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After Dinner we all decided to part way

Gretel stood up with the help of her husband and her two kids following

"It was so lovely to meet you all and Camila lovely to see you again, I hope we can do this again" Grethel said as we all smiled at her, at least tried

"Bye" Holly said waving her hand at us. She walked towards my seat and stared while I begin to be weirded out

She then put both of her hands on my face

"You're very pretty" Holly said as I smiled as she let go

"Thank you" I said

"Come on Holly it's time to go, hope to see you all again" Louis said walking away with his family

"Wow, this night could've gone much worse" Camila said sighing

"What I don't understand" Zayn ask as I turn to Camila mentally asking if I could tell him. So when she nod I turn to him

"Camila was having an affair with Louis Grethel Husband, and so she came here to escape from it but it came back to bite her in the ass" I explained

"Seriously Lauren. Why you gotta say it like that" Camila said frowning as I shrug

"Well uh, that's something" Zayn said with a shock face

"My face exact" Harry said to Zayn

"But hey you must've left because you didn't want to ruin a marriage" Zayn ask as Camila nod

"Thank you, see this guy gets me" Camila said

"Well hey me and Camila are gonna split so do you want to ride together or" Harry ask

"No we're gonna ride together" I said smiling looking at Zayn

"Okay then, I'll see you at home"Harry said grabbing Camila and they both walked out of the restaurant

"So you wanna leave too, I could see there isn't much to do here" Zayn said looking around as I nodded

"Lets go" I said as we both walked out and to my car

After the 30 minute drive we arrived to Zayns place

"Thanks for the ride" Zayn said as I nodded

"Your welcome" I said for him to turn to me

"Would you like to come in, I mean have a few drinks with me" Zayn ask as I hesitantly nod and stop the car

We walked into the house with the help of Zayn getting my jacket off

"Thank you" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear

"Hello" I heard to see a short woman walk from upstairs

"Oh Ally, are the kids asleep" Zayn ask as I understood that this was the babysitter

"Oh why yes, they so cute and tiny and they sure do love sweets, I hope you didn't mind we made some cookies" Ally said as I smiled. She sounded so cute

"Oh no not at all. Thank you again here I'll go get your paycheck" Zayn said as he walked away to find his checkbook

"Hi there" She said to me

"Hi" I said

"My name's Ally" She said as I nod

"My name's Lauren" I said

"Why Lauren it's lovely to meet you, might I say you got some lovely set of eyes there" She said staring into my eyes

"Why thank you, you got yourself a cute accent, I could tell you're not from here. Where are you from" I ask

"Thank you, and I moved here from Houston to go to college. I go to Oxford University, and I must say that Its all lovely" she said smiling

"Oh really what year" I ask

"Its my fourth year there" She said as I nodded

"Now where are you from, I could tell you ain't from here. You don't have that British accent" She said as I chuckled

"No I'm not from here really. I'm from Miami Florida but moved here when I was four, and I guess because I was close to my dad or surrounded by people who had American accents it stuck to me" I said remembering my dad only hired american old lady maids to watch over me

"Oh wow, you lived in London for quite some time, I only moved here four years ago" Ally laughed while I smiled. She wasn't half bad.

I turn as soon as I heard footsteps to see Zayn with a check in his hand

"Here, thanks again Ally for this. Have a goodnight" Zayn said as he handed Ally her check

"Not a problem, Lauren it was amazing to meet you, well bye now" Ally said walking out leaving me and Zayn to ourselves

"So do you like red wine or white wine" He ask as we both walked to the kitchen

After four drinks and conversation about work and life, it was time for me to go

"Well it was nice being here but I gotta go" I said putting down my drink as Zayn stood

"Are you sure, I have a guest room, you can stay there if you want." Zayn ask worried

"No I gotta go home I'm just a bit tipsy" I said as my head was slightly spinning around

"Just a reason why you should stay. Really you can, wouldn't want to hear my boss got into a car crash" Zayn said as I took a few minutes to think to myself till I finally agreed

"Sure, if it isn't any trouble" I said as Zayn smiled

"Not a problem let me show you" He said as he gently grab my hand and leaded me upstairs

As we walked down the hall I couldn't help but notice the door with different colored animals, and drawings that look like different animal, fantasy animals and Dragons and princesses etc

I took it to see it was his kids room

After a few steps we stop in front of a door, I turn to see another door which I took notice that it was his room

"Here" He said opening the door for me as I see a queen size bed with grey covers, a nightstand, closet stand and a few lamps

"Thanks" I said as I took a seat on the bed

"Oh wait, I'll be right back"He said walking out of the room as I looked around just staring into space

I heard footsteps enter and saw Zayn with a t shirt and shorts

"Here, it was all I had" he said as I nodded

"Well goodnight" he said walking out until I stop him

"Zayn, thanks for letting me stay" I said as he smiled and walked out

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