila said
"It's right at the corner we'll be there in about 5 minutes" I said stopping as the light turn red
"Gosh I'm so excited, it's been forever since we saw eachother. I miss you so much. And oh I got you something from Milan" Camila said turning her eyes to her bag and opening it
I raised my eyes as she took out a small box from her bag.
"Here" she said smiling handing it to me.
As she gave it to me I open the box to see a bracelet with my name on it
"Do you like it, I have the same one, see." Camila said showing me her wrist to see a bracelet with her name on it.
"This is really nice Camila but you didn't have to buy me this" I said making her groan
"Lauren your my best friend and it's like an code to buy you this." Camila said making me smile
"Thank you Camila" I said putting it down when the light turn green making me take a turn
"Sorry Harry I didn't get you anything. I didn't know you were coming so uh" Camila said looking through her bag
"Here" she said handing him a pack of gum
"Uh thank you?" Harry said confused
"You didn't have to get me anything" he said
"I know but it is polite" Camila said as she was stating a fact
"Thank you" Harry said giving her a toothy smile
"Your welcome" Camila said smiling back.
"Okay we are here" I said driving up to the parking lot.
As I stop the car and engine Camila got out of the car squealing excitedly
"Oh gosh this building is so big" Camila said smiling
"Yeah, I guess." I said walking to the doors along with Camila by my side and Harry behind us
As we walk in the elevator we were greeted by the elevator man which just smile
"Top floor" I said
"Yes mam" the man said pressing the top floor button
"Hi there my names Camila" Camila said smiling to the man
"Hello there Camila" he said giving her a smile
"So what's your name" Camila ask
"Oh uh it's Jack" Jack said
"So Jack, you have a family" Camila ask making me raise an eyebrow
"Yeah, three kids and a wife" he said looking down and smiling
"Really how old?" Camila ask
"Well Ashlynn is 6, Alex is 14 and Hannah is 16" he said
"If you don't mind me asking are you a model?" He ask causing Camila to smile
"Why yes, yes I am" Camila said
"I knew it, my two daughters always have magazines in there hands and on there are pictures of you. And all over there walls" jack said
"Wow really that's so cool" Camila said happily
"Oh here we are. Have a nice day. Very nice to meet you miss Camila" Jack said making us walk away from the elevator
"Nice meeting you" Camila said waving bye smiling. Making Jack smile and do a small wave as the elevator doors closed
As we walk my way to the office my secretary stood up
"Good morning Miss. Jauregui and Mr.Styles" she said but we both ignore her
"Hi" Camila said smiling at the secretary
"Oh hello Miss..." my secretary said getting confused
"She is Miss.Cabello to you" I said annoyed making her nod nervously
" oh please you make me sound old. Call me Camila" Camila said walking to her desk while me and Harry stood there waiting
"Is she done" Harry whisper to me
"Almost." I said
"I thought you said she was shy" Harry whispered making me think
"Well maybe she became more confident. She wasn't like this around school" I said
"School.Lauren that was years ago. When was it. It was back it fourth grade huh" Harry said
"Actually it was second grade" I said turning my attention to Camila
"So what's your name" Camila ask
" oh uh it's Angela" she said making now know her name
"Well it's nice to meet you Angela" Camila said with a big smile
Camila turn to me and I gave her a look to hurry up. She turn back
"Sorry Angela but I got to go unless you want Lauren to kill me" Camila said
"Oh no don't be sorry it was lovely to meet you bye" Angela said smiling at Camila as Camila walk towards me and Harry and we proceed to my office
As we walk in Camila closed the door
"So how do you like it" I ask
"It's so British. I love it" Camila said sighing a bit at the end
"You okay there" Harry said concern making me concern
"Uh Lauren I uh I need help" Camila said with sadness in her eyes
"What's wrong" I ask
"One of the reasons I'm here is because I needed to escape from Milan. I uh" Camila said lost at words
"Well come in spill it" I said inpatient. Worried that my best friend was in trouble
"I was in a relationship with one of my photographers" Camila said making me shock
"You were dating someone" I said
"Well yeah, but here's the thing" camila said looking at me and Harry
"He's married" she said
Making my jaw open and Harry let out a "What"
"Well what's his name" I ask
"Uh. Louis Tomlinson" Camila said. That mans name was familiar to me. I've seen him at party's and magazine even if he was a photographer. He was married to his wife Grethel Tomlinson. What worried me the most was that Louis and Grethel had two kids. But still the thought of Louis and Camila worried me. She's to young to still know whats wrong about reality but she looks on the positive. And I've seen pictures of Camila and Grethel together and it seem as they were friends since Camila was one of her models for her show.
"Camila how. What. How" I said confused
"It just happen. But two weeks ago when we were both together he told me he was going to leave his wife for me and I-I could deal with it. I had to leave so here I am" she said smiling weakly
"And plus she pregnant and I just couldn't"Camila said looking down
" but Camila he's 27, your 20 how" I said
"I know but age is just a number and I love him" she said
"You love him. Camila he's married" I shouted
"I know Lauren's it wrong but I can't help it, he's just sweet" she said
"But I came here and hope that he will take the message that I don't want him to end his marriage. If he ends it he will be seen as the bad guy who cheated on his wife and I can't have people look at him like that. I care about him" Camila said making me sigh
"Always caring for others huh" I said crossing my arms
"Yeah. But it's over and I'm here for the next three months until Paris" Camila said
"Oh I have pictures from my last photo shoot" Camila said looking in her bag and pulling a folder out and walking to my desk smiling like nothing has happen
"Here" Camila said pulling them out and laying them down
All the photos were different. Ones in dresses, shorts, jeans, designer clothing and bikinis
"So what do you think" she ask
Harry walk towards them with widen eyes
"Wow you're very uh nice" Harry said making my eyebrow rise
"Thanks" Camila said smiling
"Miss Jauregui, Mr.Styles the ones for the job are here for the interview " Angela said walking in handing us a folder each with each person profile
"Well let's go" Harry said walking out along with Camila
I sighed. Hope there's no disappointments in this interview

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