14. Let's Tie a Knot

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I felt a slight, cool touch on my wrist. I slowly open my dreary eyelids to what I thought would be my mother, but ended up being Leane Lace.

I wish I could run because at that point, I thought I was going to die. What is she doing here? Why do I feel like she has a switch blade in her bra? The black dress that she wore made her look slimmer, and longer. I felt like she was trying to show me what she'd look like at my funeral after she would kill me! One hand overlaps the other on her crossed legs, which made this situation even more intimidating.

"Hello," the devil speaks. "How are you?" This hollow kindness only frightened me more.

"Hi," my voice manages to choke out.

"I just thought I should bring you these flowers." Leane reaches down to pick up a bouquet of blood red roses. Of course! "You know, since I saved you and all."

I arched an eyebrow. Saved me?

Amused by my curiosity, she said, "I was the one who found you in the ditch, silly. Fireman said that if I had come any later that you would have had terrible frost bite!" Should I feel thankful or remorse, or just disgusted that it was Leane who saved me; after all, she just had sex with my boyfriend! Well at least I think she did.

"Thanks, Leane. That's really sweet. I owe you one."

And for some reason, I rued that response.

"Oh honey. It's nothing. Let's just tie a knot here and forget about our forsaken pasts and become friends." There was defiantly something going on; her voice had a devilish desire that hasted through the air. I remained silent. "Well," she said, slapping her thighs as she got up. "Gotta run for a pedi. You enjoy your day." I could see her tail peeking through her dress!

I smell the flowers for the heck of it. They were sweeter than Leane in all her years of life mushed together. My mother walked in shortly after Leane.

"Awe who was that?" My mother said as she poured a cup of black coffee in a mug.

"Leane Lace."

"Oh! I've always loved her! Do you remember when you two used to be the best of friends with Austin! The three of you were unstoppable." I wished she never brought that up. Leane and I ended on such bad terms. Me dating Grayson made a hell of a lot worse in our situation. But I do remember our relationship. It's weird to think about it now, you know, after she had sex with my boyfriend?!
*We were maybe in the 6th grade- when the altercation happened. By then, I've never seen her dark side.

It was at summer school, we had both failed our math class and it was needed to be taken again. Leane and I sit at a lunch table that's far in the corner of the cafeteria. No one ever noticed us there.

"I like him," Leane had said, pointing to a blonde haired, blue eyed boy named Ryan.

"Yeah, he's cute," I said. "But he's even cuter." I pointed to a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Grayson?" She reassured me.

"Is that his name?"

"Yeah. But I wouldn't think about it. People say he picks his nose and eats it! I would never date someone like that."

"Everyone has a bad quality," I said, defending him. I didn't know what was so disgusting about him-he was cute!

"Yeah whatever," she shrugged. "Hey look!" The blonde boy and Grayson exchange handshakes and the manly hugs.

They were friends!

"Now I know how to get to him..." Leane says low under her breath.

I never knew what she meant about that until one day, she was talking to Grayson, and sitting on him and flirting with him. It wasn't long until they were holding hands down the hallway. And that's when I found out what she had meant. Something bubbled up in me. Anger. It was such a hateful anger that I didn't know how to control it. That day, I stormed up to her at lunch.

"How could you?!"

"What did I do?" She exclaimed.

"You don't even like Grayson. You like Ryan!"

"No," she said innocently. "You like Ryan!" Leane had said that so loud that the cafeteria had went silent and everyone noticed our little table now."You're the one who said that Grayson picks his nose and eats it." My jaw dropped. How could she turn it around like that!

I took a deep breath. "Leane, don't lie," I said a little quieter. "You know that I liked Grayson, and you liked Ryan."

"I'm only telling the truth!"

"You're using him," I say.

"Just go finish watching your Spongebob shows with your mom instead of worrying about my business, you loser," she derides. The cafeteria laughs at my secret that Leane had just clamoured.

"At least I don't have the habit of biting my toenails, and kissing my brother!" And at that, Leane Lace was red, her eyes popped out in such a unhealthy way that they could have came out of her head. Laughter echoes louder through the room and I instantly regretted that. I was so vexed that I fought fire with fire. She was embarrassed and furious at the same time.

"Don't ever speak to me again you low-life lonely loser, ever again. I hate you, till this day forward."*


"Oh honey," my mom says, pulling me from my train of thought. "There's a card that fell out." My mother hands me the card then sits in the seat next to my bed. It's a baby pink little card that had a note on the inside:

Don't think that this is over. You Owe Me.
-Leane Lace

My heart skipped a beat. I tore the card in half, then tore it five million more times. It felt like 6th grade all
over again.

"Who was it from?" My mom
asks, confused.

"Oh, it's nothing," I say. "Just a receipt."

God knows that that was not a receipt.

Author's Note

Hey guys! So this is a last minute update. I feel like I don't know Presely anymore since I wrote this book like 3 years ago maybe? So it was kind of challenging to make things seem like her.

But anyways! Votes are rosy but comments blossom!

Love you guys for all of the support <3

Ps: I was going to write a new book called "Deep Below"... but I guess that has to wait. I might delete Addict though. Maybe/Maybe Not.

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