Chapter 2

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Math , Art, and Latin Class were a boar which was odd because those were my favorite classes. The bell then rung making everyone gather their books quickly before rushing out of Ms.Lily's English class. I sighed and grabbed my textbook and backpack before walking out of the class trying to dodge people and making sure I didn't run into anyone.

"Hey, Ali wait up", yelled my friend Ben jogging to catch up to me.

Ben was five six with a nice body and you could partly smell power coming off of him. His hazel eyes flickered with unreadable expression.

"So...", said Ben smirking showing his sharp fangs.

"So...", I said copying him.

He rolled his eyes playfully and punched my arm making my squeal."No, but on a serious note did you decide what you were gonna do about Izaya", asked Ben folding his arms over his chest.

"Well, I...

"Ben, Ali got dam wait up", said Sam breathing heavy.

"That's a shame", said Ben shaking his head.

"What", yelled Sam pouting.

"You, should lay off the chips", said Ben rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, well you should stop acting like a bad ass when we all know you cuddle with your teddy bear at night", said Sam balling his hand up.

"Well atleast....

"Sup, guys" yelled Jazz; one of our friends jumping onto Sam's back.

"Hey, Jazz thanks for quieting that idiot down anyways Ali....

"Hey, Ed", I yelled running away from Ben before he tried to ask me anymore questions.

Ed, was a red hair who was cheerful and always knew how to make you smile.

I ran to Ed after nearly tripping buy lucky I caught myself but what I didn't realise was that Ed was talking to Izz . "Hey, Ali what's up", said Ed smiling.

"Um, nothing much", I said smiling back.

"What, do you mean nothing much", said Izz giving me a noogie messing up my perfectly styled hair. I would whoop that ass but he's lucky that he is cute.

I glared up at him and he just stuck his tongue out at he playfully like an idiot

"Well, I gotta go find Ben and the others", I said.

I saw Ed eyes lite up at the mention of Ben's name how weird are those two going out. Well I'll just have to question Ben later.

I walked away like a boss, okay so mmaybe I just walked away but hey just let me have my moment. I caught back up with Ben and the others as they were entering the courtyard outside where we ate lunch.

"What", I asked tilting my head to the side after having them stare at me for five seconds.

"Do, you have something to share little Ali", asked Jaz with an evil grin of her face while we sat down on the grass.

"I, don't know what you mean", I said innocently.

"Yeah, right you've been....

"Zoning out", finished Jazz.

"No, I haven't besides I'm not the one who has secrets and has been out of it right Ben", I said smiling.

"Well, Benny boy', said Jazz.

Ben gave me a look saying really did you just throw me under the bus before he turned his gaze towards the others,"I haven't been out of it and I have no secrets", said Ben in a mono tone.

"Liar", coughed Sam.

Oh, boy here they go again I thought sighing but as soon Ben opened his mouth Ed came and sat down.

"Hello , honey how are the kids", said Ed smirking.

Ben punched him in the arm while Ed pretend it had hurt him.

"Ed, I really think your mental", said Izz sending shivers down my spine.

Ed just shrugged his shoulders before he took out a ham sandwich and offered a piece to Ben.

What a load of peanuts something is going on between those two and I'm not the only one thinking it by the weird looks everyone was giving those two.

"Are, you two dating", asked Blade not beating around the bush.

Sam, slapped him in the back of the head and then looked at the two waiting for a response

"No", yelled Ben before Ed could answer.

Um, strange indeed.

Somewhere along the lines I zoned out to think about him, I wonder how his lips would feel against mine or how his......


"Earth, to Ali", yelled Sam waving his hand infront of my face while everyone chuckled making me blush.

"Gees, dude what is up with you lately you've been kind of out of it", said Ed frowning.

"You know for once Ed is right you have kind of been sorta day dreaming a lot", said Ben raising an eyebrow along with a look that said payback bitch.

"Yeah, you total just missed Ed's awesome story about him walking in on his parents doing the dirty", said Jazz pulling a strand of brown hair out of her face.

"Well, you see....

"Hey babe, why aren't you sitting with Vic and John",asked the bitch I mean Jess.

"Oh, I just thought I would talk with Ali", said Izz.

"Oh, okay", she said sitting down between Izz and me.

Let's just say lunch was awkward and you could feel the tension even though Ed and Ben tried to ease it.

So when the bell rung signaling it was time to go home I pulled Ben to the side giving him puppy dog eyes.

"What, do you want", he asked.

"Can, I please ride with you", I asked pouting also.

"Fine", he said rolling his eyes.

Author note- hope you guys liked this chapter and thank you for the vote and comment for the first chapter. Please also vote and comment on this chapter as well, also For Blade's name for some reason I wanted put Blaze's name instead.^-^

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