16: It's Complicated

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"Honey, wake up. Time for school," my mother's serene voice says. At first, I thought it was me dying and going to heaven, but then when I finally woke up, I realized that I'm still in hell. I groan out of bed.

"Can't I skip just one day? " I beg.

She chuckles. "No." my face sags with sadness. I guess I have to face my fears then.

After I get ready, I leave the house and Grayson stands outside leaning against his 65' convertible Mustang. He's trying to charm his way back to me. I've seen this in a movie.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I got my car back, you want a ride?"

"From you? No thanks."

His posture changes and he leans towards me. "Come on Pres. You gotta hear me out. We have to get past this!"

"To be honest Grayson... I don't know if we'll ever get past this." I walk away from his sexy jawline and sparkly eyes and decide to walk to school—I'd rather time to myself.

As I walk on to campus, I automatically felt the difference. Cold skin locks on to my arm and I look up to see Leane smiling viscously at me.

"Hey best friend," she says.


"I wanted you to meet someone!" She motions to a tall, maybe 6'3, boy—or maybe man in a marine uniform, with creamy dark chocolate skin and short curly hair. He was honestly... Wow.

We walk to him and the closer I got to him, the more butterflies swarm in my stomach. "Ellis, this is Presley Greener, Presley, Ellis Thomson.

Ellis's big hands reaches for mine, "How do you do." I give it to him and he gently shakes it.

"Hi," I stutter. His eyes made me forget about all of my problems. His light brown eyes made me want to melt in to a puddle right here right now.

"Well I'll just let you two talk," Leane says, clicking her heels and struts away. I looked back shocked. She left me with this handsome man alone! I don't do well with guys, like at all.

"I'm sorry about Leane, she likes to play match maker sometimes," says Ellis, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I say under my breath.

"To be honest, when she told me about you, I pictured a snobby girl, but already, I know you have none of the qualities she mentioned," he scoffed loosely.

"Thank you." I'm definitely going to kill her now.

"Hey," Ellis lifts my chin up to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that..." I stopped myself before I told him anything. What do I tell him? I don't want to just spill my whole life out to him. He's too innocent! "I have problems with my boyfriend right now." He immediately let go of my chin.

"Leane told me that you and your boyfriend broke up?" He starts to slowly back up.

"I mean we did...I think... I don't know, it's complicated."

"It seems like it," he says, with a crooked smile and genuine eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm not looking to date any one just yet. At least not until I fix what's going on with my boyfriend."

"I totally get it. But it doesn't mean we can't be friends." He winks at me and his eyes sparkle. "I'll see you around, don't be afraid to talk to me." The bell rings as he walks away, the butterflies going with him. I haven't felt that since Grayson.

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