Stupid Kids

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Nikita’s POV

I so did not sleep well, I realize as I hit the snooze button on my alarm.

After an hour of twisting and turning in bed last night, I found myself unable to sleep. This always happened when I travelled somewhere new, and pretty much every night for the last two years. So there was only one thing that would help and that was a cup of tea. For most people, tea helped in keeping them awake, but it never really worked on me. Tea always helped calming my nerves and made me relax. And usually after I was done with two cups, I would be crazy sleepy.

As I had crept down the stairs, voices and laughter could be heard. When I got to the living room, I found my brother and his fiancé gossiping away with a blonde haired guy.

Kabir’s fiancée, Anna introduced the blonde guy as her brother Jason. He had green eyes and a very infectious smile, and seemed to be a few years older than I was. He was cute and all but I found him a bit too flirty.

As none of us were ready to go to bed, we decided on watching a Batman movie marathon. Halfway through the second movie, I felt my eyes closing. Even Christian Bale’s hotness couldn’t keep me awake, so I dragged myself up the stairs and slumped asleep on the bed.

As the alarm goes off again, I slowly open my eyes. Shit! 11:30 am? Seriously? Can’t believe I‘ve been asleep for so long! I pull the blanket off me, and get out of bed.

Grabbing a towel, I walk into the bathroom. As warm water pours over me, I find myself relaxing. I close my eyes and yesterday’s occurring rush through my mind.

Those mesmerizing eyes… That heart stopping smile… That warm honey voice.


I open my eyes quickly, to stop those memories from coming back. There is no point in thinking about things that can never happen. Zayn would always be a celebrity crush, nothing more.

As I try to keep my thoughts at bay, I towel my hair dry changing into a pair of dark blue jeans and my favorite peach top. Thinking I shouldn’t look like a total slob in front of Anna’s parents, I put on a little mascara and coat my lips with a light pink lip gloss.

Giving myself a do over in the mirror, I walk out of the room.

As I reach the kitchen downstairs, I’m greeted by a warm smile.

“Hey there babe, good morning!” Jason says.

Like I said, way too flirty!

Ignoring his comment, I slightly smile.

“Sorry, I kind of overslept. You know with the movie marathon and I did have a busy day yesterday. I hope your parents didn’t mind. Speaking of, where are they?”

“Don’t worry, they don’t mind. Mom made you breakfast too before they left.”

“Left? Where did they go?”

“Actually my nana is a little unwell, so my parents went to see her. They’ll probably be there for a few days.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, hope it isn’t anything serious?”

“Doctors said it’s because of old age. Mom is there now, she’ll take care of nana. Oh listen, do you want to grab lun…”

A loud crashing sound stops Jason mid-sentence.

As we rush out of the kitchen, I see my brother stomping angrily up the stairs.

I look confusingly at an equally confused Anna.

“What is up with him?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. He was fine when we got to the mall. But then, suddenly it was like he saw something and the next thing I know, he was rushing out of there angrily. He didn’t even utter a single word the ride back.” she says in a worried way.

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