1: How Things Coop Around Here.

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Girls like me don't get guys like Grayson Jones. His good looks, slightly built body, and his crazy hazel eyes that everyone falls for.

And guys like him dont get girls who wear converse with dresses instead of heels, and has pimples all over their face, and scars against their legs and arms. They dont like girls with plain jane brown eyes. Who have bigger brains than boobs, and was pale, and never wore name brands. Guys especially didnt like virgins. Even though virgins were a pleasure to all males of humanity, they found you a loser if you've never had sexual intercourse with someone. And thats why I wasnt part of the populars or had a boyfriend, and was socially awkward. Thats why, I'm me. And girls like me dont get anywhere.

I would know.

Like always, today I stayed home while all the wild teens did things that would possibly get themselves killed. But it's only 3 in the afternoon and again, I was watching Spongebob and eating Jelly Beans.

I don' have friends.

Well, I do but they have lives. I dont. And they never invite me anywhere. So yes, I am a loner. But I do my research, I mentally know what sex feels like, what a party feels like. I've watched enough movies to know what to do when a guy hits on you. But the only guys who ever actually hit on me, are chumps. Sadly. I didnt know anything about relationships though. At least not from experience, well because... I never had a boyfriend...

"Shit!" I hear from across the street, bringing me out of my train of thoughts. It must have been Grayson Jones, because his father hardly comes outside. Somewhere in the universe, the stars blessed me with Grayson Jone's house being across the street from me. Which was an advantage because I could see him from a distance, as stalkerish as that sounds. I got up from my bed and watched him straight from my window. He was shirtless, fixing his 1965 Mustang convertible. His back was smooth and sweaty. You could tell he was trying to show off his abs. His bare arms flexed as he wiped his hand from the car grease on to a dirty blue towel. I couldnt help but bite my bottom lip.

But who am I?

Oh right... Presley Greener

I almost forgot that I wasnt the most popular Leane Lace. His girlfriend. She wasn't one of those blondes who was the head cheerleader or anything. She was too lazy for that. You could see her electric blue eyes from 10 miles away. Her hips were curvey, she was tall. And she wore everything that was named brand and heels. She was a typical white blonde.

I was honestly jealous of her.

I've must of made some type of noise because he turned and looked dead at me. I gasped then quickly faced the other way and slid down the wall, embarresed. My heart was jumping and jittering. I just made eye contact with Grayson Jones! I peered my head around the corner and he had already turned back to his diesel car. I sighed in relief.

"Presley! Come help me clean up please!" My mother calls me from down stairs. I grunted, I did not want to help her pick things up or any of that crap. But then I think, what else do I have to do.

Lucky me, I wasnt the complete socially awkward, ugly nerd kind of freak. I think I'm pretty darn beautiful, not going to lie. I scoff at myself. I finally ended at the last step.

"Since you have nothing better to do, help me with the boxes," my mom said, carrying a box to her room. We just moved to this house one month ago, and we are the slowest unpackers ever. My dad usually helped us with stuff like this, but he ended up leaving me and my mom. Not helping us with anything. I shook my head slightly, I try not to think of it.

I grabbed one of the boxes by the staires. "Thanks mom," I say. "I'm glad you think that way."

"Oh by the way, you did it again," my mom said quietly as if she didnt want anyone to hear. She was talking about me talking and screaming in my sleep. There nightmares of my dad never coming back...

Like I said, I dont like to talk about it.

"This box goes in your bathroom," she tells me. I nod then carefully go up the staires with a slightly heavy box.

Stumbling the way I do, I finally make it up the stairs on my face.

"What was that noise!" My mom yells from down the staires. I rolled my eyes at how stupid I was. I picked up the box and paced to my bedroom then slammed the door shut. I sighed in relief to find that Grayson was still outside.

"Why me?" I ask out loud


Later that night, me and my mom ended up having Chinese food on the couch.

"So whats been up lately? Tomorrow you go to school," she says.

"I know," I roll my eyes. "Nothing has been going on lately."

"No boys? No romance? No ditching class?" Why was my mom so anxious about these things. I am a straight A student. I never skipped (also I have nothing to skip for), nor do I have some type of budding romance with anyone.

"No," I say simply with a sigh.

"Not even sex?" She asked. I choked on a peice of chicken.

"What? No! No! Mom I'm only 17!"

"So? I had sex at this age!"

"I did not need to hear that." I get up from the couch, putting my left over carton of noddles in the fridge.

"Oh yeah!" My mom gets up and paces to her room. Half a minute later, she comes back with a box.

Trojian condoms.


"You need to be safe!" She tries giving me the box but I push it back to her chest.

"Trust me Mom, I wont be getting any types of close to a guy in a few more years when I'm married so don't worry," I tell her calmly. She had a sad face on.

"Fine." And she put it back in her room.

Im sure every girl would want their Mom to basically give them permission to have sex, but safetly of course. But for me, it was plain down weird!

I brushed my teeth and washed my face from the pollution roaming around. Today wasnt at all expected. I thought it would be normal untill my mother comes and asks me if I've had any sex yet, then getting upset when I said no! Crazy women, I laugh to myself.

I try getting as situated as possible then close my heavy eye lids to a deep slumber.

~Authors Note
So I edited this chapter and is now working on others.

∾Interested in this story? Check out Macfeline's other stories like Just 8 Steps, Lovely Hearts, and a new story: Addict

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