Meet The Parents 2.0

317 23 14

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Nikita's POV

"Pointers would be great Nikita. I feel like I'm going to war, without any idea how the enemy lines will actually be."

He wasn't even exaggerating; I could see the frown lines on his forehead. He was so worked up, his frustration building up more and more, as we neared my house.

Our flight had landed at Ringway about an hour and a half ago, and dad had sent cars to pick us up from there. My house was a good two hours away from the airport, and since we were driving for quite some time now, I knew we'd reach there in approximately thirty minutes or so.

To be honest, it felt like just today, that Safaa had announced about my family's weekend invitation, when in actuality, it had been three days. Three full days spent coaching Zayn, everything he had to know about my family. He was a fast learner, but I knew he was scared śhitless and would probably end up cracking under pressure.

"Babe you got this", I reassured squeezing his hand, and keeping my fingers intertwined with his.

He was really really stressed out, I wished I could take some of his burden off, and I was working on it. Sort of; at least, trying to- I think.

Max was talking everyone's ears off, and in return earning glares every so often from Kabir's direction.

Oh yeah, we had brought him along with us too. I mean we couldn't leave him all alone in Bradford, could we? That would just be plain rude. Plus, as much as I was not okay with it, he still was Waliyha's fiancé, which meant he was family; sort of.

"Your neighborhood is so beautiful", Max complimented as he gazed out the windows "It's like a small town on its own. And the houses, they are freaking huge! Mansions!"

I smiled. My family home was in the suburbs, and Max was right, it was like a small town on its own, where everybody knew everybody. Even though the place was beautiful, it was unfortunately also where my psycho ex's home was located, hence housing a truck load of bad memories.

I darted my eyes left and right, taking in the view. Bad memories or not, it was really nice being back in my hometown, after staying almost a year away. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I had missed the place.

"Nikita?", Zayn whispered in my ear taking my attention off the windows "You would probably freak out if I told you, but whatever you have taught me about your family the past few days, I've- ahh- I seemed to have forgotten everything. There's this blank in my head, and- what the hẹll am I going to do? Shiṭ!"

He was right, I was absolutely freaking out. The past three days whatever information I had fed Zayn, had been six month worthy. Or in other words, information only a steady boyfriend of six months, now fiancé would know. I was panicking because there was no way we could backtrack, this had to be it.

Zayn couldn't afford to screw up, but neither could I afford to have both of us freaking out. Which is why, I had to find a way to calm down.

"You haven't forgotten. You're just nervous, probably the reason why you can't think straight. I'll just give you a gist of it all, and hopefully you'll remember. Okay?"

He relaxed immediately, nodding his head. And I took a deep breath looking around the surroundings through the tinted windows for the last time. We were only two minutes away from entering the driveway to our house, and I prayed to god that I successfully ended up giving Zayn the much needed pep talk before we reached.

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