Chapter; 5

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After the party was over I dragged  my feet through the sand swaying  left to right in a drunken haze. Jazz had her arm around my waist trying to keep me balanced and get to the car. I chuckled when I almost tripped over a rock.

“Come on buddy we're almost there”, said Jazz softly.

“Where is Bennyboy”, I hiccupped.

“The last time I saw him he was with Ed but he told me to get the keys and drive Sam and you home”, she replied.

“Hehe”, I giggled picking her up and spinning her around making her squeal and punch me in  the shoulder.

“Ali, put me down now”, she yelled

“Ali, calm down man”, said Sam coming out of no where.

I put Jazz down pouting ”my stomach doesn’t feel right”, I said  before I bent down clutching my stomach throwing up. My eyes burned as tears streamed down my pale cheeks. “I-i throw up”, I hiccuped.

“Awe, Ali baby its okay come on lets get you home so we can tuck you into bed yeah”, said Jazz giving me a hug.

I nodded my head letting Sam and Jazz steer me in the direction of the car, out of the coner of my eye I saw Izz with his hands on Jess’s ass as they made out. I could feel my heart break into tiny pieces.  The rest of the night seemed like a distant memory because I couldn’t remember the drive or how I ended up in my bed.

I woke up with a major hungover. I sighed getting ready for the day, I slide out of my bed going straight towards my bathroom to wash. On my way I grabbed my towel and cought on my blue radio.

“Beginning sweetness never stays


Melting through the cracks in my hands


I guess I held on for too long


I’m done with your bittersweet tragedy


It’s no fun, when I’m sitting all alone


You’re right in front of me”, I sung along to bittersweet tragedy by Melanie Martinez.

I striped away my clothes letting them fall down to my feet I got into the shower enjoying its warmth on my back. Running my fingers through my hair with soap I scrubbed my scout then rinsing. I turned the noobs cutting off the warm spray. Getting out I wrapped my towel around my slim waist before going back to my room.

Going into my closet I picked out a black shirt that said come at me bro  in white lettering with red skinny jeans and black and white converse. I then processed to dry off my damp body to get dressed. When I was done with dressing I went back into my bathroom again to flat my hair and apply a little makeup to make my eyes pop.

Once finished I looked at myself, okay Ali today is going to be a good day I said with determination.

I smiled showing my fangs. Turning around I looked at my clock cursing under neath my breath I had five minutes to grab some breakfast before I was going to be late for school. I rushed out of my room down the stairs pushing past a pack member who growled at me. Talk about rude much.

“Look, who finally decided to join us for breakfast”, said my dad as he sat down a plate with a huge pile of chocolate packed.

I could feel myself drooling,I’m not even  that much late this time”, I pouted.

“Right”, said my dad rolling his eyes but he then smiled rubbing his small visible bump.

I smiled my self taking my place at the table. When everyone got to the table except for Izz which was weird but hey. We eat and talked amongst ourselves.

Maybe today would be a good day.

Authour note- I updated sorry for the wait to be honest I didn’t know if anyone was reading the second book but I saw the comments, votes and reads and guys you're amazing no lie :)

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