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Lauren POV
I stood there frozen for a solid minute until I return to my posture

I look towards Harry to see him still eyes widen, and Camila was back to her posture

Everyone in the room had confused looks, but only one face caught my eyes. Zayn

He looked at the man who walked into the room with confused eyes and then back at me, just to the moment we connected eyes.

His eyes were asking me who this person was as I rolled my eyes making his smile

"Well isn't this awkward" A voice said from the man who walked in

"Well I could understand all the confused faces, I never really shows myself to you all and the public" He said as to the people sitting down

"But my name's Mike Jauregui" He said smiling just as gasps were let out and whispers

"As you all know I am the boss of the whole Companies, and I just wanted to drop by and see my kids" He said looking at me with his big smile and to Harry who looked nervous but yet smiled

He looked at me again

"Hi sweetheart" He said with the same smile as I smiled tightly at him

"Hi" I said wanting to keep professional

"Oh wait a minute it the Camila Cabello" Mike said as I look to Camila to see her smiling and nodding

"Oh look at you, all grown up, modeling I see, ya know Anne always look at your photos" My dad continued as I got lost into my thoughts

My dad never dropped by ever, and whenever he wanted to see me or Harry at the same time was for dinner when we were kids or to talk about something important

"Uh dad, was there anything specific you wanted, because I know you, and you don't come to me or Harry without a reason" I said making him stop and smile lightly

"Ah Lauren always so smart, you're right, I need to speak to you and Harry about something, it's uh some news you need to hear" He said as I nodded

"Can we go to another room, this is for private matters" My dad said as I begin to feel a bit nervous

"Of course" Harry said standing up

"Angela we need a room, can you please take Mr.Jauregui to there" Harry said as Angela nodded

"We'll be there in a minute" Harry said to my dad as he nodded and walked away

"Sorry everyone, if you all could wait here, we will be back soon" Harry said as he looked at me and walked out signaling for me to walk out

I walk to the side Zayn was and smiled at him an walked out of the room to where my father was


Zayn POV
It's been about five minutes since Harry and Lauren left with Laurens dad Mike and every other person are speaking to one another, for instant Niall was speaking to a man name Randy, from what I can hear, they were both speaking about golf. But I got bored and tune them out

I stood up and walked towards Camila who was on her phone

She saw me coming and smiled

"Hey there" She said as I smile

"Hey Camila" I said

"So how are you and Harry" I ask as she blush and looked down

"It's been nice, since we're going to Milan I wanna show him to all of my favorite places there" she said as I laugh

"You've been to Milan" I ask before thinking that was a stupid question, she's a model she travels everywhere

"Yeah, I actually lived there before coming here" She said

"Well this is my first time traveling so yeah" I said

"Wait you never been on a plane before"She said as I nodded

"Oh well you have nothing to worry about" She said putting her phone away and smiled

"You've been on a roller coaster right" She said as I nodded before shuttering

"Yeah, but I hate them" I said as Camila eyes brighten

"Oh well you see a plane is just like a rollercoaster" She said as my eyes widen

"Really" I said

"Yep" She said popping the p

"Dont worry, I don't think they're gonna do a loopy loop, or maybe they are" She said questioning herself as I begin to get nervous

Camila began to notice my nervousness and began to laugh

"Oh my god, I got you there" She said giggling as I begin to get confused

"Got me, got me what" I said

"I was joking , airplanes aren't like rollercoaster" she said as I felt my cheeks turn red from embarrassment

"Hey it's okay Zayn, I would've trust someone's words to me if it was my first time on a plane" She said as I nod feeling a bit embarrassed but smiling anyways

"You know you never been to Milan I lived there for sometime for my life and you wanna know something, Laurens never been to Milan, I can ya know give you some location and you and Lauren can go sight seeing, or just be seeing both yourself. Together." Camila said as usual felt my cheeks turn a different shade again

"Oh you like Lauren, wait of course you do, and of course she does too, oh we should go on a double date. Oh wait wait baby steps" Camila said as I begin to chuckle

"You know there's this restaurant I went to, it was where Louis took me for our first date" Camila said before pausing with this sad look on her face but she continues

"And it was beautiful, it was on the rooftop, you can reserve it, and it looks so beautiful up there with the night sky" Camila said before smiling

"I could help reserve it for you and Lauren" She said as I smiled

"Are you sure, it sounds like a place you'll like to remember as yours" I said as Camila smiled and sigh

"Past is the past, meaning some thing's are meant to be let go for the better" She said as I nodded letting me think of her words

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I just finish finals, meaning I'm done with School. All I have left is a trip to Boston on Monday and it's summer for me. But in the summers there is still work to be done

What do ya think Mike, Laurens dad wanted to speak to Lauren and Harry about? Let me give you a hint, it has something to do with the past of Lauren.

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