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I stopped running and fell to my knees why was all of this happening to me.

"Al, what are you doing here", asked my uncle Ben as he stepped down the porch and kneeled down beside me.

"I..i", stuttered.

"Come on in son", he said helping me stand up.

I let him guide me into the house.

He sat me down in a chair in the kitchen and sat across from me.

"Ben, who was ...Al honey how did you get all the way here", she rushed as she can up to me checking me for bruises.

"I... Just wanted to visit", I said lamely.

My uncle looked at me before shaking his head,"go get some rest its nearly eleven o clock."

I didn't have to be told twice, I ran past my aunt and went straight up to my old room. It still looked the same before I had left. The walls were still a vibrant shade of red with posters.

A computer desk sat in an angle along the wall near a window beside my bed.

I dragged my body towards my bed and fell on top of it covering my face with my arm. But all that did was torment me with flash backs of Izz and I in the woods.

"Stupid wolf", I mumbled as I whipped the stray tears.

My hands trembled to my stomach, maybe the moongodess would bless me in the next two weeks to come. That was highly doubtable though.

Somewhere along the line I must've fell a sleep because I woke up to my uncle shaking me roughly.

"Alistair, get your ass up do you know how worried your parents are", he yelled.

"What",I asked still half a wake.

"They called saying you ran away from home and had no idea you were here", he replied.

God, I wish he stopped yelling, I thought as I rolled onto my side.

"Um, opps", I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Opps, my ass here", he said as he tossed me the phone.

I caught it and raised an eyebrow before putting the phone to my ear and regretting it.

My dad was yelling non stop while my papa could be heard in the back ground. I loved my parents but honestly they weren't good parents. I know that's messed up but I can't help it.

"Al, why did you just run off, do you know how worried we were", he yelled.

"Dad, I'm fine",I said.

"Don't dodge my questions mr.", he yelled once again.

"Look, I don't wanna talk about it", I yelled back.

There was a pause before my papa got on the phone.

"Al, I'll call you later this conversation isn't over,your dad just went in labor", he said before the line went dead.

I throw the phone towards the wall watching it break into of pieces.

Silence then pierced the air. It was so painful that I felt like covering my ears and screaming.

Why couldn't have a mate who accepted me and wanted me. I changed, I was strong. But instead I let him hurt me again.

Two weeks... I mumbled letting my arms drop from my head. I had no clue they were there.

I felt a vibration in my back pocket  and saw it was him calling. I was tempted to throw my phone to but instead I slide my finger on the talk button.

"Hello, Al hear me out please", he begged.

"Only my friends can call me that", I hissed after finally finding words to say.
"...I didn't mean for what we did to happen it was a mistake, but the contract still good right, he asked.

My blood boiled as I crushed my sheets under my hand. A smile glanced my face before I spoke.

"Yeah, after all we're friends right", I said with a giggle.

"Gee, thanks goodness I had thought..."he said.

"Its just to bad in the contract it says you have to get pregnant not me , opps my uncle is  calling bye friend",I hissed ending the call. 

If I was pregnant the hell if they were getting it I would put it up for adoption before that, abortion was not an option.

I glanced at my ceiling letting my mind wonder.

Author note-whatcha think?🤔🙂 next chapter regular length.

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