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Zayn POV
I walk down to my door with a smile planted on my face. It just wouldn't go away

"Hey weirdo" I heard to see Harry standing by an open door in his robe. His chest showing which is a classic Harry style

"Hey man" I said as I stand at my door that was across him

"Why you smiling to much, did something happen huh" He smirks as I chuckle

"It's nothing" As I try to force myself to bring down my smile but it still stayed printed on my face making Harry raise his brows at me

"Oh really, nothing as in Lauren huh" He said as I shake my head in embarrassment

"Hey dude, nothing to be ashamed of. I see the way you look at my sister and the way you look at her. Just know I support it 100 percent" He says and I felt touch by this confession of his

"Lauren hardly has friends or people in the aspects of her and you. She stays like a hardcover you know? I'm happy she found you. It was like she saw you and instantly fell. Lauren's a tough cookie to get around but she instantly she soften up to you. When I first met her when we were kids she didn't talk to me for three years. Only about little things you know" Harry says as I nod.

It made my smile widen more. Lauren was hard to get around. Or so I heard about the company but it seem easy to talk to her when I first came to the company. She was towards me an amazing and genuine leader

"I'm happy I found her as well" I say as Harry smiles and nods

"Hurt her, I'll kill you. Like seriously I'll have you killed" He says as I'm shaken a bit with fear but it goes away as he chuckles

"I'm kidding bro, that look on your face. Who do you think I am. Some big mafia leader. Please" He laughs as I nod laughing that it did seem far to think

"Hey guys" I heard to see Niall coming from the elevator a bag in hand

"What ya got in there" I ask as he lifts the bag

"Just a bit of shopping" he shrugs

"What's going on here. A boys midnight talk" He says as I chuckle

"Something like that" Harry says as he nods towards me

"A talk that's about a certain someone, someone that is Lauren" Niall said wiggling his brows at me

"How did you know" I say as he laughs

"Please the way you and Lauren stand by each other and look at each other is just enough to know. It's cute." He says as I smile

"Weird that I'm talking about her like this since she's my boss but it's nice to see her being happy. Every time I see her. She always looks mad at everyone, everything or just anything" He says

"It's true, Lauren really hated everyone" Harry nods

"Really? I don't see it" I said as Niall chuckles

"That's because Lauren looks at you with heart eyes and looks at everyone with her killer eyes ready to you know, kill" He says as I shake my head

"Alright then, get some sleep. We got a big ol meeting tomorrow and a game tonight" Harry says as I turn to unlock my door

"Camilas dad right" I ask as Harry reply a yep

"This is great, it's a game for the seasons. It's gonna be pack there" Niall said all excitedly

I turn to Harry to see him nodding at this remark

"How are you and Camila. You guys make up yet" I ask turn to him as he shrugs

"In the process of" He says as I nod and open my door before I stop and look back at him

"Isn't your room the other side of Lauren" I ask him in confusion as he nods

I look at his attire. The white robe. Exposed chest. Hair all tousled but that's how it always looked to be honest. I stare at his neck and notice bits of lipstick marks and red bites area. I look up to his face to see him smirking

"In the process" He says before giving me a last smirk and closed the door I chuckle

"What a bunch of horn dogs, well anyway see ya tomorrow. Up and early okay. I wanna get see Normani tomorrow. God she's really a beauty if I've seen any" Niall says walking away off to him room. I wave good goodbye as I enter my room and shut the door

As I entered I smiled walking to the closet where I placed my clothing and changed

It seem so bizarre to me, Becoming friends with The Harry Styles. Meeting The Camila Cabello. And meeting Lauren Jauregui.

They were just the most successful people to ever have connections too and just having them in my life just feels life changing in all honestly. Lauren mostly being a big part. Who knew she would ever be interested in someone like me. Hell even if she is. I know I am. She's the embodiment of a strong leader and someone i can trust

I heard my phone ringing and went to grab it from my desk. It was Liam. Probably calling about the kids

"Hey man" I said

"Hey" He said I walk to the window to look out only to see darkness. But lights brightening it up

"How's Milan huh" He ask

"It's amazing, truly. How are Sam and Daisy" I ask as I hear a scoff

"Sleeping, it was so easy. I think I'm ready to have children of my own" He says as I laugh at that

"Have you met Normani yet" He ask

"No not yet, we are having a meeting tomorrow with her" I said

"God you really are surrounded by the most beautiful women. You're meeting Normani Kordei, traveling with Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui. You are living the dream my guy" He signed as I shook my head chuckling

"Say how are things with you and Lauren, did things escalate to anything" He ask and he changed the tone of his voice to high that last part making me laugh

"Things are good. It's steady I would say" I heard him groan

"Come on man. I want to hear the juicy stuff" He says

"Well there isn't anything juicy" I feel I should leave out that small kiss we had. It seem to soon to speak of. As I was unsure how to say it and where it leaded

"Alright then, well call me later. I'm sure Sam and Daisy would like to call ya" He said

"Okay, and thanks man" I said

"No problem, you're best friend. But I expect the same when I have my own children" He says as I chuckle before hanging up

I lay down and look up at the ceiling. My mind focus on Lauren. That kiss must of meant something to her as it did to me. I smile as I close my eyes and hopefully another good day tomorrow


Hi there, it's been a while since I last updated and I've been motivated to try and finish all my books I wrote. I posted on my account messages about why I haven't been posting and how now I am. It just irks me as I have so much stories in my drafts and stories I have now just sitting there incomplete. I'm sorry for this wait and hopefully there are a few who are still interested in what I write. I updated Camping trip first though cause I had a small draft of it and just continuously added more into it. Hopefully you guys like it :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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