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Zayn POV
I closed the door with my key in my pocket and then followed Lauren

I watch as she walked into the elevator and me following inside

"So what did you want to show me" I ask as she turn her heads towards me after pressing the top floor I button. The roof top building

"Just something here I use to visit" Lauren said as I nodded

I look at Lauren to see a smile plastered on her face and it made me smile.

She was beautiful in every way for me

As I continued staring I could hear Lauren's phone ringing but all Lauren did was leave it to ring

"Aren't you gonna get that?" I ask as she shakes her head

"No need, it must be Harry calling me. So it doesn't matter" She said as I chuckled

The elevator stop and the doors open to a rooftop filled with wonderful lights

I step out in awe and stared at the lights that dangled on vines and a table that had a bottle of wine and two glasses

I turn towards Lauren to see her smiling and walking past me and too the table.

I watch her grab a glass and fill it up with wine

"One of the finest wines in the world, imported from Italy. Come here" Lauren said holding out the glass to me as I walk towards and grab it

I took a sip as she poured herself a glass

"Is it good" She ask as I nodded

The wine had a strong nice flavor and was very crisp

"That's good" She said sipping it

"Lauren" I said

"Yes"She replied

"Why did you take me here" I ask as she took a breath in

"When I was younger I always never wanted to be home. It was before I became an CEO" Lauren began and look me in the eye asking if she could continue and I nodded

"I would come her to Milan to this very Hotel and stay here in this rooftop. It made my worries go away. If something I didn't like happen I'll come here." She said but paused and continued after a few seconds

"It was a place i felt safe to be at. It was like my safe haven" She said finishing

"I'm sorry if I'm being emotional" Lauren said looking at me with a weak smile as I shake my head

"Don't be sorry, there's no need. Everyone needs a place to let go and this rooftop is yours. I really do feel honored for you to show me this place" I said meaning it

Lauren trusted me with her safe haven a place she felt safe from reality and could escape. It made me feel closer to her

Lauren walked to the edge of the building but was protected by a barrier and looked out to the sky

I walk to her and admired her beauty and moved myself to be next to her

"I just want to stay here forever" Lauren said as I laugh

"If there was a way, but now you've grown and got responsibilities on you. Like come on you're Lauren Jauregui. The CEO of one of the biggest Industries there is out there. You are admired by many." I said as she sighed

"But is that a good thing" Lauren said as I nodded as she shakes her head

"Being in charge and responsible of a company is hard. It's like everyone watches you and if you make a mistake, it's like they will disown you and push you out" She said as I stared at her

Lauren jauregui was scared of the future and of the present. The girl who shows she didn't care and looks like she has everything handled, doubted herself.

She didn't believe she was good to be CEO, but I did

"People think what they want Lauren, what matters is what you think of yourself and what you do to make the future better like Carpe Diem" I said

"You gotta seize the day to make you future bright" I said making my arms extent to show her an exaggerated bright as she chuckled making me smiled

I look at my watch to see it was already late

"Come on, I'll drop you off at your room, we have a meeting with Normani I believe tomorrow at her hotel" I said as she nodded and we both walked to the elevator and got in

I pressed The button to Lauren's room, and as the doors open I walk her to her door

"Thanks Zayn for the talk. It means a lot. I don't really like showing emotion in things. I think tonight is the most I smiled" she said as I laughed and nodding

We stop at her door as she unlocked it she turn to face me

She lean forward and gave a sweet kiss, it was a short kiss but felt like being kiss by a goddess.

"Bye" she said smiling and closed her door while a smile printed on my face

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