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Lauren POV
" I dont care about if he is good with clients, I want him fired!!!" I scream into my desk phone
"But miss I--" My Secretary says
"Are you trying to control what I think, are you ......what ever your name is. Do you understand I can fire you right now!" I shout feeling my face turning red
"Yes mam" She said in fright
"Okay then, now get him fired and him to never to return. And also when I tell you to fire someone you fire someone" I say slamming the phone back before she could speak
I sat down already tired with the event that had just happen. I heard the door to my office open to see Harry my step brother
"Hey sis" he said smiling
I groan sitting up "What" I said bored
"Whoa what happen to you, woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Harry said giggling a bit
"No, I'm just frustrated. I just had someone fired" I said running a hand through my hair
"What?, Lauren you can't just fire someone" Harry said
"What, why not. I can fire whoever I want" I said standing up glaring at Harry
"Well guess what we have to do?" he said crossing his arms
"What" I said irritated
"Job interviews" Harry said smirking
My glare drop. Damn it. Why didn't I think before. As being one of the owners to Jauregui Company I get very frustrated and hate many things, and one of them is interviews, expectedly when I'm one to interview them along with Harry and another.
"Just great" I said throwing my head back
"I'll go contact some people about it" Harry said before walking to the door and walked out
I close my eyes to relax for a moment. Having this job can be tiresome. My eyes open due to the phone ringing. Annoyed I pick up the phone that was across from my desk.
"What" I said not caring if I was being rude
"Whoa what's got to on a bad side. Did a bird poop on you?" I heard from the other side making me relax
"Hey Camila" I sighed
"Hey Lolo" Camila said
"Why did you call me, aren't you in Paris or something" I said
"No. I'm actually in Milan" Camila said
"Really how is it it Milan huh" I ask
"Oh well you know photo shoots, and shopping. And yeah that's it" Camila said with a little laugh
"Really that sounds like the life" I said
" Uh no it's not. Waking up at 4:00 in the morning for photo shoot and not eating till 12:00 is torture" she said
" why did they make you wait to eat you are like the skinniest person I met." I said telling the truth. Camila was exactly 98 pounds and I quote from her, 98 pounds of nothing. And not to lie Camila had no upper body strength.
" Hey, I have to keep a kept body" she said
"Oh really. Last week on Skype you were eating three burgers and fries" I said
" you now what Lauren I've try okay I try" Camila said joking
"Yeah okay, so why did you call me" I ask
"Oh yeah, since you live in London and I have a couple photo shoots there so I want to visit your work place." Camila said
"Camila it is an Company not work place" I said
"Pish posh same thing" she said
"Well okay then" I said
"Oh gosh I'm so excited. I'm ready to see you work and stuff" Camila squealing
"Yeah yeah" I said
"Oh an I have some picture I want you to see or judge" Camila said
"Okay then" I said
I heard sounds on Camila's side
"I got to go Marc is calling me for a photo shoot. I'll fly at 6:00 so I need you to pick me up"
"Okay then I'll pick you up. Bye" I said
"K bye" She said before hanging the phone
Camila was a model and because of that she has to travel around the world for fashion shows, photoshoots, party's and ect. She was very important. And most of all she was my best friend. I knew her since I was 7 years old and she 5 years old. But at 8 she moved away to Paris while I stayed in London. But we still kept in contact with one another. At 10 my dad got remarried to another woman which made Harry my step brother and the co owner of this company. While living with Harry he would always believe I was a lesbian since I've always called Camila at late times due to different hours we live in. He stop believing that when I practically told him about Camila. When I turn 18 I had taken the role to become the owner of The Jauregui Industry with Harry who was 22 at the time. And Camila who was 16 was becoming a Teen Vogue model but now she was in Calvin Klein , Vogue, Victoria Secret, ect. Now that I'm 22 and Camila was 20 things were hectic for us. We can only speak to each other a couple times a week.
As the phone rings again I sighed and answered it
" yes" I said
"Uh miss Jauregui, Mr.Styles sent an email to me to send to you. It is the names for the job interviews" my secretary said who I still do not knows name.
" okay send it to me" I said hanging up before she can speak
" I grab my laptop and press the email sent to me to see names.
David Gavin
Felica holler
Holly Mcdonre
Sara holder
Felix Andr
Andy Mick
Andrew Sneering
Zayn Malik
Let's hope one is qualified for this job

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