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Lauren POV
"So what is it you want to speak to me about" I said as my father, Harry and me walked into Harry Office

"Oh what is this" My father said making me sigh but kind of nervous

He never distracted me unless he was hiding something that would make me mad or cry

My father walked towards Harry desk and picked up a frame.

I look at it to see it was a picture of Camila and Harry

"Are you two dating" My father ask as Harry nodded smiling

"Well good for you, you know she and Lauren as best friends and they di-" My father continued only for me to cut him off

"Dad, please dont waste our time, we have something important to do today, a trip we are planning and I would like to return before those people in the room have a lunch break" I said not caring how rude I was being. My father knew how I came serious in my job

"Oh right yes, congratulations on the girlfriend Harry" My father said putting the frame down and walked towards a chair

"Thank you sir" Harry said

"Lauren, there was- something has" My father said unable to say anything

"Lauren I think you need to sit for this, please" My father said as I notice tears brimming from his eyes making me sit down, knowing what ever this was it was hurting for him

And for me to see my father in such a state it made me sad just as him. He was one of those people I care for

"Lauren as a little girl you grew with me, and I was your only parent figure since you were very young, and-" My father began only to stop

"Lauren there is something I need to tell you" My father said as I nodded wanting for him to just tell me

"I found your mother" He said as my stomach drop just as those words came out

"Or really she found me, but who wouldn't find us, we are Jauregui, but back to the point, your mother wants to meet you" He said as I stood up

"She's a photographer, a very successful photographer, and she lives here in London" My father said as I want to know

"What's her name" I said my voice in to much emotion

"Clara Jauregui" He said as scoff

"She kept the Jauregui in her name" I said feeling angry at this. She was no Jauregui, she didn't deserve that to be put in her name

"Background" I said as my father sigh

"She has a family a new family" He said as my stomach was going to explode

"Married and, She-She has two, I think one is 19 or 20 and the other one is 18" He said

"So all I'm hearing she started a new life with kids right after me, wow" I said with venom in my voice.

"Lauren" My father begin as I stop him with my hand

"No, why should I meet that woman, who doesn't even deserve to be called my mother, after she left us. She left me" I said as I felt my throat tighten after my words but I continue

"After all these years she decides to come back, come back for what. She has nothing to hold in this family after she left" I said loudly now afraid if someone heard me

"Lauren, she's your mother" Harry said softly as I laugh

"Mother oh really, a mother is suppose to be there, a mother is suppose to raise you, a mother is suppose to make sure you feel alright after you get your heartbroken, a mother is suppose to spend days lecturing you how to be a right minded woman for the world to see letting you know you can conquer, a mother is suppose to watch you grow, but did she do any of that,no because I practically had to raise myself without a mother figure" I said as my throat began to feel dry and the tears at the tip of falling but not letting them through

"Lauren" My father said as I walked towards the door

"Me and Harry have a meeting to finish, now if you excuse us, Angela can show you to the door" I said putting m hand on the handle and stop

"After my business trip I will meet her, and I want to meet her family" I said before twisting the door and walking out with Harry behind me

I walked into the room to see everyone speaking to one another

I look to see Zayn talking to Camila and then turning to see me and smiled making my heart flutter and making me smile back

"Meet with Angela at the desk and she will give you the paper for all the information you will need to know for the trip, this meeting is over and you may continue your day" I said as they all left except for Zayn and Camila and Niall

"So what did your father want" Camila ask putting her phone away as I took a sigh and looking into her eyes giving her a sigh it was no good making her nod but worried

Camila always got and understood me, she was the only one who could understand my anger issue, and really put up with me. Even when people liked her and hated me, and even ask her to drop me She never did. She was there for me. She was another person I truly care for

"I'll tell you in my office" I said as she nodded and walked to Harry and the two walked out

"I'll see you later man then, lunch break and I'm having it with a lad" I heard Niall say to Zayn

"Sure man see ya around" Zayn says back and Niall walked pass me smiling and walked out

I look at Zayn and smiled walking towards him

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he back rubbing his neck probably nervous

"So this trip, Camila was telling me about this restaurant in Milan, and I was wondering if you would like to come there with me, and have uh dinner with me" Zayn said as I smiled and wrap my arms around his waist making his become stiff put relaxing into my arms

"I'd love too" I said before pressing my lips into his smiling doing so

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I updated, I've been meaning to update this chapter but I was to busy, I'm spending my summer vacation in New Hampshire with family friends, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to stop updating, it won't be like last summer

Anyway, what do you think of the chapter?

How will things play out in Milan?

How do you feel about Lauren words spoken of her mother?

And should I add smut to this story?

Ps: I will

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