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Zayn POV
As the day was going on, and phone calls came in it was finally Lunch break

I was about to ask Niall but he seems to be stack with paperwork so he said I can go ahead

As I was walking to the elevator I hear the
sound of heels clicking on the floor I turn my head to see Lauren who seems to be on the phone walking towards me, or the elevator

She stop right next me and to say her scent was amazing. She was a combination of Vanilla and Peaches.

As the door open we both walked in with me letting her in first and me going in last

"Uh you going to Main Entrance floor" I ask making her nod still on the phone

"I don't care, you don't decide if I come or not" Lauren said harshly into the phone. I wonder if it's a Partner of hers. After being here for 3 hours the word around goes fast. But it was nothing new to media didn't know

It was obvious Lauren was a attraction to the tabloids, and it wasn't because of her position as CEO but as a very attractive Woman who has great potential to Womens in Power, she was one of them.

"Yeah okay bye Harry" Lauren said hanging up and putting her phone away

"Tough day" I joked making her smile a bit which made me smile. I've been told by Eric, one of the interns here said Lauren rarely smiled. For the reason I do not know. I think she looks beautiful when she does. But of course it was a short smile

"You could say that, don't tell anyone I said this but Harry's been on my ass about Christmas, he wants me to spend with his mother and my dad." Lauren said making me nod

"Well why don't you wanna spend Christmas with them" I ask making her sigh

"I just, I still find it weird being around Harry's mom and my dad, l know they been together for sometime but it's just so uncomfortable" Lauren said

"Then how about bring someone with you, how about your friend Camila" I said

"Thats a great idea but Camila's going to Paris by then, Christmas is in four months, I know pretty early but Harry likes to plan things out first-hand" Lauren said

"Then enjoy your four months while they last" I said trying to make her feel better

"Yeah true, and now I do not know where I'm going" She said as we both walked out the elevator as people pasted us to go in

"Well where are you supposed to " I ask

"Fashion Week but that starts in two hours, maybe I should go early then" she whispered to herself

"Well you can get some coffee with me, and maybe a biscuit" I ask making her confused but nod

"Biscuit, I got confused. I thought you meant dog treats but here they mean pastries or cookies" She said giving out a small chuckle

"Oh yeah, well here they are called biscuits, cute name huh" I said as she nodded

"Well you wanna go, I know a small cafe here" I said

"Okay then" She said as we began to walk out to the little cafe

When we got there the place was almost empty. Not that many people. Maybe one or two plus two more which is four.

Me and Lauren walked up to the front desk and ordered. Me with a black coffee which made her cringe and a croissants, and her with a passion fruit tea with a scone. As our orders where done with me paying we both sat down

"Why did you get a black coffee, it's so bitter" she said as she took a sip of her tea

"Well it keeps me awake, you know with two kids they know how to keep you up all night" I joked making her smile

"I'm sorry if I'm being to personal but what are your kids name's" She ask

"Oh no it's not personal, they're both twins a boy named Sam, and One girl named Daisy here let me show you a picture" I said taking out my phone showing her a picture of them from last Halloween. Daisy was dressed as a pink princess and Sam was dressed as a pirate

"Wow they're so cute" she said as I turn my head a bit to see her smiling while looking at the pictures making me smile a bit

"Yeah they are, here's one with there uncle or my friend Liam" I Said showing her a picture of them sleeping on top of Liam.

I looked at her again to see her smiling

"So are you adjusting to this job" she ask as I bit into my croissant and nodded

"Yeah it's pretty amazing, thank you for giving me the job" I said

"Its no problem, when I saw you I knew you were right for the job" she said

After talking to one another for about another 30 minutes we both got up and left to the building

When we got there she said she'll walk me to my office, which sounded weird but I didn't mind

When we got to my floor level I could already hear the whispers and murmure.

I looked to my side to Lauren to see her looking straight, as if she wasn't affected by the people around. It made her look strong and somehow I liked that

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I'm gonna update in another hour since I wrote another part from this, since this seems to short also

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