8: Officially

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I told Kelly everything that had happened. She told Jenn and Jenn told pretty much all her friends.

Including Leane Lace.

After that, I've just been terrified! I watched my back and checked every corner before I did anything. But what's weird is that I haven't exactly seen Grayson anywhere. Well at least since our little confession time in the Love Closet. So instead of rushing to class, I tried looking for Grayson.

"Oh hi, Breezley," says Leane behind me. Her voice shot me right in my chest. I turned around slowly. I didnt even want to correct her on my name, scared that she would emotionally beat me up. "I hear you were in the Love Closet with my boyfriend." she peirced her lips. She's so much taller than me, even without her heels.

"He isnt your boyfriend anymore," I state as nicely as I could.

Her face turned into a mean looking frown and she steps closer to me. "Oh so he's your boyfriend now?"


"Exactly." She starts towering over me like a building. She points her manicured finger at my chest, almost knocking me down. "Because Gray-Gray doesnt like loaners like you. He doesn't like girls like you. He likes girls like me," she spit, making me step back gradually while she kept stepping foward. I was already late to class. The bell had rang about two minutes ago. Probably after she's done bullying me I could go cry in the bathroom for the rest of the period. I was already beginning to cry now.

"Leane," Grayson demands her name. His voice was so stern and serious. She looks up from me and stood up straight.

"Uh, Grayson honey," she tries to hold his hand, but he dodges away and reached for my waist instead. Leane's mouth dropped but then she closed it and shifted her weight, crossing her arms. Oh yes, she was pissed. I smirked a little to myself but I didn't dare let her notice.

"H-how much did you hear?" she stutters, biting her nail.

"I heard enough. Leave my girfriend alone," he tells her. My stomach jumps when he said that word, knowing that he was referring to me.

"Girlfriend?!" She shouted. Enough to get the principle out in to the hallways. Principle Rice was a short stubby woman who wore the same suit everyday. I wouldn't be suprised if her closet was filled with them. Her white-grey hair and pale wrinkles were very noticeable. She had pink round glasses that made her look like Ms. Umbridge from Harry Potter.

"What are you kids doing in the halls? Go to class," she specificly was looking at me and Leane. She shifted her eyes to Grayson and her whole image changed. Her face was lit up, and a smile was formed. Her eyes sparkled as she went and hugged Grayson. Grayson let go of my waist. My hips instantly became cold and empty. "Grayson! How have you been?"

"Good afternoon Carolyn, I'm doing good. Have you been working out?" He checks her out. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Principle Rice blushed.

"Oh why I have. Thank you for noticing!" She grins. "Now let me write a pass for you. But for you girls, head to class." She made a face at me. Leane walked off, mumbling to herself like a rebel child.

"Uhm actually, Carolyn, Presely's with me," Grayson hints. She looks at me then smiles slightly. I smile back nervously.

"Oh is she your new lady?" she winks.

"She is now," he looks down at me then kisses my forehead.

"She's cute. And a great student. She's a keeper Grayson Jones," Principle Rice complements me.

"Thank you," we say at the same time. She writes Grayson and I a pass then sends us out. We walk in the hallway, holding hands. I like the feeling of his soft hands. They formed into mine like they were made for it.

"You're such a suck up," I tell him.

He shrugs, "I just tell them what they want to hear," he winks.

He walked me to my class then kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, making me be on my tippy toes. I dont know why, but I all of a sudden started laughing in between kisses.

"What?" he asked, sending me one of his famous cock-sided smiles. I've never noticed before; he has one dimple in his chin when he smiles.

"You have a dimple!" I say out loud, excited now about my new discovery.

"Yeah, I know," he laughs.

"That's cute." I could feel me blushing. I could feel a wave of boldness. He finally gives me one more peck.

"I'll see you after school." And then I walked into class, feeling my muscles flexing into another smile. I was feeling a little overwhelmed.

Grayson Jones was now mine.

Authors Note

edited 28/12/2014

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