4: Confidence Inserted

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I woke up this morning feeling like I was hungover, even though I hardly was at the party. Nor did I touch a drink while the times I was there.

Today, I felt confident and I had no clothes in that category so I tiptoed down staires and snuck into my mother's room. I switched on her walk-in closet lights. Something that spoke confident...confident.

Perfect! I picked up a black laced button up tank top and faded blue jean skinny jeans that were rolled up at the ankles. Then I stole her black Michael Kors flats. Now this-was defiantly confident.

I made it to the bus this time today, with just 3 minutes left to spare. In the mean time, I listened to music. I slid through my phone, bored. The bus finally came-thankful I didn't have to wait for so long in the slight coldness.

"Hello Miss Greener," the bus driver greets me. Anne and I are pretty close -even though she's a 36 year old virgin, cat lady- she's still pretty cool. Maybe Anne is just my only real friend.

"Hi Anne!" I smiled then moved to the back of the bus.

"Hey!" A boy yells from outside as Anne was about to close the doors. "Wait! Hold up!" Grayson Jones ran faster than I've see an adverage person run to the bus, hitting the glass door. Everyone gasped to see the popular Grayson Jones riding our bus. Even I was suprised. He looked around the bus then spotted me, traveling down the aisle and sat in the same bus booth that I did. I sat uncomfortably, staring straight at Anne the bus driver.

"Hey Presley," he addressed me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, a little nervous. He opened his mouth in shock, apparently offended by my question.

"I cant ride the bus? Its a free country you know," he says. I arched one eyebrow, not convinced. "My dad took away my car keys, because I went to the party with out asking him." He rolled his eyes. I studied his features, this was probably as close as I was ever going to get to him, so why make the best of it? His olive skin was perfectly perfect. Nice and smooth...and then his eyes were mesmerizing! His lips were so full and kissable and pink.

I cleared my throat, to bring myself back to reality. "When are you getting it back?" People turned around to see us in the back alone. Stunned that I'm sitting with Grayson.

"In three days," he tells me. He adjusted himself in the seat. "So in the mean time, I'm going to sit with you!" He smiled at me. I smiled back shyly.

"So what do you do here on the bus?" He asks, looking around, seeming disgusted.

"We sit and wait till we arrive to our destination," I tell him. Has he seriously never ridden a bus before? But I dont blame him, he's pretty wealthy and has his own car.

"Thats it?" He looks suprised. Grayson looked so cute when he was confused and suprised. I laughed at his answer. "Well sorry!" He chuckles like he read my mind, or maybe my face just gave out too much of my thoughts.

After our laugh, it just got awkward. I looked around trying to find something to talk about.

"So what's your plan after high school?" For myself, I didnt even know. Maybe I'd be a nurse, they make pretty good money, right?

"Well I plan to go to Harvard University in Massachusetts. Study dentristy and maybe be a orthodontist," he answers in monotone. "Nah, what am I kidding? That's what my dad wants," he admitts to me, to himself really.

"Then what do you want?"

He nods his head,"I dont even know."

"Hey me neither," I tell him, shrugging my shoulders.

"What else dont I know about you?" He looks me right in the eyes. Again, my cheeks flushed and I looked away before I start hypervinilating.

"What do you want to know?" I smirk. My confidence deffinatly hasn't gone away yet. Good. Or else I would not be surviving this conversation right now.

"What's your favorite colour?" He smiles like he's been waiting on my answer for ages. Like he actually cares.

"Blue," I answer.


"History." We went on like this for the bus ride. I talked to him as if I didnt know who he actually was. Like he was a brother of mine or something. We arrived to school and I was the last to get out.

"He's cute," says Anne. I couldnt help but smile big.

"I know."

"He looks like he likes you," she gives me a poor wink.

"Oh please," I scoff. "He has a girlfriend. And even if he didn't, I would not be on his list of girl's to date."

"I dont know," she shook her head. "It looks like you are." I hugged her and stepped off the bus. Jenn was the only one who waited for me.

"Hey Presley!" Tally two, that she's gotten my name right. Jenn's getting good at this. I waved to her as I stepped foward.


She linked her arm into mine and we walked into school. "So I saw Grayson come off your bus! Anything happen?"

"Yeah so he got his car taken away for three days because of the party. And he sat by me..." I told her almost every detail about the trip to school. We giggled like best friends. This day couldn't get better and it's not even first period yet!


Jenn and I walked to lunch giggling and talking crap about Leane. Jenn says that I would look way better with Grayson than Leane but I seriously doubt that. She's gorgeous and I'm just...pretty. Grayson had a taste for gorgeous girls, I would know. And besides, our chance of being together is 1 and infinity. There was no way. We push threw the double doors of the cafeteria.

I haven't felt this good in my life! People stare at us, the new best friends. And if it hadn't have been for this party, and if Kelly hadnt have thrown up on me, and Grayson taking me to his house, Jenn and Kelly wouldnt be talking to me like this. Confused, stumbled faces eye us. I couldn't help but form a smile on my face. Jenn and I walked to the lunch line while Kelly stayed at the table. I usually sat with her but Jenn made me come with her.

"What are you getting?" Jenn asks me. I usually got goldfish, a sandwitch,and an apple. But of course she never noticed.

I looked at the menu. "I'll get pizza please." I told the lunch lady. Her face almost looked suprised, yes she was my somewhat friend. Mrs. Sue as I called her. She shrugged her shoulders and slapped a pizza on my plate.

The food here is disgusting, that's why I always got what I got because of this crap. We placed our trays on the table then sat down.

Kelly leaned over to where her boobs were almost all out. "Did you hear about Grayson and Leane? I heard they broke up!" She gossips.

"What?" Says Jenn.

Kelly nodded her head real fast. "I heard it from Janelle!" She pointed to the pale girl with brown hair. She had blue eyes and always wore plaid flannels and platform shoes that everyone knows is her style.

"You hear that Pres? You have a chance with him!" Jenn wiggles my arm eagerly as I sink into thought. What if it's because of me? What if I ruined their relationship? But then I think, he doesnt even like me! I sigh in relief, knowing things are fine. I do not want Leane ganging up on me because I know I'll loose.

I smiled shyly at them as they went on about me and Grayson having babies and getting married. They had indigenous imaginations that could not come true.


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