7: Janitor's Closet

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I sketched a lot this morning on the bus. My confidence was lacking today. I guess because of everything yesterday.

"Good morning," Grayson says as he sits beside me; his voice deadpanned.

"Everything ok?" I ask him, still sketching; not sure of what I'm actually drawing.

"We need to talk, but not here," he says. That frightened me. Usually things like that meant death or something wild. I didnt do anything wrong! Im just a modest, quirky girl! I didnt want anything that costed a life. We were quiet the rest of the ride to school. When we finally arrived, he grabbed my wrist and steered me inside of the school. I tried so hard not to make it look like I was scared. He finally pulled me into a janitor's closet. Was he going to leave off from where we were yesterday? Because that's what this closet was for. Ancient history sex and make-out sessions were in this closet. That's probably why it smells like sweat an mildoo.

"About yesterday..." He looks me straight in the eyes. Those hazle eyes! Damn!

"Y-yeah?" I stutter

"I couldnt stop thinking about it last night." He held a grip on to my shoulders, still his eyes locked on to me. "Do you think of me as a friend?"

"Fraternity?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"That's what that means," he nodds his head. I sit on a near by bucket and looked up at him.

"Well, do you?" I didnt want to admit it unless he did. I didnt want to embarrass myself in front of him. I wanted to say, 'Yes Grayson, I like you. Ive actually sort of liked you for quiet some time but you seemed to not like me so I dont even know.' But I have no idea what to say now.

He gulped then sighed. He looked away, looking everywhere else but me. "Yes. And I think I may have fallen for you," he says apprehensively. That's what I thought he would say. And it hit me. I really wanted him now. My stomach tingled and fluttered with butterflies, because what I'm about to do, will probably be the stupidest thing I've ever done. I got off the bucket and flung my self into his arms, smashing my lips into his. His lips were soft and welcoming. I hardly knew what to do because I've never kissed anyone but James Renso in Pre-School but that doesn't count. Grayson basically showed me what to do next through his lips. What he did, was what I did.

I pulled away. "I totally enamor you," I chuckle out of breath before kissing him again.

He leans back, "We should head to class," he says, panting.

"Wait-" I drifted in for one more kiss, and it was as good as the first. He smiled then opened the closet door. I followed behind him. He went up stairs as I remained on the first floor. I was almost tripping over my own feet; how dizzy I was.

That kiss. Oh Lord! Now that was something to tell the girls. I was part of the closet's history now. I even lost my kissing virginity in there. Not the most romantic place to do it, but it was with some one who I really liked. Grayson Jones admitted he liked me through his kiss. Screw it, if we only known each other for 2 and a half days. I met some one who actually likes me for me. And I wasnt acting like someone else, I was being who I am. I walked into class a minute late, still absent minded.

"Miss Greener?" Mr. Reed asked me, concerned.

"Huh?" I look up, everyone staring at me. I stood in place.

"Are you ok, Miss Greener?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah." Mr. Reed was probably most shocked that I was late. Mostly everyone was. Im not the type to usually be tardy.

"Then take your seat, Miss Greener," he says, motioning to the only open seat. I paced to the chair and took out my notepad and pencils. Mr. Reed raised one eyebrow and then proceeded to his lesson. I countiously kept configurating off back into the Janitor's closet.

"Hey." Danny Ferroe taps on my desk lightly while the teacher taught. I turned my head towards him. "I saw you and Grayson come out of the Love Closet," he informs me.

"Are you two, like, a thing now?" I kind of liked the sound of that. But I shrugged, not exactly sure of what we are. Danny nods and turns back to his assignment. I could still feel Grayson's lips on mine, moving with mine... I smile to myself again.

The bell finally liberated us to the next class.

"Presely!" Kelly calls from behind me. I stop for her to catch up.

"Oh hey!" I hugged her. Kelly was slightly out of breath.

"I heard that you and Grayson were in the Love Closet. Spill the beans," she demands.

Authors Note

edited 27/12/2014

Wow it's crazy how many reads and votes i got in just 2hours! Thanks so much <3

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