Chapter: 10

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I looked out the window as the trees pasted by, my stomach was in knots but I had a smug grin on my face. I didn't know what to expect when I got back home. I know my parents would be excited to see me but what about the other pack mates and him.

Ah, get it together Ali your not that old pathetic helpless boy. No I was strong and more poweful after all I was a vampire prince.

I do hve to say I would miss my cute hunter. I smikred at the thought of Ever.  I  instantly stopped in my thoughts when I saw the pack house. When the taxi stopped I hurried to get out and grabbed my three bags.

Slamming the door close I nearly tripped rushing up the trail to the steps.

I smiled when I saw my papa and dad standing on the stairs smiling also. I dropped my bags pulling my papa and dad into a big hug.

"I missed you guys so much", I whispered.

"You changed so much your taller and how the hell did you get tattoes and those piercings", asked papa angryly.

"Honey, he just got home we can have that conversation later", said dad as ge stressed the later part.

Great, I thought but I still smiled. Oh crap my bags, I quickly rushed back down the steps to get my bags.

"Come on , I'm sure there are other people that would love to welcome you home son", said papa as he opene the door.

My eyes widen as large as saucers when I looked up and saw the big bolded welcome home Ali in blue writing. My heart skipped a beat.

I was then crowed by numerous pack members as they welcomed me home. The only one missing was him.

"Ail", yelled Ben and Sam as they locked me into a group hug.

"whoa, you've gotten hotter", said  Sam as he grabbed my butt as we slowly pulled away from the hug.

I bushed and then laughed as Ben slapped Sam upside the head.

"You, whore don't hit me", yelled Sam as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Such a drama queen", said Ben as he rolled his eyes before turing to me and saying he was glad I was back.

I honestly can say that I missed these guys also.

"So.. come on", said Sam as he dragged me up stairs to my bedroom.

Once we got there he jumped on my bed and Ben locked my door.

"Mind telling me why you dragged me up here", I ask glaring.

"That bad boy look is so hot, oh baby", said Sam as he drooled.

"Ew, sometimes I wonder are you really a human bean", said Ben as he made his way towards my bed leaving me standing.

"Anyways, so.. did you happen to find some cute guy", said Sam as he winggled his eyebrows.

"What, no did you forget why I was sent away", I said  with a harsh edge to my voice but I couldn't help but think of my cute hunter.

"Okay,okay", said Sam as he held his hands up in surrender and just to bost his ego Be  waved a small white flag making me bust out laughing at those idoits.

"Man, You guys haven't changed at all", I say as I catch my breath.

"Tell me about it, some of us could use some maturing though", said Ben.

"F you bro", said Sam as he pouted.

Yeah being back won't be bad at all i thought as I listend to Sam tell a story about how Ben had pissed him self in school last week.

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